New Technology Initiative

Guidelines for Project Evaluation

Name (Title) of Initiative


Sponsor Name: Phone: Email:



Start Date:Target Actual

Completion Date: Target Actual

Financial Impact

Benefit of the new technology or process (financial):Estimated $ Actual $

Cost of the new technology or process: Estimated $ Actual $

(e.g. hardware/software)

Cost of implementation: Estimated $ Actual $

Cost of ongoing operation, updating/upgrading and maintenance:

Estimated $ Actual $


Source:Department %Division % Institution %

FOAP (if known):


1. Purpose and business case(refer to Proposal Form – “Definition and Business Case”)

  1. What are the metrics or key performance indicators for this project?
  1. Explain how the application achieved project objectives and demonstrates successful performance on original objectives

2. Timing

  1. How did the original planned implementation start date compare to the actual start date? Reasons for the difference?
  1. How did the original planned completion date compare to the actual completion date? Reason for the difference?
  1. Impact Analysis
  1. How did the original total estimated project implementation cost compare to the actual cost? Reasons for the difference?
  1. Explain which costs changed (implementation, licensing, ongoing operation/maintenance, or other). Reasons for the difference?
  1. How were customers and stakeholders affected?
  1. Lessons learned: implementation and integration

a.What lessons were learned from the implementation/integration process?

b.How well did the communication plan perform?

c.How well were plans for performance support implemented?

  1. Evaluate the adequacy of controls
  2. Redundancy
  1. Security and access (including, but not limited to, sensitive data)
  1. Role/responsibility segregation

a.Data integrity

b.What would you do differently / recommend that others do in similar project implementations?

  1. Evaluate compliance
  2. What compliance controls are associated with the system?
  1. How is compliance measured? Reported?
  1. Next steps
  2. Is there another stage (or stages) in the project? If so, what are the next steps, and what is the plan for implementing them?
  1. How will the system be maintained following implementation?
  1. Evaluate the sustainability of the system in the post-implementation stage. For example, is operational expertise resident in one individual or several (staffing sustainability)? How will ongoing technical support be maintained and sustained through new software versions or hardware conversions?
  1. Recognition
  2. How are the efforts of the project team being recognized?
  1. How is the value of the investment in the new system being communicated and leveraged within the Division and across the University?

New Technology Initiative EvaluationPage 1 of 3Evaluation Form (revised 5/23/2006)Page 1 of 3