TEXT: Business Law: Brown and Sukys
INSTRUCTOR: Bill Blandford
Telephone: (262) 564-2340
OFFICE: Room 341: Kenosha Campus
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - 11:00 to 12:00 and 6:00 to 6:55
Tuesday and Thursday – 12:00 to 1:00
Wednesday – 11:00 to 12:00
The purpose of this course is to acquaint you with the law as it may influence your life, your work and society around you. By the end of the course you should have a general understanding of:
- the general structure of the judicial system,
- the criminal law,
- the law of torts,
- the various business organizations,
- the law of contracts,
- debtor and consumer protection,
- bankruptcy,
- the general principles of property,
- the law of employment,
- the principles of real property,
- products liability, and
- negotiable instruments.
In accordance with the school policy, attendance will be taken. Your failure to attend class will be noted, but will not affect your grade adversely unless it is so extensive as to warrant dropping you from this course. On the other hand, anyone missing two or less classes will have two points added to their final average numerical grade. Thereby, for example, changing a D+ to a C-. Also, if you are late for class, leave class early, or leave and come back to class it will count as a half-hour absence. Whether you have a good or bad excuse for not being in class does not matter. The extra two points are given on the assumption that, if you have been present almost all the time, you probably know more than is indicated by your test scores. Whether you have a reason for being absent does not change the fact that you were not present for the class instruction and no such assumption can be made.
Gateway believes students need both technical knowledge and skills and core abilities in order to succeed in a career and in life. The following nine core abilities are the general attitudes and skills promoted and assessed in all Gateway programs.
- Act responsibly
- Communicate clearly and effectively
- Demonstrate essential computer skills
- Demonstrate essential mathematical skills
- Develop job-seeking skills
- Respect self and others as members of a diverse society
- Think critically and creatively
- Work cooperatively
- Value learning
Quizzes: 15%
Tests: 85%
Grade: 100%
QUIZZES: A quiz will be given for each chapter of the textbook that is covered in class. Each quiz will be given prior to the lecture on the chapter and this is intended to insure the reading of the chapter prior to the lecture and class discussion of the chapter. YOU CAN NOT MAKE UP A QUIZ! However, in computing your final quiz average, two quiz grades will be dropped so if you miss a quiz that will be one that is dropped. A quiz can be arranged to be taken early.
TESTS: There will be five (5) tests given throughout the semester. Each test will contain true/false, multiple choice and short answer questions. In computing your final test average, one test grade will be dropped with one exception. That exception is that in order to get an A or A- no test can be dropped. In other words, you must count all your test grades in your average in order to get an A or A-. During the course of the semester one test can be made up if missed for a good reason. However, the test must be started prior to the beginning of the next scheduled class. It will be your responsibility to get in touch with me for a time to make up the missed test.
On all tests and quizzes the following number grade will represent the corresponding letter grade:
93 and above = A
90 to 92 = A-
87 to 89 = B+ 67 to 69 = D+
83 to 86 = B 63 to 66 = D
80 to 82 = B- 60 to 62 = D-
77 to 77 = C+ 59 and below = F
73 to 76 = C
70 to 72 = C-
If it becomes necessary for you to drop the class, you must do so prior to the end of the fourth (4th) week of classes and you must do so by submitting paperwork to the registrar. If you do not drop during this time frame or do not drop properly, then you may, on your own initiative and without obtaining permission, WITHDRAW up to the last couple of weeks of class. At that time you must, on your own initiative, submit the withdrawal paperwork and obtain your instructor's approval. If at any time during the year you just stop coming to class, the only option the instructor has is to give you a "F". This all means that you must be careful about just disappearing from class either before or after the four-week period. If there is a reason why you can not continue with the class after the four week drop period(health or work schedule change), you should go to student services and process the withdrawal form.
If you have any special educational needs or concerns, please contact me or one of the Special Needs Instructors-Mary Hawkins or Gerry Millette in Student Services
SCHEDULE - (Bi-weekly one and one half hour class)
1. Orientation and the Nature and
Sources of the Law
2. Nature and Sources of the Law Quiz on Chapter 2
3. U.S. Constitution
4. The Judicial System Quiz on Chapter 3
5. The Judicial System
6. The Judicial System
7. Test: Chapters 2 and 3
and the Constitution
8. Torts Quiz on Chapter 5
9. Torts
10. CrimesQuiz on Chapter 4
11. Crimes
12. Nature and Kinds of Contracts Quiz on Chapter 6
13. Nature and Kinds of Contracts
14. Test on Chapters 4, 5,
and 6
15.Mutual Assent and Defective Agreement Quiz on Chapter 8
16.Contractual Capacity and Quiz on Chapter 9
Restraint of Trade Read pages 154 to 157
17.Assignees and other Third Parties Quiz on Chapter 13
18. Discharge and Remedies Quiz on Chapter 14
19. Test on Chapters 8, 9,
13, and 14 and pages
154 to 157
20.The Sales Contract Quiz on Chapter 15
Read Chapter 16
21.Warranties Quiz on Chapter 17
22.Wisconsin Consumer Act Read Handout on it
23.Bankruptcy Quiz on Chapter 31
24.Wills and Trusts Quiz on Chapter 24
25.Law of Employment Quiz on Chapter 34
26. Test on Chapters 15,
16, 17, 24, 31, and 34
27.Choosing the Business Organization
28.Commercial Paper One quiz on Chapters
25, 26, and 27
(22 questions)
29. Real Property Quiz on Chapter 22
30.Landlord / Tenant Quiz on Chapter 23
Last Class Test on Chapters 22,
23,25,26, and 27
and Choosing
Business Organiz.