EEO Consultants, Inc.

From the desk of Cindy Mattson,

-  EEO Training On-Site, Online

-  Affirmative Action Programs


Problem: Do your employees understand that behavior outside the workplace can be harassment? According to a recent article in the South Florida Sun Sentinel newspaper, a female Public Defender has resigned based on allegations of sexually harassing two male lawyers in her office. The harassing conduct allegedly occurred during a seminar on sex offenses offsite in Orlando, and included charges that she danced nude in front of one of the other attorneys. The female attorney accused of the harassing conduct denies the allegations and had no negative comments in her personnel file having worked for the Public Defender's office for four years.

Solution: Inform employees and managers of EEO policies that can extend to offsite behavior. Many times employees may feel comfortable enough with co-workers to let their guard down and engage in sexually spirited conduct, both in the workplace and offsite. In an effort to prevent these occurrences, periodically remind employees, particularly managers, that their personal and professional responsibilities related to EEO extend after 5pm. Inform employees and managers that their relationships with co-workers and subordinates are different than their relationships with those outside of the workplace, even while attending company functions and possibly when they are merely socializing with one another.

Some of our Clients

- State of Florida Dept of Transportation

- Ivax Pharmaceuticals

- McArthur Dairy

- Bank United

- VITAS Hospice Services, L.L.C.

- All American Semiconductor, Inc.

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Cindy Mattson, President, EEO Consultants, Inc. You may subscribe or unsubscribe to this list by writing "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the subject line and emailing to . This article is not intended to be used as legal advice.

Cindy Mattson, J.D., President

EEO Consultants, Inc.

Phone: 954-832-0546

