Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca
Liceo Scientifico Linguistico Statale “Paolo Giovio” - Como



This agreement defines the relationship between: Liceo Scientifico Paolo Giovio, via Pasquale Paoli 28 - Italy, Tax Identification Number 80018260135, referred to herein as “the school institution/the school", and represented by Mr. Marzio Caggiano, born in Buonalbergo ( BN) on 23rd March 1952,


the Company/Organization, [Name, Address, n., City, Province – Country], Tax Identification Number, represented by [Name, Surname], referred to herein as "the Company",

Given that

  • in accordance with art. 1 Legislative Decree 77/05, combined study-work experience constitutes a manner of implementing the courses in the second cycle of the system of education and formation, to guarantee young people the acquisition of spendable competences in the job market ;
  • under the Law 13th July 2015 nr.107, art.1, subparagraphs 33-43, combined study-work pathways are organically inserted in the three-year plan of the formative offer of the school as an integral part of the educational pathways;
  • combined study-work experience is subject to the application of Legislative decree 9th April 2008, n.81 and as subsquently amended in Italy.

It is agreed as follows:

Art. 1.

The [name of hosting structure], hereinafter referred to as the "hosting subject", undertakes to host free of charge by its facilities n°... subjects ( students), in study-work experience following the proposal of Liceo Scientifico Linguistico Paolo Giovio, below mentioned also as " the School".

Art. 2.

1. The acceptance of the student/s the for the periods of study-work experience does not constitute an employment relationship.
2. To all intents and purposes of the provisions of which within the Legislative Decree 81/2008, the student following a study-work experience is likened, ex art. 2, subparagraph 1 letter a) of the quoted decree, to the employed worker.
3. The activity of formation and orientation of the study-work experience is jointly planned and verified by an internal tutor, appointed by the school , and by a formative tutor of the hosting structure, appointed by the hosting subject, referred to as external formative tutor;

4. Every student beneficiary of study-work experience inserted in the hosting structure according to the present Agreement, is provided with a formative pathway, coherent with the educational, cultural and professional profile of his/her school curriculum.

5. The school remains the sole holder of the study-work experience pathway, of the formative planning and of the certification of the acquired competences.
6. The acceptance of the underage student /s for the periods of study-work experience does not make him/ them acquire the qualification of " underage worker" of which within the Law 977/67 and further modifications.

Art. 3.

1. The teacher appointed as internal tutor performs the followings functions:
a) elaborates, together with the external tutor, the personalized formative pathway undersigned by the involved parties (school, hosting structure, student / subjects possessing parental rights);
b) assists and leads the student in the study-work experience and verifies , in collaboration with the external tutor, the correct carrying out of the same;
c) manages the relationships with the context in which the study-work experience develops, relating himself/herself with the external tutor;
d) monitors the activities and faces the possible critical issues that should emerge from the same;
e) evaluates, communicates and valorizes the reached objectives and the competences progressively developed by the student;

f) promotes the activity of evaluation on the effectiveness and the coherence of the study-work experience, by the involved student;
g) informs the responsible bodies of the school (School Director, Departments, Teaching body, Technical / Scientific Committee) and it updates the Class council on the conduct of the pathways, also in view of the possible realignment of the class;
h) assists the School Director in the drawing up of the evaluation form on the structures with which the agreements for the activities of study-work experience have been stipulated, underlining the formative potential and the possible difficulties met throughout the collaboration.

2. The external formative tutor performs the followings functions:
a) collaborates with the internal tutor to the planning, organization and evaluation of the study-work experience
b) favors the insertion of the student in the operational context, supports him/her and assists him/her in the course;
c) guarantees the information / formation of student /s on the specific on the workplace, in the respect of the internal procedures;
d) plans and organizes the activities according to the formative project, also coordinating himself/herself/ with other professional figures present in the hosting structure;
e) involves the student in the process of evaluation of the experience;
f) provides the school with the elements agreed for the appraisal of the activities of the student and the effectiveness of the formative pathway.

3. The two figures of the tutors share the followings assignments:
a) organization of the personalized formative pathway, also with respect to the safety and health regulations in the workplace. Particularly, the internal tutor must collaborate with the external formative tutor to the purpose of the identification of the activities required by the formative project and of the measures of prevention necessary to the safeguard of the student;
b) control of the frequency and the realization of the personalized study-work experience;
c) connection between the formative experiences in the classroom and those in a working context;

d) elaboration of a report on the experience and on the acquisitions of every student, which concurs to the evaluation and the certification of the competences by the Class council;

e) verification of the respect by the student of the obligations proper of every worker as referred to in art. 20 Legislative Decree 81/2008. In particular, the violation by the student of the obligations recalled by the quoted regulation and by the formative study-work experience will be signalled by the external formative tutor to the internal tutor so that this last can activate the necessary actions.

Art. 4

1. During the carrying out of the study-work experience the beneficiary of the experience is required to:
a) perform the activities expected from the personalized study-work experience;
b) respect the regulations in matter of hygiene, safety and health on the workplace, as well as all the dispositions, instructions, prescriptions, internal regulations, relevant to such purpose;
c) maintain the necessary discretion as for the data, information or knowledges regarding productive processes and products, acquired during the carrying out of the formative study-work experience;

d) follow the indications of the tutors and make reference to them for any organizational demand or other eventualities;
e) respect the safety regulations according to the legislation in force in the Nation (or of the hosting country).

Art. 5

1. The school insures the beneficiary of the study-work experience against the accidents on the workplace with INAIL, as well as for the civil responsibility with companies operating in the insurance field. In case of accident occurring during the carrying out of the study-work experience the hosting subject undertakes to report the event, in due time according to the legislation in force, to the insurance companies (making reference to the number of the policy undersigned by the promoting subject) and, contextually, to the promoting subject.
2.For the purpose of the application of the article 18 of the Legislative Decree 81/2008 the promoting subject undertakes the followings obligations:

a) take account of the abilities and the conditions of the hosting structure, in relationship to the health and safety of the students taking part in the activities of study-work experience;
b) inform / form the student about the regulations related to hygiene, safety and health on the workplace, with particular respect to the obligations of the student ex art. 20 Legislative Decree 81/2008;
c) appoint an internal tutor that is competent and adequately formed on the subject of safety and health in the workplace or that avails himself/herself of suitable professionals in the matter.

Art. 6

1. The hosting subject undertakes to:
a) guarantee to the beneficiary of the study-work experience, through the tutor of the hosting structure, the assistance and the formation necessary to the good result of the activity of study-work experience, as well as the declaration of the competences acquired within the work context;
b) respect the regulations of accident prevention and of hygiene on the workplace according to the legislation in force in the Nation (or the hosting country);
c) allow the tutor of the promoting subject to contact the beneficiary of the combined study-work experience and the tutor of the hosting structure to verify the proceeding of the formation in the working context, to coordinate the whole formative pathway and for the drafting of the final report;
d) inform the promoting subject of any accident happening to the beneficiary;
f) identify the external tutor in a subject that is competent and adequately formed on the subject of safety and health in the workplace or that makes avail of suitable professionals in the matter according to the legislation in force of the Nation (or of the hosting country).

Art. 7

1.Thr present agreement shall commence from the date indicated below and shall last for three years.
2. It is in every case recognized faculty to the hosting subject and the promoting subject to resolve the present agreement in case of violation of the obligations in the matter of health and safety in the workplace of the hosting country or of the personalized formative plan.

Date and place

Liceo Paolo Giovio...... Legal representative

[Hosting subject denomination ]...... Legal representative


Stage (Belgio, Francia, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi, Canada francofono);

Work experience, work placement, internship, traineeship (Regno Unito,

Irlanda, Malta, Australia, Canada, Cina (multinazionali), Stati Uniti);

Programa de prácticas, práctica (Spagna, Argentina, Cile, Colombia, Perù);

Berufspraktikum (Austria);

Prakticum (Germania, Liechtenstein);

Staj (Bulgaria);

Ptraktiké (Cipro);

Stažiranje o Staž (Croazia);

Praktik (Danimarca, Svezia);

Internatuuri (Estonia)

Tyoharjoittelu (Finlandia);

Praktiki Askisi (Grecia);

Starfsþjálfunina (Islanda);

Tirocinio (Italia);

Prakse (Lettonia);

Praktika o Stažuotės (Lituania);

Praxsis (Norvegia);

Afstudeerstage, Leerbaan (Paesi Bassi);

Staž (Polonia);

Estagio (Portogallo, Brasile);

Odborna praxe (Repubblica Ceca);

Stagiu o stagiu de practica (Romania);

Stažiranje, Pripravništvo (Serbia);

Praktická stáž, Odborná prax (Slovacchia);

Pripravništvo (Slovenia);

Gyakorlati képzés o Szakmai gyakorlat (Ungheria)

Stajyerlik, Isbası eğitim (Turchia)

Traduzione a cura della prof.Piatti Emilia, commissione ASL a.s. 2016-2017