Pontypridd Town Council –
7.00 p.m.Wednesday26th July 2017
Pontypridd Museum, Bridge Street,
Councillor L. Davies (Deputy Mayor)
Councillor J. Baxter
Councillor L. Bengough
Councillor M. Brown
Councillor S. Carter
Councillor S. Duggan
Councillor M. Harvey
Councillor D. Paul
Councillor S. Powell
Councillor S. Pritchard
Councillor C. Thomas
Councillor L. Tomkinson
Councillor B. Watts
Councillor L. Williams
Councillor K. Woodward
In attendance:
Rachel SmithChief Executive
Jacqui HopkinsAdministrative Officer
22.Apologies for absence:
Councillors A. Bevan, H. Fychan, S. Powderhill, M. Powell, S. Presse and C. Thomas
23.Declarations of Interest:
Councillor S. Pritchard – Allocation of Earmarked Reserves - parkrun – involved in the organisation of the parkrun.
24.1The minutes of the Town Council Meeting on the 21st June 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed.
24.2The minutes of the Direct Services and Regeneration Committee Meeting held on 28th June 2017 be accepted and adopted.
24.3The minutes of the Allotments Committee Meeting on 11th July 2017 be accepted and adopted.
24.4The minutes of the Staffing Committee Meeting held on 13th July 2017 be accepted and adopted.
24.5The minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee Meeting held on 19th July 2017 be accepted and adopted.
25.Mayor’s Announcements
The Deputy Mayor referred to the various events that had taken place, namely the Family Run Day in Rhydyfelin which was a great success with approximately 350 – 400, a graduation ceremony, Summer Art Exhibition, presentation of the Engineering Award, Party Ponti and the Graig Hoarding Event at the Old Magistrates Court.
To note the report.
26.Chief Executive’s Report
26.1Internal Audit
Members were referred to the internal audit check lists as completed on the 10th July 2017 by the nominated Councillors. Members were asked to note the results.
To note the results of the internal audit as conducted by the nominated Councillors.
26.2Well Being Committee
The Chief Executive updated the Committee on the latest developments with regard to Well Being and the Town Council’s statutory duties and responsibilities under the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
The Chief Executive had attended a useful networking event held by RCTCBC which was part of the on going consultation process with the Local Public Services Board under the Well Being legislation.
Members were informed that the Town Council has a duty to publish a report for each relevant financial year, detailing the progress it has made in meeting the objectives of the Local Well Being plan. This plan will not be published until around April 2018, but in anticipation of this the Town Council will need to draft a Well Being statement and the Working Group are working on this document which will be put before Council in due course.
To note the report.
26.3Charter Between RCT and the Town and Community Council’s
A meeting was recently held at the Town Council offices between local Town and Community Council Clerks and Karyl May of the Democratic Services and Elections Department in RCTCBC.
The main subject of discussion was the Charter.
It was agreed in the meeting that the document required appropriate updating and signature by all parties; the section requiring particular attention being that concerning sustainability (at page 16 of the document). This is to be redrafted to include reference to the Well Being of Future Generations legislation. It was anticipated that a meeting of the Community Liaison Committee at RCTCBC will be arranged for October 2017 to which the clerks of the Town and Community Councils may be invited together with the appropriate chairs/Mayor.
The appropriately amended and updated Charter will be put before Members in due course.
That the Chief Executive would assist in the redrafting of the charter. The document then to be rolled out to Town and Community Councils for signature.
26.4RCT Lottery Heritage Application for Ynysangharad Park
Members were informed that a meeting had taken place at the Town Council Offices on Wednesday, 19th July 2017 at which officers from the Leisure, Parks and Countryside Department of RCTCBC provided information in relation to the detail of this application for lottery heritage funding which is currently being prepared. The application was to be submitted by the end of August 2017.
The application will apparently principally focus on renewing and celebrating the Heritage of the park and includes a design for reviving and renovating the sunken garden, renewal of the bandstand, renovation to the mock rock outcrop and development of a Horticultural Centre.
As this is a significant application for lottery funding both financially and in respect of the impact on Ynysangharad Park, it is anticipated that Members would have a particular interest in the detail of this application and it was therefore proposed that officers from RCT’s Leisure, Parks and Countryside Department be invited to put forward a presentation to Members on the Ynysangharad Park Lottery Heritage Fund application at the next Council meeting on Wednesday, 27th September 2017.
To note the report and to invite RCT officers to make a presentation to Members at the next Council meeting.
26.5Dates & Times of Council and Committee Meetings
Members were referred to the decision made at the Annual General Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 17th May 2017 regarding dates and times of council and committee meetings.
Members considered whether discretion should be exercised in order to allow meetings to take place on a Tuesday or a Thursday and/or to vary the times of meetings from the “normal” time of 6pm for Committees and 6.30pm for Council meetings, as agreed at the AGM subject to any changes.
That all Council and Committee meetings are to continue to take place on a Wednesday. Discretion could be applied to allow where appropriate for meetings to take place at 7.00 p.m.A further review to take place in January.
26.6Gift of Planters from Pontypridd BIDS
The Town Council had been gifted 5 wooden planters from Pontypridd BIDS which were currently located on the roof garden by the Civic Offices. Members considered with guidance from the Direct Services Co ordinator, the appropriate location for the siting of these planters.
(a)To temporarily locate the planters to the left of the roof garden not to obstruct the view of the river.
(b) To explore the possibility of the planters being placed on the platform at Pontypridd Railway station.
26.7Christmas Lights
Members were informed that an urgent item was put before the Policy and Finance Committee with regard to the Christmas lights. No tenders had been received in relation to the installation of the Christmas lights.
Members were also asked to note that due to tendering problems and more onerous regulations concerning installation there may be implications to the Christmas lighting budget.
To note the report and to extend the deadline for return of the tenders for one month.
26.8Parti Ponty
Members were referred to an email received from the organiser of Parti Ponty thanking the Town Council and in particular staff members who had worked hard to provide appropriate gazebos and marquees for the event.
To note the report.
26.9Planning Application – Acolaid Case 17/0793/08
Site of Former Taff Vale Shopping Centre, Taff Street, Pontypridd
Members were specifically referred to the Full Planning Application which had been submitted in relation to the site former Taff Vale Shopping Centre at Taff Street.
Members had previously had the opportunity to consider details of the planning application via the online link and were asked to provide the Chief Executive with any specific relevant comments which the Town Council may wish to put forward in relation to this planning application. A full copy of the papers was made available at the Town Council Offices for perusal prior to the meeting.
Members noted that the deadline for submitting appropriate comments will be Tuesday, 8th August 2017.
That the Chief Executive forward again the comments raised previously to Planning Department of RCT .
26.10The Graig Hoarding Celebration Event
Members wereprovided with the detail of the Graig Hoarding project report which detailed the work carried out on the hoarding around the former Magistrates Court building in Union Street in the Graig, Pontypridd. Artis Community had worked with a local graffiti artist together with the local community to transform the site with a mural of a steam train and a rotating exhibition of local amateur photographers’ work.
To note the report.
The following consultation documents were presented to Members for their comments and observations.
(a)Taking Forward Wales’ Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
(b)Integrated Network Map Phase – the Active Travel (Wales) Act
(c)Revised School Organisation Code
That the Chief Executive write and support the consultation documents.
26.12Ponty and Proud Board Nominations
Members considered the following nominations for the Ponty and Proud Board in the Museum for the years 2016/2017 and 2017/18.
a) Phil Campbell
b)Neil Jenkins
c)Tom Jones/Tommy David/Beverley Humphreys
d)Derek Lewis
e)Tom Jones
f)Claire Smart/Beverley Humphreys
(a) That Beverley Humphreys and Neil Jenkins be added to the Ponty and Proud Board forthe year 2016/17; and
(b)That Tom Jones and Claire Smart be added to the Ponty and Proud Board for the year 2017/18.
27.Chief Executive’s Urgent Items
27.1Pontypridd Canal Conservation Group
Members were made aware of a decision at the Policy and Finance Meeting on 16th November 2016 to include in the Direct Services budget the sum of £1,000 for the Pontypridd Canal Conservation Group to use for skip hire costs. A request had been received from the Conservation Group to widen the specified use of these monies to include safety fencing.
That the budgeted monies could be used for safety fencing as well as skip hire.
27.2Screening of “Pride”
Members were advised that there would be a screening of the film “Pride” at Clwb-y-bont next Thursday, 3rd August 2017, as part of the commemorative event to mark the 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality. The Curator requested that Members confirm that they wish to support this event.
Members confirmed their support for this event.
27.3Centenary Commemoration for Robert Bye VC
Members were advised of an event taking place at Ynysangharad War Memorial Park, Pontypridd, on Sunday, 30th July 2017.
To note the report.
28.Correspondence Received
To note the following information.
~ Footfall Weekly Summary – 12th, 26th June and 3rd July 2017
~Appointment of Independent Member (Information Technology) – Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board
~SE Wales Ret Update
~Future Generations Commissioner for Wales Update
~Tidal Lagoon Cardiff
29.Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC/Committee Reports Received
To note the reports.
30.Planning Applications
To note the planning applications.
31.Public Consultation
To note that no public consultation request had been received.
The meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.
Councillor L. Davies – Chairperson
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26th July 2017