Principles Underlying the Award of
2015 AIA-Arizona - The Arizona Architects Medal
The American Institute of Architects Arizona may bestow a medal, known as The Arizona Architects Medal. The Medal honors a member's significant contributions to the betterment of the Arizona community and significant advancement of the profession of architecture. Nominations for the award may be made by Arizona member chapters or by an individual member or members who may nominate another member.
The medal is an honor awarded by the American Institute of Architects Arizona. Nominations are juried by the selected Arizona Fellows Jury who will review all nominations that are properly submitted and will determine the number of medals to be awarded each year. The Fellows Jury, consisting of seven active AIA Arizona Fellows with two alternate Fellow members as selected by the AZ Fellows Chairman and AZ Fellows Vice Chairman,may, at its discretion, award or not make an award in any given year.
The Final Selected Fellows Jury must rely upon the representations made to the Fellows Jury through the information contained in the nomination form and other submittal information. Aminimum of three to a maximum of five letters of recommendationare required with two of the letters from AIA members. Nominations should be concise but in as much detail as allowed by the submittal requirements of the Arizona Architects Medal.
The nominee’s achievements must be viewed as an advancement of the profession and the socially responsible role that architecture must perform within the greater community. Each nominee’s work and career will be evaluated with special regard to professional and social integrity. Longevity, popularity or diligence alone does not qualify a candidate for nomination. In all cases nominees shall be judged based upon their devotion to the art and craft of architecture, to design integrity and their desire to better the physical environment.
Nominees may be considered upon the basis of notable career accomplishments or upon the basis of a single outstanding achievement. A medal will only be awarded to those individuals whose accomplishments have made a significant impact upon the profession of architecture or upon society.
Conditions and Requirements for Nomination
AIA Members in good standing are eligible.
The names of the nominator(s) shall appear on the nomination form.
Previous recipients or Fellows of the Institute are not eligible.
Nominations may be made each year. A prior nomination shall not be a hindrance to a proposed nomination.
Nominations for practicing architects shall include a portfolio or examples of the nominee’s design work or that of his or her firm with the nominee’s involvement defined in creating that work.
Exhibits shall be in reproducible formats. One original bound copy of a maximum 25 pages and one PDF copy (max. 5 MB) shall be submitted. The 25 pages will include a one-page Executive Summary and the letters of recommendation. Notice for the Arizona Architects Medal nomination shall be made by AIA Arizona to each member of AIA Arizona approximately six months prior to the annual AIA Arizona Awards Gala. Nominations for the medal shall be due sixty days prior to the AIA Arizona Awards Gala.
Nominations shall be mailed or delivered to the AIA Arizona office in a sealed envelope marked: The Arizona Architects Medal Nomination.
Jury discussions shall be strictly confidential and are based on submittals received for consideration. Voting shall be by secret ballot. Each nominee shall be voted upon in a separate ballot. A successful nominee shall receive a five vote majority of the seven Fellows Jury members present. Any member of the selected Fellows Jury will disqualify themselves in any situation where there is an actual or perceived conflict of interest based on preliminary submittal screening prior to the Jury deliberations. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the AZ Fellows may serve as Jury members. A statement of “no conflict of interest” shall be signed off by the final seven Jury members prior to the Fellows Jury meeting date. Efforts will be made to include a Fellows Jury that includes a full spectrum of active Fellows from various locations in the State of Arizona.
The medal winner, or winners, shall be promptly notified. Every effort shall be made to widely publish the award and emphasizing its significance and the achievements of the recipients.
The AIA AZ Fellows Jury shall designate an AIA Arizona member to make the award at a place determined by the American Institute of Architects Arizona.
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