Chapter 5 Fourier Analysis
5-1 Fourier Series of a Periodical Function
Video Example of Fourier Series of Periodical Rectangular Function:
Video Example of Fourier Series of Periodical Sawtooth Function:
Fourier series:f(x) is a periodical function with period=2L and defined on an interval: -L≦x≦L.f(x+2L)=f(x), and then f(x)=, where , , and
In case f(x) is
Parseval’s Identity for Fourier series:
Eg.Expand f(x)=, f(x+4)=f(x) into Fourier series and
(Sol.),f(x+4)=f(x), ,
∵ Even function,∴bn=0,=1
InMatlab language, we can use the following instructions to obtain the finite sum of
x = 0:0.001:4*pi;y=1;
for i=1:5
plot (x,y)
Eg.Expand f(x)= and f(x+4)=f(x) into Fourier series. Find(a) and (b). [文化電機轉學考]
. ∵ Odd function, ∴an=0, n
(a)Set x=1,
(b) ,
InMatlab language, we can use the following instructions to obtain the finite sum of =.
x = 0:0.001:4*pi;
for i=1:5
plot (x,y)
Eg. (a) Expand f(x)= and f(x+2π)=f(x) into Fourier series. (b) Find. [2018台大電研、2015師大電研與2017台聯大電研類似題for k=1]
(Sol.) (a)
. ∵ Odd function, ∴an=0, n
(b)Set x=π/2,
Eg. Find the Fourier series of f(x)= and use the results to show that . [2004台大電研]
InMatlab language, we can use the following instructions to obtain the finite sum of .
x = 0:0.001:4*pi;y=1/pi+sin(x)/2;
for n=1:20
plot (x,y)
Eg.Find the Fourier series of |cos(2x)| and calculate [1990交大材研、成大電研]
(Sol.) (a),
∵Even function,∴
InMatlab language, we can use the following instructions to obtain the finite sum of
x = 0:0.001:4*pi;y=2/pi;
for n=1:6
plot (x,y)
Discrete spectrum of f(t):
5-2 Fourier Transforms and Inverse Fourier Transforms
Fourier Transform pair defined in Engineering:
, whereω=2πν.
Fourier Transform pair defined in Mathematics:
, whereω=2πν.
Fourier Transform pair defined in Physics/Optics:
Parseval’s Identities forFourier Transform pairs[f(x)]=F(ω) and [g(x)]=G(ω):
Continuous Spectrum off(t):
Convolutionin Fourier Transform:
Correlation in Fourier Transform:
Basic theorems of Fourier Transforms[f(x)]=F(ω) and [g(x)]= G(ω):
1. [af(x)+bg(x)]=aF(ω)+bG(ω)
2. [f(ax)]=[F(ω/a)]/a and -1[F(aω)]=[f(x/a)]/a,a>0
(Proof) For a>0, let ax=u
3. [f(x)ejax]=F(ω-a) and -1[F(ω-a)]=f(x)ejax
(Proof) [f(x)ejax]===F(ω-a)
4. [f’(x)]= jωF(ω),[f(n) (x)]=(jω)nF(ω) in case of f(±∞)=f’(±∞)=f”(±∞)=…=0
(Proof) [f’(x)]==
= e-jωxf(x)|-=e-jω∞f(∞)-ejω∞f(-∞)+jω=jωF(ω)
By mathematical induction, we have [f(n) (x)]=(jω)nF(ω) if
5. [f(x)*g(x)]=F(ω)G(ω)
6. [g*(x)★f(x)]=F(ω)G*(ω), where g*(x) and G*(ω) are the complex conjugates of g(x) and G(ω), respectively.
7. [f(x-a)]=e-jaωF(ω)and -1[e-jaωF(ω)]=f(x-a)
(Proof) Let x-a=u, [f(x-a)]==
=e-jaω=e-jaω= e-jaωF(ω)
8. [xnf(x)]=(j)nF(n)(ω)
(Proof) [xf(x)]===j
By mathematical induction, we have [xnf(x)]=(j)nF(n)(ω).
9. [δ(x)]=1, [1]=2πδ(ω),and[ejax]=2πδ(ω-a)
Eg. Find (a) [1], (b) [ejax], (c)[sin(ax)], and (d) [cos(ax)].
(Sol.) (a) [δ(x)]=1, -1[1]=δ(x), =δ(x),
=2πδ(x), ==
Let ω be replaced by u, and -x be replaced by v, we have =2πδ(-v)=2πδ(v) because δ(x) is an even function.
Let u be replaced by x and v be replaced by ω, we have
(b) ∵[f(x)ejax]=F(ω-a), ∴[ejax]=2πδ(ω-a)
(c) sin(ax)=, [sin(ax)]=[]=-iπ[δ(ω-a)-δ(ω+a)]
(d) cos(ax)=, [cos(ax)]=[]=π[δ(ω-a)+δ(ω+a)].
Eg.Find [e-a|x|] and [e-|x|].
. For
f(x)=e-a|x| F(ω)=
Or, according to,
Eg.Determine . [2013成大電研]
(Sol.) and a=1, ==
Eg.Find (a) [xe-|x|], (b) [e-3|x|], (c) , (d) , (e) f(x) if . [文化電機轉學考]
(Sol.) =(a) According to ,
(b), (c)
, ∴
Set ,∴
Eg.Find the Fourier transform of f(t)=.[2017台聯大電研]
Eg. For two rectangular functions: f(x)=, g(x)=, find (a) [f(x)], (b) [g(x)], (c)[文化電機轉學考], and [2008成大電研].
(Sol.) (a)
(b) ∵, a>0,
(c) f(x)=,
(d) According to,
Eg.Find and .
(Sol.) ,
∴. Set u=-x
Set x=ω, ω=u,
f(x)= F(ω)=
∵, ∴
Eg.Find and .
(Sol.) ,a=3, ∴
. Set x=1, we have =
Eg. Determine . [2003台科大電研]
(Sol.) ∵and
Eg.Find .
f(x)= F(ω)=
Note:f(x)= and g(x)= are similar to each other. But their respective Fourier transforms look quite different!
Eg. Determine .[2003台大光電所]
(Sol.)a=1/p, 1/a=p, -ω2/(4a2)= -p2ω2/4, ∴=.
Eg.Determine .
-ω→xanda→b(simultaneously), and then u→ω
=, ∴
f(x) / F(ω)= / Examplesf(x)= / /
e-a|x| / / , , , , etc.
/ / =, =, =, etc.
/ / =, =, =,=, etc.