Budget CommitteeGuidelinesAnd
Allocation Procedures
Penn State Law
Revised: August 2016
I.Purposes ofthe Budget Guidelines
A.Toprovideguidelines, subject to modificationbythe Board,bywhich theBudgetCommittee (the Committee) shall makea determination in formulatingaproposedannual/semester budget and anysubsequent allocation/reallocation in theamount of fivehundreddollars ($500.00)or less.
B.Toprovide a processbywhichallStudentBarAssociation(SBA)funds,whetherallocatedbythe Committee orbytheBoard,maybe reimbursedor recaptured.
C.Compliance withtheseguidelinesandproceduresis mandatoryfor all business conductedbythe Committee.
D.For purposes oftheSBAConstitution (Constitution),theseguidelinesshallbe consideredthe Committee bylaws.
II.Goals ofthe Budget Committee
A.Tocreate abudget thatallocates the SBAfunds to the studentgroups, organizations, andSBA Committees of Penn State Law
B.Toallocate moneyin afair anduniform manner thatwillbenefit thegreatestnumber ofstudentsatPenn State Law
C.Toallocate moneyin awaythat willallow studentgroupsandSBA Committees tocontribute to the overalllaw schoolexperience ofPenn State Lawstudents.
D.Topromote unityandcooperationbetween all the students of Penn State Law
A.Group: Refers togroupsof studentsthathave been charteredbythe SBA.
B.SBA Committee: Refersto both standingandad hoc committeesestablishedbytheSBA.
C.Organization: Includesboth groupsand SBACommittees.
D.Committee Composition:The SBABudgetCommittee shall be comprisedofthe five (5)votingmembersaslaid out in ArticleIII, Section 6 ofthe SBA Constitution, in additionto anynon-votingmembersappointingbytheSBA President.Where possible,appointments ofboth votingand non-votingmembers should reflectsymmetrybetweensecond-year and third-year law students.
E.Committee Decisions: All decisionsbythe Committee shall bebyamajorityofthosevotingmemberspresentasstipulatedbyArticleIII, Section 6 ofthe SBAConstitution,unlessotherwise indicated.
F.Committee Meetings: The Committee shallmeetasoftenas necessarytofulfill therequirements ofthe SBAConstitution andthese guidelinesaccordingtoascheduledeterminedbythe Treasurer.The Committee shall not be required to meet in-personunlessin-personhearingsare requiredat therequest of anorganization.However, iftheTreasurer chooses to meet in-person orin someforum other thanin-person,the meetingmust be announced to allmembers ofthe Committee in a reasonableamount oftimebefore such a meeting.
G.Allwordsandphrases are asdefined in the SBAConstitution unless expresslydefinedotherwise.
IV.Annual/Semester Budget
A.Budget Process
1.The SBA Treasurer (Treasurer) shalldetermineadate bywhichall organizations shallsubmit a “Budget Request Form” (budget proposal).
2.Atleast one weekbeforethe date determined in SectionIV(A)(1) theseguidelinesshallbe publishedandavailable to allSBA members.
3.Allorganizations submittingabudget proposal must either adopt the SBAModelConstitution or create their ownconstitution. Ifthe organizationchooses tocreate itsownconstitution it mustbe presented to the SBABudgetCommittee andapprovedbysimplemajorityvoteofthe Committee. Iftheconstitution does not pass asimplemajorityvotethe organizationwillhave theabilityto appeal to the entire votingboardofthe SBA.
4.Organizationscanaccessthe budgetproposal on the SBA website.The budget proposalshall be completed in its entirety,even ifthe organization is not requestinganyfundsatthis time.
5.After thedatedetermined in SectionIV(A)(1), the SBABudgetCommittee shalldevelop,in accordancewith the guidelinessetforth inIV(B),anannual/semester budget insufficientdetail to enablea reader to determine thebasis ofthe allocation for eacheventor other allocationrequestspresentedbytheorganizations.
6.Allorganizations areentitled to anin-person hearingbefore the Committee in order toexplain their budget proposal, but such a hearingshall not be mandatory.
7.The Committee’sproposedannual/semester budget is to be presented,bywayoftheTreasurer, to theSBA President(President),whomayapprove or veto theproposed
annual/semester budget. Uponveto, the proposedannual/semester budget returns to theSBA BudgetCommittee for revisionandcontinues in this process until receivingapprovalbythe President. UponapprovalbythePresident, the proposedannual/semesterbudget shall be presentedat ameetingofthe SBA Executive Board for finalapproval.
8.Atleastforty-eight (48)hoursbefore themeeting where theBoardwill approvetheproposedannual/semester budget, the Treasurer shall submit it to allBoardmembersandorganizationleaders.
9.Uponfinalapprovalbythe Board, the annual/semester budgetshalltake immediate effectand the fundsshall bemade available to all approved events.
B.Guidelines for Formulating a ProposedAnnual/Semester Budget
1.TheSBA Budget Committeemayconsider thefollowingfactors:
a.Attendance: Has theorganization attendedSBAmeetingsandevents?
b.Specificity and Validity: Does the allocation request provide sufficient detail anditemizationandare educatedestimatesprovided?
c.Benefit to Law SchoolStudentBody: Will a significantnumber ofPenn State Lawstudentsbenefitfrom theactivities ofthe organization?
d.History: Has the organization efficientlyusedallocatedresources in the past?
e.Sources of Income: Are thereoutside sources ofincome other than theSBAfunding,including, but not limited to, dues,ticketsales, theUniversityPark AllocationCommittee (UPAC),and the Graduate StudentsAssociation(GSA)?
f.Uniqueness: Does theevent duplicate or repeatanevent put on byanotherorganization?
g.Adherence to BudgetGuidelines: Has the organization previouslyadheredto theproceduresoutlined in these Guidelines?
h.Overuse of Mass E-mails:Has the organization previouslyoverwhelmed the studentbodywithredundantandexcessive e-mailspromotingits events?
2.TheSBA Budget Committeemaydetermine ifan event furthersthe goal ofthe SBAas evidenced by:
a.Non-exclusivity: All SBA funded events shall beopen to all Penn State Lawstudents.
b.Viability: The likelihoodofa significantnumberof studentsbenefiting,indicatedby,amongother things, location and accessibilityofthe event.
c.EventHistory: Successofthe event ifheld in previousyears.
d.Impact on the SBA Budget: Inhibitive effect theevent willhave on futureevents,whichare of greater benefit to the studentbody.
e.Co-sponsoring: The event is likelyto have betterstudentturnoutwhen thereiscooperationbetween multiple studentorganizations.
3.GeneralLimitations for ItemsWhich Shall Not Be Funded
a.CommonItems: Those items whichstudents mayalreadyhave, suchas board games,playingcards,towels,markers,etc.
b.GeneralBodyMeetings: The SBABudgetCommittee shall not allocate fundingformore than onegeneral bodymeetingperorganization per semester.
c.StudentServices: Compensationfor a student’sperformance ofadutyor service.
d.Speakers: Honorariumsfor speakers arehandledbythe Speaker’sTrust Fund andshall not be paidfor bySBA funds.
e.TravelExpenses: Allchargesincurred including transportation,parking,gas,lodging,etc.
f.Tips in excess of 20%.
4.Requirements for OrganizationalBudget Proposals
a.Timely,fully,andaccuratelycompletea budget proposal.
b.Date of Event:All proposed eventsandrequests shall include atleast a predictedmonth in which the eventshalloccur.
c.Description:Provide sufficientdetail oftheeventso that the Committee canevaluatethe event accordingto SectionIV(B).
d.Itemization: To the best ofthe organization’sability,provide anditemization of coststhatshall be incurred in orderto ensurethe event’ssuccess.
1.Organizations mayaccess theonline “BudgetAllocation/Reallocation Request Form”(allocation/reallocation form) throughout theacademic schoolyear and request fundsasneeded. The allocation/reallocationformshall befilled out in its entiretywith asmuchdetailas the organizationcanprovide.
2.Within twoweeks of receivinganallocation/reallocationform the SBABudgetCommittee shallconvene andcome to adecision withregard to anyallocation/reallocationform in the amount of fivehundreddollars ($500.00)or less.
3.Organizationsare entitled to anin-person hearing before the SBABudgetCommittee inorder to be presentwhilethe Committee comes to a finaldeterminationwithregard totheir allocation/reallocationform,however,such an in-person hearingshall not bemandatory.
4.Alldecisions,whichshall bein accordance with the Guidelinessetfor in Section V(B),shall be delivered to theorganizationthatmade suchrequestaccompaniedbya briefexplanation ofthe Committee’sruling.
5.Ateach meetingoftheExecutive Board a reportshall begiven,bywayofthe Treasurer, in whichallallocations/reallocationsrequested andgrantedshall be reported. Organizations mayinquire for further informationanddetailedexplanation ofthe Committee’srulingbywayofa Boardmember.
B.Guidelines for Allocation/Reallocation ofFunds
1.TheSBA Budget Committeemayconsider thefollowingfactors:
j.Attendance: Has theorganization attendedSBAmeetingsandevents?
k.Specificity and Validity: Does the allocation request provide sufficient detail anditemizationandare educatedestimatesprovided?
l.Benefit to Law SchoolStudentBody: Will a significantnumber ofPSU-DSLstudentsbenefitfrom theactivities ofthe organization?
m.History: Has the organization efficientlyusedallocatedresources in the past?
n.Sources of Income: Are thereoutside sources ofincome other than theSBAfunding,including, but not limited to, dues,ticketsales, theUniversityPark AllocationCommittee (UPAC),and the Graduate StudentsAssociation(GSA)?
o.Uniqueness: Does theevent duplicate or repeatanevent put on byanotherorganization?
p.Adherence to BudgetGuidelines: Has the organization previouslyadheredto theproceduresoutlined in these Guidelines?
q.Overuse of Mass E-mails:Has the organization previouslyoverwhelmed the studentbodywithredundantandexcessive e-mailspromotingits events?
2.TheSBA Budget Committeemaydetermine ifan event furthersthe goal ofthe SBAas evidenced by:
f.Non-exclusivity: All SBA funded events shall beopen to all Penn State Lawstudents.
g.Viability: The likelihoodofa significantnumberof studentsbenefiting,indicatedby,amongother things, location and accessibilityofthe event.
h.EventHistory: Successofthe event ifheld in previousyears.
i.Impact on the SBA Budget: Inhibitive effect theevent willhave on futureevents,whichare of greater benefit to the studentbody.
j.Co-sponsoring: The event is likelyto have betterstudentturnoutwhen thereiscooperationbetween multiple studentorganizations.
3.GeneralLimitations for ItemsWhich Shall Not Be Funded
h.CommonItems: Those items whichstudents mayalreadyhave, suchas board games,playingcards,towels,markers,etc.
i.GeneralBodyMeetings: The SBABudgetCommittee shall not allocate fundingformore than onegeneral bodymeetingperorganization per semester.
j.StudentServices: Compensationfor a student’sperformance ofadutyor service.
k.Speakers: Honorariumsfor speakers arehandledbythe Speaker’sTrust Fund andshall not be paidfor bySBA funds.
l.TravelExpenses: Allchargesincurred including transportation,parking,gas,lodging,etc.
m.Tips in excess of 20%.
4.Requirements for Allocation/ReallocationRequests by Organizations
e.Timely,fully,andaccuratelycompletea budget proposal.
f.Date of Event:All proposed eventsandrequests shall include atleast apredictedmonth in which the eventshalloccur.
g.Description:Provide sufficientdetail oftheeventso that the Committee canevaluatethe event accordingto SectionIV(B).
h.Itemization: To the best ofthe organization’sability,provide a detaileditemization of coststhatshall be incurred in orderto ensurethe event’ssuccess.
VI.Alterationsto an Allocation
A.Anyalteration to anallocation,includingamountallocated,description,itemization,etc.,must be requestedbytheorganizationthrough useofthe allocation/reallocationformandis subject to a decision bytheSBA BudgetCommittee, if for five hundred dollars($500.00) or less, ortheBoard, iffor more than five hundreddollars($500.00).
B.At the request oftheorganization, the Treasurer shall have the discretion to alter the dateofthe allocatedevent.
C.It is the Treasurer’sresponsibilityto ensure that the organization’sallocationreflectsanyalternationapprovedbythe Treasurer, the Committee, orbytheBoard.
VII.Dispersal ofFunds
1.Organizations(and member thereof) mayaccess the “SBAFundReimbursementForm”(reimbursement form)onthe SBA website.This form shall be completedin its entirety.
2.Itemizedreceiptsthat attest to the actualamountof fundsthatwere spentandwhich areto be reimbursedshall accompanyallreimbursementforms.Noreimbursementshall beawardedwithoutanitemizedreceipt.
3.The completedreimbursementformandall receipts that accompanytheform are to bedelivered to the Treasurer’sschoolmailfolder within five (5) businessdaysofthe eventor run the risk ofnot havingthefunds reimbursed.
4.The Treasurer shalldeliver the reimbursement form to the appropriateadministrativeagent.
B.Penn State LawPurchase Card Process
1.Organizations(andmembersthereof) mayrequestuseofthePenn State Lawpurchase cardduringtheallocation/reallocationprocess.
2.Allexpensesincurred onthePenn State Lawpurchasecard must bein accordance with thefundsallocated in theSBA budget.
3.Itemizedreceipts arerequired for anyandallexpensesincurred on thePenn State Lawpurchasecardand aretobe delivered,withinfive(5) businessdays oftheevent, to theadministrative officialthroughwhom thecard is used, with acopyofthereceiptsalsoforwarded to the SBATreasurer.
4.Prior to authorizationgrantinguseofthepurchasecard, the organizationshallmakearrangementswith the vendor(s) suchthat theadministrative official possessingthepurchasecard shall solelyneed to submit the cardnumber to the vendor(s).Organizationswill nottake actualpossession ofanypurchase card.
5.Prior to authorizationgrantinguseofthepurchasecard, the organizationshallmakearrangements to usethe purchasecardwith the administrative officialpossessingthepurchasecardatleast two (2) weeksprior to saiduse,unless the planned use fallswithintwo(2) weeksafter theannual budget is finalized ortheuseis asupplementaryrequestnot in the initialannualbudget.
6.Authorizationfor useofthe purchase cardshall begrantedbythe Treasureruponcompliance withVII(B)(4) andVII(B)(5).
7.Failure to adhereto the allocationsgranted orto the process set forth in this sectionmayresult in the organization’sassumption ofliabilityfor the expensesincurredon thepurchasecard.
VIII.SBA Event ParticipationReporting
A.Anyand all events that are allocated SBA funds in the budget is subject to mandatoryeventparticipationreporting, to allow accurate records ofthe event’shistoryof success toaid the future budgeting ofthe SBABudgetCommittee.
B.A leader or otherrepresentative ofthe organization hostingan event must print out a“SBA EventParticipationForm” (event participation form),found on theSBA website,andbringsaidform to the event.
C.The organizationleaderor other representative has theresponsibilityto have alleventattendeesand participantspresentat theevent sign their names to theevent participationform.
D.The eventparticipation form is required to be deliveredwithinfive (5) businessdays ofthe event to the Treasurer’sstudentmailfolder, and can beattached to thereimbursementformanditemizedreceipts ofthe event.
E.Ifan organization fails to return theevent participationformwithin the giventime, theorganization maybesubject to recaptureasoutlined in SectionIX(B).
F.Ifan organization fails to have event attendeesandparticipantssignan eventparticipationform, the organizationleader orother representativecan submit in writinganapproximation ofthe eventparticipation,aswell asanexplanationfor the lack ofaneventparticipation form.This must occur withinfive (5) businessdays ofthe event.
1.Events with TicketSales: For anyorganization’s event in whichtickets aresold (ex:Barrister’sBall,SpringSoiree, etc.)this requirement is waived. Inlieu ofthe eventparticipationform, the organizationleader or representative maysubmit its list of ticketsales to the Treasurer’sstudentmailfolder,withinfive (5) businessdaysof the event.
2.Infeasibility: Ifanorganization’seventhasananticipatedattendance so large that itwould be infeasible forall attendeesand participants to signanevent participation form(ex: Senior Picnic, Welcome BackParties,etc.), this requirement is maybe waivedwithprior approvalofthe Treasurer. With a minimum of one weekprior to the event, theorganization leadermust contact the Treasurer to make him/herawareof suchinfeasibility. Inlieu oftheform, the organizationleader orother representative maysubmit in writing to theTreasurer’sstudentmailfolder anapproximationofthe eventparticipationwithin the five(5) businessdays oftheevent.
IX.Recapture ofFunds
A.Unusedallocatedfunds fora specific eventwillbe placed back into theSBA generalfund ifthe funds arenot reallocatedthrough the reallocationprocess.
B.The Treasurer shall exercisethis recapture provision ifthe organizationhasfailed tosubmit the appropriate reimbursement,reallocation,andeventparticipationformswithinfive (5) businessdaysafter the event’sscheduleddate. Ifthe scheduled dateis onlythemonth in which the eventwas to be held, the Treasurer shallexercise this recaptureprovision onlyafter five(5) businessdays ofthelast dayof that month.
C.The recapture provision shall be exercisedafter thetime allotted in SectionIX(B)bynotifyingtheorganization ofthe recapture ofthefunds.The organizationshallhave no more than five(5) businessdaysafter receivingnoticeto file agrievancewith the Committee.
D.Ifnogrievance is filed pursuant toIX(C)orthegrievance is denied, thefunds shall berecapturedandreturned to the generalSBA unallocatedbudget.
A.In theevent ofanemergency, the Treasurer plus one other memberoftheSBABudgetCommittee shallhave the power to allocate up to twohundreddollars ($200.00)toalleviate suchanemergency.
B.Once suchanallocationismade, the Treasurer and a representative oftheorganizationthatreceived the allocationshall promptlyinformthe Executive Board ofthe circumstancessurroundingsuch anallocation.
A. Theseguidelinesshall beamendedbyamajorityvoteofthe SBABoard.