Publication reference: EuropeAid/135-184/L/WKS/ME
Project: Construction of housing units for RE (I)DP families from Konik
No / Question / Answer /1. / Procurement Notice, Point 6:
In the 3rd paragraph - 90 municipal social housing units and a community centre will be built but then in the 7th paragraph it is written that the total number of the dwelling units in this complex will be 99. Can you please explain us this point please? / The point 6 of the procurement notice includes general and particular description of the project as a whole. Therefore a reference is made to all the components of the future social housing area that will be constructed in several phases. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop in total 99 flats or dwelling units together with community centre.
However, the works under LOT 1 of this tender procedure will be focused only on construction of 5 houses (2 of type "A" and 3 of type "B") that will provide in total 51 dwelling units. /
2. / Procurement Notice, Point 6:
In the 6th paragraph - the housing units are of 2 types with different layouts and sizes of the apartments 3 houses of type A and 7 houses of type B are planned but then it says This tender dossier contains 5 (five) buildings only. So the question is, are there 10 buildings or 5? And if 5 which types? / The total number of houses to be constructed under LOT 1 is 5. Please also refer to our answer on the question no.1. /
3. / Procurement Notice, Point 6:
What about the Community Centre? We didn’t find any details about it. / As indicated above, the Community Centre is not part of this tender dossier. /
4. / We’d like to know, in case of Awarding which is the amount / the percentage of the Prepayment to the Tenderer from the client? / Please refer the Volume 2, Section 3, of tender dossier where in special conditions of the contract under article 46, a maximum amount of the pre-financing is set at 10% of the accepted contract price. /
5. / Which are the ways of paying from the client in case of Awarding while work is in progress? / Please refer Volume 2, Section 3, of tender dossier, where article 44 of special conditions of the contract, stipulates the following: Interim payments to the Contractor of the amounts due under each of the interim payment certificates approved by the supervisor shall be made within 60 days, and the final payment to the Contractor of the amounts due after the final statement of account issued by the Supervisor shall be made within 60 days.
The minimum amount of interim payment certificate is 150,000.00 Euro as indicated in Volume 1, Section 2, Appendix to the tender. /
6. / Reading the text of the procurement notice at the point n. 6 (Description of the contract) it is not clear how many houses will be built. We read 90. Later 99.
Please clarify in details the point n.6. / Please refer to our answer to the question no. 1. /
7. / If a tender is submitted by a consortium, does each member of consortium separately, must meet all requirements from:
(1) Economic and financial standing of the Tenderer
(2) Professional capacity of Tenderer
(3) Technical capacity of Tenderer,
or they can meet all requirements jointly in specific division (e.g. Leader 60 % members at least 25 % for Economic and financial standing of the Tenderer)? / As stipulated in point 12.2 of instruction to tenderers, if a tender is submitted by a consortium, the selection criteria will be applied to the consortium as a whole. /
8. / The Tenderer must demonstrate liquid financial resources for financing the works in the amount of not less than 500.000 Euro for a period of not less than 2 months. Can we submit the documentary proof to be named on consortium Leader? / Yes, the tenderer is allowed to submit documentary evidence on access to the liquid financial resources, entitled to the leader of the consortium. /