Supervisor’s Minute Book, No. 18, Hamilton County, Iowa 742
The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. in the Boardroom of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Webster City, Iowa.
CALL TO ORDER: Called to order by Chair Wes Sweedler.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Board led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Doug Bailey, David Young, and Wesley Sweedler.
OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Powers, Dan Waid, Shelby Kroona, and Kim Schaa.
AGENDA: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
MINUTES: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2014 meeting. Motion carried.
AMENDMENT HEARING: OPEN PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Sweedler opened the public hearing on the FY’15 Budget Amendment.
PROOF OF PUBLICATION: Proof of Publication of the hearing notice was provided by Auditor Kim Schaa.
PRESENTATION: Presentation of Proposed Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Amendment was given by the Chairman Sweedler.
CLOSING OF PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Sweedler closed the public hearing at 9:09 a.m.
*RESOLUTION 2014-29: FY’15 HAMILTON COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to adopt Resolution 2015-29 adopting FY’15 Budget Amendment. Roll call vote: Bailey, Young, and Sweedler all voting aye. Motion carried.
*RESOLUTION 2014-30: RESOLUTION 2014-30-FY’15 APPROPRIATIONS: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve said resolution authorizing appropriations for FY’15. Roll call vote: Young, Bailey, and Sweedler all voting aye. Motion carried.
CLAIMS: General Basic Fund $141,493.47; General Basic (Public Health) Fund $52,208.44; General Basic (Conservation) Fund $19,577.66; General Supplemental Fund $44,543.94; General Supplemental Public Health Sub Fund $7,458.94; General Supplemental Conservation Sub Fund $4,211.06; MH-DD Services Fund $12,474.55; Rural Basic Fund $33,994.97; Local Option Sales Tax Fund $3,829.55; Secondary Roads Fund $64,297.58; Friends of Conservation Expense Trust Fund $1,215.00; Conservation Legacy Fund $3,026.43; Total $388,331.59. Drainage Fund $70,849.25. Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve payment of claims. Motion carried.
REPORTS: CLERK OF COURT: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve the Clerk of Court’s Report for the month of October, 2014. Motion carried.
ELDERBRIDGE AGENCY ON AGING: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to accept the annual report from Elderbridge Agency on Aging. Motion carried. The Board took no action on the funding request at this time.
ANNUAL URBAN RENEWAL REPORT FOR FY’14: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the FY’14 Annual Urban Renewal Report for Hamilton County. Motion carried.
PERSONNEL: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: The Board acknowledge the hiring of Scott Forbes as Emergency Manager effective November 1, 2014. Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve cell phone reimbursement for Forbes at $30.00 per month. Motion carried.
SHERIFF: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve a resignation from Allison Kolthoff effective November 8, 2014 and the hiring of Ryan Hesley effective November 10, 2014 and Steven Fiebiger effective November 17, 2014 both as part-time jailers at a rate of $13.25 per hour. Motion carried.
TREASURER: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve the following change of status in the Treasurer’s department: Judy Warwick to Assistant Treasurer at a rate of $18.35 per hour; Tammy Crotts to Tax Supervisor at a rate of $16.00 per hour; and Sandy Jondal from part-time to full time all effective November 17, 2014. Motion carried.
*RESOLUTION 2014-31: RESOLUTION 2014-31 TAX ABATEMENT: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve Resolution 2014-31 abating taxes on property owned by Isabelle Scott 40862607330009. Roll call vote: Bailey, Young, and Sweedler all voting aye. Motion carried.
AGREEMENTS: GROUP SERVICES: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve a contract with the Group Services to perform an ACA/ERISA/HR Compliance Audit. Motion carried.
PURCHASE AGREEMENT: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to approve a purchase agreement and authorize the chair to sign said agreement with Oppidan Holdings, LLC for the purchase of the county owned Red Bull Sub-division property in the amount of $570,000. Motion carried.
DRAINAGE: DD #9 JOHNSON –RESOULTION OF NECESSITY: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to approve the Resolution of Necessity for the annexation of lands and appoint John Milligan of MHF Engineering as the engineer to investigate and prepare a report. Roll call vote: Young, Bailey, and Sweedler voting aye. Motion carried.
DD#9 JOHNSON – APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS: Motion by Bailey, seconded by Young to appoint Bruce Mark and Loren Fletchall commissioners and John Milligan Engineer for the annexation of lands in DD #9. Motion carried.
Supervisor’s Minute Book, No. 18, Hamilton County, Iowa 743
PROCLAMATION: HOME BASE IOWA: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey, to proclaim Hamilton County supports the efforts of the Mid Iowa Growth Partnership to establish a Home Base Iowa Region. Motion carried.
ADJOURN: Motion by Young, seconded by Bailey to adjourn. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 9:36 A.M.
*For more information regarding Resolutions 2014-29, 2014-30, and 2014-31 see Resolutions on file in the Auditor’s office.
See “Claims Listing” for claims paid
Kim Schaa Wesley Sweedler
Hamilton County Auditor Hamilton County Board of Supervisors