Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 30th August 2016 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present – Councillors Nigel Bottom (Vice Chair), Katy Thomas, Jane Wallis, Alan Parker, Martyn Jackson & Chris Patty. District Councillor Sally Appleby
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
5 members of the public
Public Forum
Comment was made from a member of the public, regarding the recently submitted planning application Ref 16/0884/OUT, Erection of 9 dwellings with access to Thorpe Lane that whilst they weren’t against the application they would prefer to see houses on the site below £200,000 as opposed to large executive homes. The members of the public were encouraged to post their comments on the North Kesteven District Councils’ planning portal.
Further comment was made regarding the grass cutting on Falcon Close; the service is due to end with effect from April 2017 by LCC. The parishioners commented saying that they weren’t happy with the decision and could the Parish Council help in anyway. The parishioners were urged to write a letter of complaint to the Parish Council for discussion; it would then be passed on to LCC.
- Welcome & Apologies
The Vice Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Dawn Warnock, Michael Chennells & Mark Nolan.
Cllr Nigel Bottom Chaired the meeting
- To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations
None Received
- Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26th July 2016 to be approved as minutes.
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Jackson seconded by Cllr Patty, signed by the Chairman.
- Clerks Update
The clerk confirmed that she had contacted Highways regarding the trimming of Back Lane, which is a maintained highway, and confirmed that it was scheduled to be cut back as ‘a one off’ for this year. The clerk was still awaiting details regarding the drainage from Back Lane which was potentially causing flooding on the High Street.
The clerk confirmed that she has now received a new Business Rates bill showing the 100% relief, the bill was now zero for Swinderby Car Park.
The clerk confirmed that funding for the Road Sweeper cannot be swapped for Grass Cutting on Falcon Close as they are paid from different budgets one NKDC the other LCC.
Clarification regarding the pricing from E-on had been received, with the savings being made by replacing the old light bulbs with LED bulbs had been cancelled out due to the price rise received from E-on. Annual review of the pricing was to be diarised. Action RP
- To consider the following planning application’s
- Erection of 9 dwellings with access to Thorpe Lane (outline with means of access)
Land North of Thorpe Lane Eagle Ref – 16/0884/OUT
Comments are attached as a separate document.
District Councillor Appleby – left the meeting 8.10pm
- Conversion of existing swimming pool into annex accommodation to include insertion of no2 windows. Woodhouse Farm Mill Lane, Eagle Moor, Lincoln.
Ref – 16/0692/LBC
The Parish Council made the following comments regarding the application; the application was supported as long as the annex remains part of the existing dwelling.
- Conversion of garage and erection of a two storey rear extension along with re-tiling of existing house roof. 10 High Street, Eagle. Ref – 16/1012/HOUS
The Parish Council supported the application.
- To agree the renewal of the Parish Insurance, details previously circulated.
The councillors Resolved to agree the renewal of £1,928.05. This takes into consideration the Councils long term agreement which expires on 30th September 2018.
Proposed Cllr Thomas seconded by Cllr Parker, All Agreed.
- To authorise the signing of the orders for payment & to note and income
The councillors considered the list previously circulated and Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.
Bank Balances – 31.07.2015 £104,953.16
31.07.2016 £26,355.89
Date / Name / Net / VAT / Total20.07.2016 / Eagle Village Hall Management Comm / £ 22.50 / £ 22.50
30.08.2016 / Stationary / £ 38.00 / £ 38.00
30.08.2016 / E-on / £1342.00 / £268.40 / £1610.40
30.08.16 / Came & Co / £1928.05 / £1928.05
30.08.16 / Clerks Salary / £ 225.93 / £ 225.93
Total / £3,556.48 / £268.40 / £3824.88
- To consider the application for a Village Defibrillator
The application was supported by the Parish Council. The Chair commented that the Parish Council would be happy to own the Defibrillator; it would then be covered by the Parish insurance. It was suggested that a fundraising event could be organised help to raise funds to cover the purchase.
- To consider and adopt the Terms of Reference for the Playing Field Committee.
Deferred to the next meeting
- To Consider & Sign the approved grant application for the War Memorial
The Parish Council Resolved to accept the contract from the War Memorials Trust, accepting the Grant Offer of £3780.00, with the deficit of £1246.80 being paid by the Parish Council – All Agreed.
The clerk commented that she had obtained 3 quotes as per the application requirements, with the confirmed contractor being selected by the War Memorials Trust.
The Clerk also made comment that she had been in touch with the Knights Templar via the Church Warden who had offered their support for the application.
The contract was signed by the Vice Chairman
Thanks were passed onto the Clerk Action RP
- Update regarding the Swinderby Carpark – Including the opening and the hedge laying.
The clerk commented there was £1880 remaining of the carpark grant.
Lincolnshire County Council has deferred the opening for a later date to coincide with East Midlands Trains promotion. Comments had been received as to the condition of the hedge at the carpark as it looks as though it has died. The general consensus was to the leave the hedge to see if it recovers in the spring, if not use the remaining grant to plant a new hedge.
The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Chennells, regarding trimming the hedge on the opposite side of the entrance to the ‘oak tree’ to increase the visibility
Action RP/MC
- To Discuss the minutes of the Whisby Liasion Meeting – previously circulated
The minutes were discussed, The Chair made comment regarding the HGV monitoring as to how it was being conducted, clarification was required Action RP
- To receive any comments regarding the Neighbourhood Plan
Thanks were passed on to Cllr Parker and the Eagle Eye distributors for their help with distributing the questionnaires.
- To consider the options for Microsoft Word for the parish computer, details previously circulated.
Office Home & Student 2016 = £119 was the preferred option – Show of handsAll Agreed
Action RP
- Correspondence – Letter of complaint from the Playingfield Committee, to read & comment.
Cllr Wallis made comment regarding the value for money received from the litter picker, as litter had been left at the playing field and not picked up. The Chair asked that Cllr Chennells speak to the litter picker to clarify the job requirements, and to see if he had any issues regarding this. Action MC
- To sign the application forms for the new Playing Field Committee Bank Account & the amended signing mandate for the existing account.
Deferred to the next meeting.
- Any other business/items for the next agenda.
Cllr Wallis confirmed that the new slide for the play park was due to be installed w/c 5/9/16, thiswas beyond the original time scale. A letter of complaint has been raised asking for compensation from the play equipment company as the side has been out of action for the last 2 school holidays (May & the 6 weeks summer holidays).
Apologies were received from Cllr Patty for the next meeting
- Date & Time of next meeting
27th September 2016 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm
Signed ……………………………………………………………………
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