Dear Controllers, 1099/W-2 Contacts, System Administration:
FYI...below is an e-mail that Al Benzschawel sent to the Divisional Business Representatives (DBR's) on the Madison Campus to inform them that I now report directly to Al and Jan as the Tax Compliance Manager for the UW-Madison. I told Al I wouldforward it to you so that your are kept up to date.
Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From:Benzschawel, Al
Sent:Wednesday, April 30, 2003 5:06 PM
To:Dbr-List (E-mail) (E-mail)
Subject:Tax Compliance Manager
As we prepare to fill the Cash Management Supervisor Position we want to make you aware of a change we have made.
José A. Carus, Jr. and his Tax Compliance responsibilities are no longer part of the Cash Management area. José now reports directly to Jan Richardson, Associate Director of Accounting Services, and myself as the Tax Compliance Manager for the UW-Madison. Any questions or issues regarding non payroll tax compliance should be addressed to him.
Please forward this letter and information below listing his contact information and his responsibilities to your departments.
José has moved to a different office and below is his information:
José A. Carus, Jr.
Tax Compliance Manager
312 A.W. Peterson Building, 750 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706-1490
Phone: (608) 262-0582 (voice mail available)
Fax: (608) 262-5060
José's areas of responsibility include:
- Compliance with federal and state laws on non-payroll tax withholding and reporting of payments to individuals, sole proprietors, and partnerships. This includes both U.S. Residents and Non-Residents.
- Compliance with reporting requirements established by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 that requires universities and colleges to report tuition received and student loan interest received (Forms 1098-T and 1098-E).
- Compliance with miscellaneous tax reporting requirements (moving expenses, educational assistance, meals, etc.)
- Research tax questions, as well as changes in federal and state tax regulations and legislation to maintain compliance.
- Conduct workshops on tax withholding and reporting requirements as requested by divisional representatives (Office of the Dean). This also included individual training as requested.
- IRS Acceptance Agent for Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) and other tax related forms such as the 8233, W-8BEN, etc.
- Unrelated Business Income Taxes (UBIT) reporting. Review new applications for Revenue Producing Activities for potential UBIT, prepare UW-Madison's UBIT return annually, and work with campus and UW System to establish estimated UBIT. Work with business representatives from the divisions to give them an understanding of UBIT requirements.
- Year-end GAAP reporting of Accounts Receivable, Leases, Supplies Inventories valued at $100,000 or more, Prepaid Items, Accounts Payable Adjustments, Deferred Revenue.
- Compliance with sales tax regulations.
In addition to the above areas José has also used his 15 years of experience on our campus to assist many of your departments with miscellaneous non-tax related questions they might have. José plans on continuing this tradition as he and Accounting Services strive to maintain and enhance our continued commitment to quality service to our customers.