Faculty Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Monitoring Report

Section A – Information about the Faculty

A1 / Faculty Name
A2 / Name of FAQSC Chair
A3 / Academic Session
(e.g. 2016/17)

Section B – Information about RPL activity within the Faculty

B1 / How many RPL claims have been submitted for consideration by the Faculty during this academic session?
B2 / Of the RPL claims considered by the Faculty, please indicate how many were accepted and how many were rejected / Accepted:
B3 / Of the RPL claims considered by the Faculty, please indicate how many claims from students on home-based and collaborative provision were accepted and rejected / Home-based provision / Collaborative Partnership Organisations
Accepted: / Rejected: / Accepted: / Rejected:
B4 / Rejected RPL claims
(Provide an overview of the main reasons for rejecting RPL claims within the Faculty. Make specific comments relating to Home-based and Collaborative Provision (where appropriate)
B5 / Feedback from students
(Provide an overview of the feedback received from successful and unsuccessful applicants)
B5 / Feedback from External Examiners
(Provide an overview of any comments received from External Examiners (through Assessment Boards or External Examiner Reports) relating to the fairness and effectiveness of the RPL process.)
B7 / Good Practice
(Comment upon the examples of Good Practice that are employed within the Faculty, and indicate how this is being implemented across the Faculty. Make specific comments relating to Home-based and Collaborative Provision (where appropriate)
B8 / Issues for Consideration
(Provide an indication of any issues/concerns that have been identified through the RPL Monitoring process. These may include issues relating to Manchester Met’s Policy for the Recognition of Prior Learning, and/or issues such as the consistency of application of the Policy across the Faculty or any anomalies in the amount of RPL awarded at particular levels, programmes or Partner Organisations )
B9 / Chair of FAQSC Declaration / I certify that the information I have provided in this report is accurate
Name in Capitals:


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