St. Mary’s Riding Club Fair Horse Show 2008
*REVISED 9/01/08*
Date: September 21, 2008 , 8:30 am, Rain or Shine Judge: Katy Stier
Contact Chairperson: Caroline Hurry 301-769-4067 or Secretary: Carmon Hodges 240-298-8359
Sarah Long 301-475-2099 Show Chairperson: Christina Mulqueen
Entries $10 pre-entered, $12 on show day
1. Novice Rider W/T 20. Western Pleasure W/T 26. Novice Rider W/T
2. Novice Rider W/T/C(brief) 21. Western Pleasure W/J/L Dis. Rail 27. Novice Rider W/T/C(brief)
3. Novice Rider O/F 12” 22. Western Horsemanship 28. Novice Rider O/F 18”
4. Green Pony HunterW/T 23. Western Pleasure Pairs 29. Green Horse Hunter W/T
5. Green Pony Hunter W/T/C 24. Leadline 5 and under 30. Green Horse Hunter W/T/C
6. Green Pony Hunter O/F 18” 25. Leadline 6-8 31. Green Hunter Horse O/F 2’3” or 2’6”
7. Short Stirrup 12/U W/T 32. Horse Hunter O/F 2’6” or 3’
8. Short Stirrup 12/U W/T/C 33. Horse Handy Hunter O/F 3’ or 2’6”
9. Short Stirrup 12/U O/F Sm/Md 18”/Lp 2’ 34. Horse Hunter U/S
10. Pony Hunter O/F Sm/Md 2’ Lp 2’6” 35.Horse Pleasure U/S
11. Pony Handy Hunter O/F Lp 2’6” Sm/Md 2’ 36. HorsePleasurePark Hack
12. Pony Hunter U/S 37. Horse Pleasure O/F 2’6”
13. Pony Equitation U/S 38. Horse Pleasure Pairs
14. Pony Equitation O/F Sm/Md 2’ Lp 2’6” 39. Horse Equitation U/S
15. Pony Equitation Medal Lp 2’6” Sm/Md 2’3” 40. Horse Equitation O/F 2’9”
16. Pony Pleasure U/S 41. Horse Equitation Medal O/F 3’
17. PonyPleasurePark Hack
18. Pony Pleasure O/F Lp 2’6” Sm/Md 2’
19. Pony Pleasure Pairs
Novice Rider Pony Pony Hunter Western Horse Pleasure
Short Stirrup 12/U Pony Pleasure Novice Rider Horse Horse Hunter
Green Pony Hunter Pony Equitation Green Hunter Horse Horse Equitation
AGNES T. DUNCAN PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY: Best Pony rider sponsored by Agnes T. Duncan Children
THE LYNN CLINE PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY: Best horse rider sponsored by Ron and Kathy Glockner
FRANK LATHAM MEMORIAL TROPHY: High Point horse and rider sponsored by Dave and Beth Wilkerson
McNEY PERPETUAL MEMORIAL TROPHY: High point pony and rider sponsored by McNey Family and Friends
CHAMPIONSHIP SPONSORS: Dr. William and Duffy Boyd II, Susan Brown, Ron and Kathy Glockner, Wayne and JoAnn Guy,
ChrisHenderson, Karine Ingersoll, Bobby Lindsley’s AMIT Farm, Ray and Sarah Long, Donna and Richard Mattingly,
John and KathyMcFadden,Bill and Trish Saul
RESERVE CHAMPIONSHIP SPONSORS: Alice Allen, Bob and Pat Cammack, Clara Cammack, Chip and Gina Guffey,
John and Caroline Hurry,Helen and Iric Krissoff, Becky McDonald, Stan and Sandy Sweikar, Gery and Sarah VanderVliet,
Jeff and Jean Wathen, Tom and Kate Watts,Elbert Willey, Glenn and Mary Wood
CLASS SPONSORS: Rich Dudash and Jenny Dillon, Richard and Betsy Fritz, Judy Roa, Don and Kathy Utz, Tim and Jackie White,
Mrs. John Yamnicky,
- No schooling in the Show ring. Schooling in designated warm-up ring only. Riders will have the opportunity to walk their mounts in the ring prior to class 1 and class 20.
- All riders must wear approved AHSA helmets in all classes and while mounted.
- Proof of negative coggins test within one year is required at entry desk.
- All ages are as of January 1st, 2008
- Leadline classes are open to riders of any discipline, as long as proper ASTM headgear is worn. To be judges on equitation and suitability of mount. The 6-8 year olds should be able to keep their mounts standing still without help, and answer questions from the judge.
- Western riders are NOT eligible for the short stirrup O/F class.
- Western riders may only enter leadline, short stirrup under saddle and the western classes. Western Pleasure is judged on performance, manners, way of going, and suitability. In the disciplined rail class riders perform work on the rail which may include extension at the walk, jog, or lope, changes of lead, sliding stop, dismount/mount from either side, stand quietly, etc. Western Horsemanship is judged on the riders ability, control, equitation. Riders may be asked to walk , jog, lope and any other movements at the discretion of the judge.
- Novice Rider divisions are open to any rider in their first or second year of showing. Jumps may be trotted or cantered. Ponies to jump 12” and horses to jump18”. Canter will be performed on the rail individually. Scores not to count towards the Frank Latham and McNey trophies.
- Green divisions are open to horses/ponies in their 1st or 2nd year of showing over fences. Horse/pony/rider combinations who ride in both the green hunter and regular hunter divisions only the green hunter division scores will count towards the Frank Latham and McNey Trophies.
- The Short StirrupDivision is open to riders age 12 and under riding horses or ponies. Riders who ride in this division may not enter the leadline classes.
- Novice Rider, Short Stirrup, and Equitation division scores do NOT count towards the Frank Latham and McNey trophies.
- Pony/Horse Hunter divisions: Small and medium ponies to jump 2’ large ponies to jump 2’6’ Horses to jump 2’6” or 3’ your choice. To enter any hunter under saddle class horse/pony/ rider must compete in at least one o/f class in that division
- Hunter Divisions/Pleasure Divisions/Equitation Divisions -No martingales will be permitted on the flat, only standing martingales over fences and only standard cavessons to be used on the bridle. Horse/ pony boots not permitted in the Hunter divisions.
- Pony /Horse Equitation Divisions to be judged on seat, hands, general appearance, and control of the mount. Competitors will be asked to show both ways of the ring at the walk, trot, and canter. In the Medal O/F classes judge may ask for collection/lengthening of all gaits, reverse on the forehand/haunches, work w/o stirrups, halt, change mounts, mount or dismount, etc. for those riders who are called back to perform on the flat at the judges discretion.
- Horse/Pony hunter divisions will be judged on mounts’performance,even hunting pace, manners, way of going, and style. Courses to be cantered. Handy hunter classes may include a combination in/out and change of directions.
- Pleasure Divisions- the pleasure pairs class scores will count as half weight of the other pleasure classes for the division and high point awards.
- Classes may be combined or cancelled due to less than six entries or may be divided at the discretion of the show committee.
- Seniors may ride ponies.
- Horse and ponies are not allowed in the spectator area.
- The show will take place rain or shine. In the event of Severe weather call 301-769-4067, 240-538-2941 the morning of the show.
- Only riders and one groom per pre-entered rider will be given wristbands for free admission to the fairgrounds. These will be available at the small gate near the trailer parking area. Admission fee will be charged to everyone else. This is the policy of the St. Mary’s County Fair Association. Post Entries must purchase and display an admission tickets for entry to the grounds.
- Neither the St. Mary’s Riding Club nor the St. Mary’s County Fair Association will be responsible for loss or injury to horses, ponies, or riders, or loss of property while on the Fairgrounds. All entries must agree to a liability release form per entry form. Any question regarding the conduct of the show shall be decided by the Show Committee, and its decision shall be final. Only horse trailers and the vehicle attached to them will be allowed to park in the trailer parking area. Please park all extra vehicles in other fairgrounds parking areas.
- $10 Pre-entries $12 post entries. Ribbons to 6th place with trophies and champion/reserve ribbons in each division.
- Directions: The St. Mary’s CountyFairgrounds are located 2 miles south of Leonardtown, Md on Route 5. From routes 2&4 travel south on route 4 to end and turn Left on Route 5 go approx. 1 mile to Fairgrounds on Left. Follow signs on route 5 to horse trailer parking just south of actual fairgrounds.