We meet at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater KC. Offices
2001 Grand Boulevard, 7th fl., Kansas City, MO 64108 816 472-6767
We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month at 12:30pm
Join us On Saturday, May 19, 2012, 12:30pm
at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Offices
May 19, Meeting agenda
Opening Remarks:
Welcome: Erika Ramirez & Amarilis Valdez-Dempsey
Program Presentation:
Establishing Good Study Habits and Taking Tests
Presented by Lindsey Kincaid
Upcoming June 2 Meeting:
Time Management
Presented by Mysti Byrd – JCCC
Upcoming June 16..
Practice ACT and How to Improve ACT Score
Be on the lookout for additional information and registration link
Need Community Service Hours: We need student members to staff our Latinos of Tomorrow office. Please contact Erika Garcia
Calendar of Events &Opportunities
Mexican Consul of Kansas City provides legal, education, health care and financial Literacy information services to Mexican citizens living in the area Monday through Friday 10am-noon at the Consulate offices, 1617 Baltimore Avenue. Kansas City, Missouri, 64108. You can reach them at (816) 556-0800.
Calendar of Events &Opportunities ..continued
Dream Scholarship Fund: Any student who has successfully graduated from High School (or is within one semester of doing so), does not qualify for in-state tuition, and who intends to seek higher education at a U.S. college or university is eligible for financial assistance from the Dream Scholarship Fund. The fund’s purpose is to distribute several scholarships to offset the cost of tuition. The Application deadline is May 15, 2012. For information on eligibility guidelines please go to:
The Hispanic Association of College & Universities (HACU) Scholarship Program 2012-2013 application is now Open; Application Deadline: Friday, May 25, 2012. Supporting documents (enrollment verification form and transcript) must be postmarked no later than May 25, 2012:
Aetna Nursing Scholarship--$2,500 for Full-time or part-time undergraduate students attending 2- or 4-year HACU-member institutions. Students must possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and must be pursuing a degree in Nursing.
Travelers Scholarship--$5,000 Full-time undergraduate students attending 4-year HACU-member institutions with a declared major in Accounting, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Finance, General Business, General Management, and Human Resources. Students must possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.; Travelers Scholarship--$5,000;
United Health Foundation/Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Scholarship--$2,000 . For more information go to: Full-time undergraduate or graduate students attending 2- or 4-year HACU-member institutions with a declared major in Clinical Psychology, Dental Technician, Nursing, (Pre) Optometry, (Pre) Dental, (Pre) Medicine, (Pre) Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Public Health, Mental Health, Behavioral Health. Students must possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Recipients will be required to submit a professional resume and participate in a pre and post scholarship survey.