The University of Hong Kong

Constituent Theme Funding for “Languages, Media and Communication:

Language in Education and Assessment”

1. Introduction

The Constituent Theme Funding (CTF) aims to enhance cross-faculty collaboration and networking in language in education and language assessment research which leads directly to research publications and/or applications for funding from other sources (private and public). Priority of allocation will be given to cross-disciplinary projects. More information is available at

The Constituent Theme Funding Working Party is responsible for the overview of the policy and the approval of the allocation.

2. Eligibility

The establishment of cross-disciplinary research teams is strongly encouraged. Members may include University of Hong Kong teachers, teaching fellows, post-doctoral fellows, teaching consultants, language instructors and/or research students, however, at least one of the applicants must be a staff member of the Faculty of Education or the Faculty of Arts.

3. Award

The funding shall be awarded to help meet the costs of any of the following item(s) incurred in support of networking and collaboration activities:

Category(1) /


Visitorships / Including travel and accommodation expenses, and other support costs
Conferences and workshops / Including necessary consumables, services and general office expenses (photocopying etc.)(2)
Publications support / Including editorial support, necessary consumables, services & miscellaneous (printing, word processing, graphic design etc.) and general office expenses (photocopying etc.) (2)


(1)If demand for limited funds is very high, the Constituent Theme Funding Working Partywill prioritize expenditure categories.

(2)Purchase of IT hardware, books and journal subscriptions will not be funded under the CTF.

4. Application

Applications for CTF will be invited each semester. Applicants should complete the application form (available at and submit it together with all necessary supporting documents (e.g. CVs of potential visitors) to Miss Scarlet Poon, Project Officer, Constituent Theme Collaborative Research, Room 324A, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, HKU by the deadline as specified in the call circular. Deadline for Semester 2, 2006-07: 31 March 2007

5. Report

Successful applicants are required to spend the funds awardedwithin 9 months of the award date. Any unused balance will be clawed back for re-allocation in the following year unless prior approval for extending the funding period has been given. A report for each project/allocation of funds shall be submitted on the Project Report Formto the Constituent Theme Funding Working Party within twelve months from the date funding was allocated.