15thJuly 2016

Dear year 6 Parents

The time is fast approaching for the children to go to Waddacar, Beacon Fell. We would like to confirm some of the details of the trip.

Kit List

Please find attached the kit list required. Please provide a packed lunch for Monday.


Children will not be required to attend school on the morning of Monday 18th July. Please arrange to transport your child up to Waddecar to arrive at approximately 10.00a.m. Miss Richardson and the rest of the staff will be there to greet you.

Children will need to be picked up from Waddecar at 1.00p.m on Tuesday 19th July. Again children can go straight home.

Spending money

Please send no more than £5 spending money. There is a tuck shop with souvenirs on site.

Please ensure that the money is in a money bag/purse/wallet that is clearly labelled with your child’s name on.

Mobile Phones

Phones are not permitted on the trip. From past experience phoning home can cause upset and worry therefore we will not be letting children phone home.

Game Devices / ipods. Etc

Again are not permitted mainly due to the fact that they will not have time to use them!

Medical Forms

Please complete and return the enclosed medical form. Unfortunately unless these are completed and returned to us your child will be unable to go on the trip.

Medicines and inhalers need to be clearly labelled with the appropriate medical forms filled in. These are available from the office.

Yours sincerely

Jo Longworth



At least 2 complete changes of clothing


Old shoes/trainers for muddy based activities

Night clothes

Toiletries and a towel

Plastic bags for wet clothing

Plastic drinks bottle

Packed lunch for Monday

Essential medication

Spending Money as advised above


Walking boots or wellies /sturdy footwear

Black bin liner