TIJ 1O Programming and Interfacing With the Lego Mindstorm Robot

Drag Race Project Write-Up

You are to create a report that includes the following information:

  1. Identify the problem: in detail, describe what the problem is
  2. Research the Problem: include what you have found out about possible solutions

ie. in Google Images, search for NXT drag race and compare ideas found on here

  1. Develop Possible Solutions:
  2. Rough sketches (3 per person individual) and working drawings (final orthographic projection and wiring diagram of your final design – one of each per group)
  3. Programming plan (individual) and working program (your final program commented – one per group)
  4. Refine the Possible Solutions: describe how you, as a group, reached the decision to use the robot design you have chosen (if you do not have a partner, describe how you decided upon your final design)
  5. Component List: include all materials (main lego components and extras) that you will use for your design
  6. Division of Labour & Timeline: who is doing what and when do you plan on having certain parts of your project completed
  1. Conclusion: Describe at least 3 things that you would change about your robot’s design.
  2. Project Report: everything above, as well as the program, must be submitted in a professional looking package