Minutes of Comprehensive Plan Review Committee, Stonington, Maine, June 15, 2017, held at the Town Offices, 1:30 to 3:45 PM
Attendees: Robert Gerber, Stroud Watson, Renee Sewall, Kathleen Billings, Susan Robinson, Evelyn Duncan, Henry Teverow, Roger Bergen, Julie Morringello, Donna Brewer
Bob Gerber facilitated the meeting. Prior to the meeting Bob had distributed via email to the Town Manager a process memorandum and some background information. That information is attached to these minutes. After introductions, Bob described the basic process that he would use to guide the revision of the Comprehensive Plan, which was last revised in 2004. That plan did not meet state requirements and has not been revised since. One of the major purposes of this revision is to prepare a plan strictly according to the State rules for Comprehensive plans and produce a plan that cannot be rejected by the State. Bob said that he had most of the data needed to meet the State data requirements. The remaining data will be collected from the group that will meet weekly into September as each of the required State topics are dealt with. There was general discussion of the key issues facing the Town at this point:
1) A need for affordable housing for both year-round residents and seasonal workers
2) The need to diversify the economy beyond marine resources and supporting businesses
3) The decrease in year-round population over the past several decades and consequent loss of school population as traditional year-round homes are sold to seasonal residents
4) The lack of high speed internet access
The main job of this meeting was to develop a Vision statement. To synthesize the discussion of the group, the following draft statement is offered for consideration:
The Town of Stonington shall be an affordable and desirable place to live, work, and raise a family. The traditional marine-based fisheries and industries shall continue to thrive and be supported by the Town. The Town shall retain its scenic resources, working waterfront, and the historical buildings that give the Town its distinctive character. Tourism and non-marine related industry and businesses shall gradually increase to provide new employment opportunities and a hedge against potential fishery stock reductions. The Town shall have quality housing options for low and middle-income families, senior citizens, those requiring long-term care, and seasonal workers.
The topic of the next meeting shall be assessment of and provisions for protection to Historical and Archaeological Resources. We invite local members of the Deer Isle/Stonington Historical Society to attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Gerber, Facilitator