Chief Examiner’s Report to the Chair of Examiners (CERC)

Year ending June Series: Enter year

For all 14-19 qualifications

Guidance notes

Purpose and audience

The CERC provides comment on your qualification for the whole of the year, ending in August. It provides a useful and informative document that will help to improve the quality of OCR assessments and processes. The CERC is confidential to OCR. It is addressed to the Chair of Examiners, but may be read by the Qualifications Manager/Leader and others within OCR.


Please complete the CERC as soon as possible after the award and submit it to by 10 August 2012 at the latest.

Confidential assessment materials (question papers, mark-schemes, pre-release materials, comments on such materials exchanged between assessors must not be circulated by e-mail (either on an e-mail or as an attachment to an e-mail).

Report forms may be emailed. However, please take the following security measures:

·  Do not store either the completed report or the email you send on your PC, but delete both report and email after receiving our acknowledgment of receipt. (If you keep a printed copy of the form, it should be stored in a secure place.)

·  Double-check, before pressing the “Send” button, that your email is addressed correctly to and not copied to anyone else.


The main focus is recommendations for improvement, but please also identify aspects that went well. Please comment on aspects which you feel are significant for your qualification, giving specification unit numbers where appropriate.

For any aspect, you may wish to comment on:

·  your own involvement/contribution

·  the involvement/contribution of others in the team

·  aspects of good practice

·  overall effectiveness

·  any concerns

·  any suggestions/proposals for improvement.

Because of the potential impact of the Freedom of Information Act, under no circumstances mention individuals by name in your report.

Year ending June Series Enter year

Chief Examiner’s Report to the Chair of Examiners (CERC)

Specification Level


Specification Name

/ Specification Number
Name of Chief Examiner
e-mail address
Date completed

Report to be completed below, with the help of the attached Guidance notes.

How well the assessment team has worked
You may wish to comment on matters such as:
·  performance of assessors
·  quality of tasks, assessment materials, question papers, mark schemes
·  standardisation, checking / ·  marking review
·  EARs/appeals
How well OCR procedures and systems have worked
You may wish to comment on matters such as:
·  administration
·  scheduling, deadlines
·  apportionment / ·  support for new assessors
·  assessor training
·  systems eg scoris, ModMan
How well the qualification has worked
You may wish to comment on matters such as:
·  specification issues
·  standards, comparability
·  CA/coursework / ·  customer/competitors
·  competitor/market share issues
Other comments