19:18:04Glaber enters this room
------The messages that have been sent today start below ------
08:20:19Galvatron enters this room
08:20:31[Galvatron] ....Hello?
08:21:28[Galvatron] Alright then.
14:41:01Trevor enters this room
16:15:24zjstress enters this room
16:15:54zjstress exits from this room
16:20:26Zorc enters this room
16:20:49EthanDavis enters this room
16:21:07[EthanDavis] Hello
16:21:25[Zorc] Hey there big boy.
16:21:29[EthanDavis] Just want to let you guys know I'll be transcripting the chat as planned
17:52:48Glaber enters this room
17:53:45[Glaber] looks like I'm about an hour or so early.
18:25:47Glaber enters this room
18:36:32nma1985 enters this room
18:37:11[EthanDavis] Welcome!
18:37:21[Glaber] hello
18:37:41[nma1985] Hi!
18:38:58[EthanDavis] How are y'all doing?
18:40:02[nma1985] fine, yet impatient(first time)
18:43:00[Glaber] preaty good
18:43:08Kureejii enters this room
18:43:30Sonic920 enters this room
18:43:52Sonic915 enters this room
18:43:57IanPotto enters this room
18:44:01[Kureejii]Eww, green
18:45:07[EthanDavis] Good evening!
18:45:18Kamal enters this room
18:45:38W.W. enters this room
18:45:49[nma1985] lucky you all can call this evening
18:45:52[Kureejii]Heyo. *messes with colours*
18:45:53[nma1985] XD
18:46:00[EthanDavis] Hi Kamal, hi Toby
18:46:09[W.W.] Hi everbody
18:46:23[IanPotto] We'll get started in about 20 min
18:46:27[Kamal] Hey Ethan. Hello, everyone.
18:46:51[Glaber] *works on a Nicole Sim skin while he waits*
18:47:51[W.W.] How is everyone?
18:48:26[Kamal] Tired.
18:48:30[IanPotto] promote Kureejii
18:48:44Kureejii is now a moderator for this room.
18:48:53[IanPotto] That's the ticket
18:49:29[Kureejii]Tremble, mortals, and play nice.
18:49:31[W.W.] Neat
18:50:37AuroraR enters this room
18:50:53[IanPotto]* IanPotto looks for how to de-promote . . . just in case.
18:50:55Presto enters this room
18:51:11[W.W.] Lemme see if Faded's around. Then it'll really be a party
18:51:12[Presto] Hello, all!
18:51:30[EthanDavis] Get the box ready, Ian
18:51:34[IanPotto] Heaven help us. Also - hallo Presto
18:51:49[W.W.] How disappointing. Not online
18:52:12[W.W.] I'll keep my eye open, however
18:52:26[Presto] Couldn't remember my pw for 'Para' *is a doof*
18:52:26[Kureejii]Well, we've still got ten minutes
18:52:33[Kureejii]Maybe he'll pop up
18:52:47[IanPotto] Six minutes by my clock
18:52:59[Kureejii]Bringing tales of Bunnie's eye colour and Amadeus-in-a-box and other "special" things.
18:53:04[AuroraR]Wow, this room refreshes so quickly
18:53:12[IanPotto] And since I'm the super-special-awesome-leader-guy, we'll go by my super-special-awesome clock.
18:54:02[nma1985] I lost mine the other day so it´s fine XDDD
18:54:11[W.W.] My clock says seven minutes, and I refuse to go by anything else
18:54:15[Kureejii]Your clock is smelly. Now I have six minutes.
18:54:21[W.W.] *folds arms*
18:54:23[Glaber] *opens notpad to prepair questions*
18:55:00[IanPotto] Four by my clock, so nyah. Also, Kureejii - is the dog with you?
18:55:10EHH123 enters this room
18:55:28[W.W.] I have to behave tonight too, I hope you're all proud of yourselves
18:55:43[Kureejii]He's sleepin
18:55:54[IanPotto] We appreaciate your sacrifice, Toby
18:56:07[IanPotto] Kureejii - Excellent. Thanks
18:56:27[W.W.] On the plus side, my salary has doubled
18:56:30[Kureejii]Thunder again. Let's hope the power lasts and no one has any unfortunate explosions
18:56:48[W.W.] I am now making 00 dollars, as opposed to my usual 0 dollars
18:57:05[IanPotto] Keep up the good work and I'll double it again
18:57:10[Glaber] No thunder over here in Lake Orion
18:57:40[W.W.] It's cloudy here, but I don't think any thunder storms are near
18:57:44[AuroraR]I wish it would rain here to wash away the dead frog at the bottom of the stairs here.
18:58:02[W.W.] XD
18:58:06[Presto] Stray cats'll eat it, Aurora
18:58:08[W.W.] That's awesome
18:58:16[IanPotto] H'okie-dokie, it's time. I'll start out with a few opening points and we'll get to it.
18:58:30[Glaber] Thanks for the mental picture. *ugh*
18:58:32[AuroraR]Or the gecko's. hehe
18:58:43[Glaber] reffering to the frog
18:58:43MissPuar enters this room
18:58:48[IanPotto] First and foremost, welcome everyone to the second chat session here on the ol' BumbleKhat.
18:58:55[W.W.] Hallo
18:59:01[MissPuar] Heya!
18:59:07[EHH123] Thank you
18:59:15[W.W.] K-hat XD
18:59:26[IanPotto] Second, in case you haven't see the update in the forum, there's some storms in my area so things may be cut short. If so, we'll give y'all ample time to know when we're rescheduling things.
18:59:44[EHH123] OK
19:00:01[IanPotto] Thirdly, many thanks to Ethan and anyone else who has volunteered to log tonights chat and give me extra peace of mind.
19:00:07[Glaber] alright *scraps the notepad idea*
19:00:17[EthanDavis] My pleasure, Ian
19:00:42[IanPotto] So without any further ado, we'll get things started off with some Q&A and see how we go from there
19:00:49[IanPotto] AuroraR, you're up first!
19:01:12lynnear enters this room
19:02:31[IanPotto] And AuroraR reminds me of another point - since Sonic is an all-ages book and I have no idea what the ages/supervision of the users here are, let's keep the language clean. (I'm not scolding you, Aurora, just putting that out there)
19:02:58[AuroraR]If you could sum up in one word or a couple of words what will be going on in the Sonic comic book in the next several issues up to the one you are currently writing, what would they be?
19:03:07[AuroraR]Opps, my bad.
19:03:30[IanPotto] Epic.
19:04:13[IanPotto] As the previews have shown, the conflict between Sonic and Tails which has been on a slow burn for a long while now is finally going to be addressed
19:04:25[IanPotto] And then we have Enerjak. Lots and lots of Enerjak.
19:04:29[IanPotto] So - "Epic."
19:04:59[EthanDavis] Exciting!
19:05:05[IanPotto] EHH123 - you're up
19:05:14[EHH123]Will Sally play an importent part in "House of Cards"?
19:06:05[IanPotto] Yes, I'd say she play a key role at one point in the story. That's all I can really say without spoiling anything.
19:06:12[IanPotto] Ethan, sir, you're up.
19:06:24[EHH123]OK, I understand.
19:06:24[EthanDavis] Okay, this is a pretty large question
19:06:33[EthanDavis] In Sonic #145, Rotor and the Brain Trust noticed that something caused the seismic graph to go off of the charts, so the Freedom Fighters head out to the region to see what was going on. This was the lead in to the GBU arc. At the very end, in #149, after the Freedom Fighters escaped in...
19:06:45[EthanDavis] Jules' shuttle, Rotor discussed that it was never discovered what the seismic activity was caused by. We were led to assume that Ivan and Issac had something going on that would be followed up on in later issues. However, it seems that the whole 'Bunker Plot' was closed in #165. How do you...
19:06:53[EthanDavis] explain what the seismic activity was?
19:07:53[IanPotto] (Disclaimer: the following answer shouldn't be considered 100% canon since it has not, and probably won't be, said in the book)
19:08:13[EthanDavis] Gotcha
19:08:38[IanPotto] I'd say we can chalk that up to Dr. Finitevus. In STH#165 Rouge explains he was investigating the nuclear stockpile. The seismic activity was probably a test blast of one of the warheads.
19:09:13[EthanDavis] I see. Thanks!
19:09:27[IanPotto] Glaber, yer up
19:09:43[Glaber] Ok, here's mine: In recent issues Nicole's animal form has been showing up more often. I'm now wonder if in the future if there would be a story where her animal form becomes more permanent by her becoming as real as Sonic but without being dependant on the nanites or New Mobotroplis?
19:10:28[Glaber] I know I got some errors in the question.
19:10:54[IanPotto] Not in the foreseeable future, no, although that's something she certainly would be aiming for. Part of the power of Tana del Rio's story was that Nicole couldn't maintain her mobian form due to the power restraints (con't)
19:11:55[IanPotto] So when I chose to bring that form back, I wanted to honor that aspect of her form, thus she needs the full capacity of New Mobotropolis to keep her present. It's a weakness, or rather limitation, that I want to investigate in the future of the book. (con't)
19:12:33[IanPotto] For now, though, her mobian form is restrained to the city and in times of peace. Back at Freedom HQ (which we'll show again eventually) she's the same old computer.
19:12:50[Glaber] Alright
19:13:03[IanPotto] I can't very well ask myself anything, so Kamal, you're up.
19:13:22[Kamal] Okay.
19:14:34[Kamal] Outside of giving Sonic an unhealthy dose of rage, is there a larger purpose behind blowing up Knothole and transplanting everyone, again?
19:14:49Zorc enters this room
19:14:59[IanPotto] Two main reasons:
19:15:00zjstress enters this room
19:16:08[IanPotto] 1) Dr. Eggman needed a boost of credible villainy. We'd danced around the issue of a world-conquering force unable to take on a low-tech village/city. With the annihilation of Knothole, we put Dr. Eggman back in his #1 Villain spot
19:16:15Fantasy enters this room
19:16:25[Fantasy] hello
19:16:39NintFJr enters this room
19:17:00[W.W.] I apoligize ahead of time for waht I've just done
19:17:11[IanPotto] 2) A change of scenery. Knothole's been the main stage for over fifteen years, and to have it rebuilt good-as-new after its destruction would neuter the meaning of point #1
19:17:35[NintFJr] I have an important question that is of the utmost urgency.
19:17:47[zjstress] Hello, everyone!
19:18:21[IanPotto] It also brought something of a bit of closure to our heroes since Mobotropolis can never be rescued now, and yet here they have the next best thing.
19:18:27[Kureejii]We're going in alphabetical order, so ask your question when your turn comes around.
19:18:41[MissPuar]dont worry NintFJr, this chat moves fast
19:19:09[Fantasy] does that mean I missed my turn?
19:19:25[IanPotto] Hello to everyone who's just come in! Kureejii....well, I don't suppose you have anything to ask?
19:19:33[Glaber] Not if that was your question
19:19:43[IanPotto] Fantasy - sorry, but yes. We'll get back around to you soon, though.
19:19:51[Fantasy]XD no it wasn't
19:20:39[Kureejii]Nah, I'm good for now.
19:21:15[IanPotto] Then lynnear, we're up to you
19:22:28[lynnear]Geeh, my question isn't really about the comic it's self, but, what kind of work environment is it like at Archie? Is it offices or a kinda big work area per comic?
19:23:40[IanPotto] I don't really know what the home office is like. I work from home in North Carolina and email all my material to Mike Pellerito. I know he works at the home office in Mamaroneck, and being an editor he has an office, but otherwise I don't know too much about it.
19:23:59[IanPotto] I really ought to go up there sometime and check it out.
19:24:11[lynnear]Still answers my question.
19:24:18[IanPotto] Sorry I don't have a better answer, lynnear. MissPuar, we move on to you
19:24:43[MissPuar]Any classic game area or element you'd like to have play a role in upcoming stories
19:26:56IanPotto exits from this room
19:27:04IanPotto enters this room
19:27:17[MissPuar]??? I scared him off
19:27:24[IanPotto] Sorry folks, hit some net turbulance
19:27:42[IanPotto] Precisely why I'm glad somebody is logging this!
19:27:59[Glaber] Ah. bumps in the net highway.
19:28:08[Fantasy]er, off-topic, if anyone is wondering, the Blue wouldn't fit. ;-; I hush now.
19:28:14[lynnear]Don't worry, you didn't miss anything yet.
19:28:16[IanPotto] MissPuar - yes, most definitely. Bean and the Babylon Rogues have already dropped subtle hints about what I'd like to bring in eventually.
19:28:19[Kureejii]Am I back yet? XD
19:28:32[MissPuar]^__^ yay
19:28:39[IanPotto] And I'll leave it at that tease.
19:28:52[Kureejii]Okay, good, Ian's back too.
19:28:59[IanPotto] Our person with urgent business seems to be no longer with us, so nma1985, we move on to you
19:29:36[nma1985] What are the easiest and the most difficult parts of your job?
19:30:59[IanPotto] Coming up with story ideas - in answer to both. Sonic is such a rich mythos it's often extremely easy to find a plot thread, or a thought, or a character that I can just pick up and run with and have oodles of fun creating with.
19:31:46[IanPotto] On the other hand, when a story pitch isn't approved, or when something happens to the scheduling that requires a shuffle in the over-arcing narrative, it can be a challenge to come up with something new or tweak the older material so it still wokrs.
19:32:19[IanPotto] It wouldn't be any fun if it wasn't somewhat challenging, though, so you'll hear no complaints out of me.
19:32:44[IanPotto] Presto, you're up
19:33:27[nma1985] Nice to hear you´re enjoying it even when in difficulties. Thanks!
19:33:45[Presto] Do you ever feel concerned that you'll use a favorite character (hero or villian) excessively? It can be easy to play favorites when you're controlling the universe.
19:34:53[IanPotto] It's something I try to keep in mind, so you'll see a fair amount of character rotation. One story may feature the Chaotix more heavily while the next may focus more on the Freedom Fighters. (con't)
19:36:03[IanPotto] It's also tricky since Sonic and Dr. Eggman pretty much have to have some time in each book, and the game characters are more recognizable to the newer readers and thus are preferable in a marketting sense. So I've always tried to balance it all out and do everybody justice.
19:36:21[IanPotto] You can't please all of the people all of the time, but I still give it a shot.
19:36:22[Presto] Ah, thanks!
19:36:41[IanPotto] Certainly. Sonic915, you're next
19:36:51[Sonic915] In #176 Robotnik had told Max that his son was the most inexperienced king he had ever come up against, was this foreshadowing that Sally may take the throne real soon?
19:37:31[EthanDavis] That's asking for spoilers. I don't think Ian can answer that.
19:37:41[IanPotto] Hoo-boy. To dodge the spoilers as best I can . . .
19:38:20[IanPotto] "House of Cards" will end with the government in a state we'll be seeing for the foreseeable future.
19:38:45[IanPotto] Can't really get more in-depth than that. W.W. - bring it on.
19:38:46[Sonic915] k
19:39:07[W.W.] LOL
19:39:10[W.W.] 'll pass
19:39:30[zjstress] Does that mean it's my turn?
19:39:35[IanPotto] (thank heavens) Too bad. zjstress, you're up then
19:39:43[W.W.] Xp
19:39:53[Kureejii]bullet dodged!
19:39:54[IanPotto] (HAHA)
19:39:55[Glaber] (HAHAHAHA)
19:40:41[W.W.] Don't worry folks, I bug him enough on AIM to make up for it
19:40:57[zjstress] Okay, I don't know if this is asking too much, but, do you have any real reason why Zonic the Zone Cop never returned Robotnik 2.0 back to his zone? I remember Penders saying it was going to be the subject of an upcoming arc, but obviously that never came to the fray.
19:41:03[Glaber] Well that explanes that.
19:42:13[IanPotto] I really-really-really want to address why Zonic and the rest of the Zone Cops seem asleep at the wheel. We MIGHT (maybe, possibly) get to see that story mid-2008
19:42:33[zjstress] Awesome! Thanks Ian!
19:42:42[IanPotto] MAYBE. I haven't even put together a formal story pitch for that, and it's so far down the road you never know.
19:42:48[IanPotto] Zorc, you're up
19:42:51[zjstress] K.
19:43:54[Fantasy]er, sorry, test. i think i lost connection...?
19:43:58[Zorc] Well, glad to see having a name at the bottom of the alphabet has it's benefits. Anyway, is there going to be an appearance of Metal Shadow or Tailsdoll? As they haven't been in the comic, if they were left out, or just not planned.
19:45:11[Glaber] You're reffering to the Shadow with yellow stripes from Shadow the Hedgehog, right?
19:45:37[zjstress] Or all the other colored Metal Shadows.
19:45:46[IanPotto] I hesitantly say "yes," but again I don't know how 2008 is going to play out yet.
19:45:53[Kureejii]Shadow Androids.
19:45:57[IanPotto] Keep your fingers crossed.
19:46:13[Kureejii]Now with 20% less personality
19:46:14[Zorc] Glad I still have fingers . Thanks!
19:46:31[IanPotto] 45 minutes and we've come full-circle while the storms have held off. I'll still spry, so AuroraR, we're back to you!
19:46:41[AuroraR]I'll cross my toes too
19:46:57[Kamal] Will the real Ultimate Lifeform please stand up?
19:46:57[AuroraR]D'oh! I mean, woo-hoo! OK...
19:47:21[Zorc] Looks like I have to reboot my computer to update my anti-virus software, so I'll be going for a bit *stands up and leaves*
19:47:40[Zorc] Thanks for the time so far, Ian.
19:47:43[AuroraR]I don't know if this is spoiler-ish, but in 177 after Hope enters and leaves the scene, it shows Snively shedding a tear. Is her expressing how mad and disappointed she is in him going to affect Snively in the future?
19:48:28[IanPotto] That scene was left purposefully ambiguous. The question I wanted to leave the reader with was: does Snively let Hope go, or does he give the command to fire and blow her out of the sky?
19:48:55[Fantasy]and we may never know
19:49:12[IanPotto] I want folks to wonder and wrestle with their preception of Snively. I'll get around to answering it, eventually, but I'll let y'all squirm for now. (heh heh)
19:49:12Sonic915 exits from this room
19:49:14Sonic915 exits from this room
19:49:32[IanPotto] EHH123, you're up again
19:49:40[AuroraR]Haha, fair enough. thanks
19:49:45[Fantasy]he's so talented he left twice?
19:49:53[MissPuar]I can't cross my fingers are squirm
19:50:02[MissPuar]your demands are excessive, Ian
19:50:11[EHH123]Will we see how married life affects Bunnie and Antoine?
19:50:24[MissPuar]^apparently, I cant type proper either *face-fall*
19:50:49[IanPotto] Over the course of the book, sure.
19:51:09hex enters this room
19:51:14[IanPotto] It'll be a gradual progression, though, something measured in years rather than issues.
19:51:25[IanPotto] Ethan, it falls to you again.
19:51:36[Kureejii]Storm sounds like it's getting nasty again, just a heads-up
19:51:37[EthanDavis] I've been meaning to figure out more about the Robotnik family. Is Professor Gerald's last name Robotnik, or Kintobor in the comic? It was never explicitly stated. What's your take?
19:52:11[IanPotto] Yowza, yeah it is. Can you check the TV and see if it says it's blowing over or getting worse?
19:52:45[Fantasy];-; right before my turn
19:52:51[EthanDavis] (It's actually just starting to rain here, as a matter of fact)
19:53:05Glaber exits from this room
19:53:07[IanPotto] Ethan - I don't feel comfortable answering that one without rolling up my sleeves and really digging into the book. The House of Ivo/Kintobor/Robotnik thing has gotten a bit . . . sticky, let's say.
19:53:07Glaber exits from this room
19:53:11Glaber exits from this room