Fairview Village, Phase 1 Homeowners Association • http://villagefare.com • May 2010 • Vol. 8, No. 1

Message from the President

The Board would like to extend a very heart-felt thank you to Mike Greiling and Mick Harris for their years of service to the homeowners association over the past four years. We are thankful that Mike has agreed to continue working with us on the Wall Committee and the CC&R Revision Committee.

The Board and the CC&Rs Revision Committee are pleased to announce that out of the 86 ballots sent more than 50% of the homeowners (45) completed and turned in their ballots in time to be received at the PO Box, or by a Board/Committee member, by the May 10th deadline.

Unfortunately, there were some ballots that were either mailed on or after the 10th and thus were not received by the deadline. These ballots were not counted in the results.

The full results are listed on the back of this newsletter; however, following is a brief summary of the Measures and whether they Passed or Failed:

# Description Passed/Failed

1 Amend Schedule A vote to 75% Passed

2 Makes CC&Rs perpetual Passed

3 Fiscal Year regulated by Bylaws Passed

4 Section defining Quorum renumbered to 18; Section 17

created defining ‘Act’ as “Oregon Planned Community Act” Passed

5 Association Powers regulated by Bylaws Passed

6 Insurance regulated by Bylaws Passed

7 Reserve Accounts regulated by Bylaws Passed

8 ARB plans submitted to (unspecified) scale Passed

9 Restrictions on lot uses other than residential Passed

10 Flexibility in kinds of signs allows Failed

11 Parking regulations on streets/lots Failed

12 Regulation satellite dish placement; bring language

into compliance with Federal OTARD regulations Passed

13 Removes citations to specific Fairview Development Code Passed

14 NEW – Rental restrictions Failed

15 Clarifies Association may proceed personally against a

delinquent owner Failed

16 Enforcement powers of ARB; collection process;

revise arbitration requirements for a panel of 3

arbitrators (very expensive – if needed) Failed

These results have been provided to the attorneys and they are working on getting the PASSED measures updated in the CC&Rs and incorporated into Bylaws. We will finally be able to have our Bylaws updated and properly RECORDED (as there have never been any Bylaws officially recorded with Multnomah County for the Association). Once completed, we will place copies of both documents on the Website.

Other newsworthy items:

* The City has installed two more flower hooks. We now have six hanging flower baskets throughout the village. The new hooks are located in the Northeast and Southwest corners of the village.

* Dana Larson is taking over the Mailbox refurbishment project and has made initial contact with the company. At this point, they are just waiting for the weather to begin cooperating.

* The following officers were elected at the Board Meeting following the annual meeting.

President, Patricia Alfonso Vice President, Dana Larson

Treasurer, Leslie Voge-Hayes Secretary, Denise Lange

At-Large, Diane Jacobsen

Unfortunately, during the month of May, Denise Lange tendered her resignation to the Board so the position of Secretary is now open and is slated to be filled at our next board meeting.

If you are interested in becoming involved in the Homeowners Association, we would welcome volunteers to serve on the Board, the ARB Committee and/or assist with the Newsletter. Please let any of the Board Members know if you would be willing to help.


Patricia Alfonso, President


At the Annual Meeting this year we had a dilemma. Normally the Board likes to recognize the “Best Maintained Yards” of the year. There were so many it was impossible to choose just a couple. So, we did a drawing for two gift certificates from Lowes, AND THE WINNERS WERE…..

David & Joy May 22204 Park Lane

Larry Bentz 1153 Multnomah

However, we would like to recognize all the individuals that were selected and thank them for their hard work in keeping their properties looking beautiful throughout the year.

Julie Bass 989 Pacific

Tom & Mary Dexheimer 965 Pacific

Glenn & Betty Storms 924 Pacific

Ormand & Sharon Beyl 737 Pacific

Jack & Mary Beckwith 748 Pacific

Beverly Walthall 724 Pacific

Rod & Nancy Painter 1063 Multnomah

Jeanette Rotherham 1139 Multnomah

Chris & Teresa Birch 1177 Multnomah

Bill & Carol Ehmann 1184 Multnomah

Bob & Donna Iiams 1215 Multnomah

Terry & Karis Hill 1304 Multnomah

Nancy Burbach 1322 Multnomah

Catherine O’Keefe 1359 Multnomah

Darrell Cornelius 22243 Park Lane

2010 FVHOA Board Meeting Schedule

June 8, 2010 at 6:30pm – City Hall

-- Summer Break --

September 14, 2010 at 6:30pm – City Hall

October 12, 2010 at 6:30pm – City Hall (tentative)

November 9, 2010 at 6:30pm – City Hall (tentative)

December 14, 2010 at 6:30pm – City Hall

We would like to welcome the following new residents:


Adam & Annette Jamar – 989 NE Pacific

SAVE THE DATE: Annual Garage Sale

Saturday, July 10, 2010 from 9am-4pm

The Third Annual Village Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, July 10th. You should have received a letter and response card regarding the Garage Sale. Please respond at your earliest convenience so the committee can make appropriate arrangements for signs.

Contact persons are: Karin Larson and Pat Alfonso

One of our new homeowners has expressed an interest in exchanging “dog sitting” services. If you are a dog owner and would be interested in dog sitting, please contact Pat Alfonso (503) 661-5389.


We would like to ask you to help us keep the Village looking clean and beautiful and in compliance with our CC&Rs.

If you are planning any improvements or changes to your property, please be sure to complete and submit the appropriate request forms to the ARB for approval prior to commencing any work. Blank forms can be found on the website.

We have noticed that many residents have not been properly storing their garbage, recycling and yard debris containers after garbage has been picked up on Mondays. Per the CC&Rs:

Art 7 Sect. 4 Trash and Rubbish. No part of any Lot and planter strip, or any part of the Common Area shall be used or maintained as a dumping, or storage ground for rubbish, trash, garbage, or any other waste. All containers or other equipment for the storage or disposal of trash shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and out of public view.

Art. 7 Sect. 7 Outside Storage. All articles, including equipment and containers, stored outside shall be in areas out of public view.

This means that your containers need to be stored either behind a fence, in your garage or back yard.

This is a blanket warning for everyone that has been in violation. Beginning in June, notices will be sent to homeowners that are not in compliance.

Below is a quick “refresh” on some of the basic CC&Rs that apply to each homeowner and are items that are routinely reviewed as the ARB checks for compliance.


Art. 6 Sect. 6 Landscaping The entire yard and outside areas shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition; for example, grass regularly cut and edged; weeds, woody debris and dead vegetation removed. All yards fronting the street, including the planting strip shall be irrigated (watered).

Art. 6 Sect. 9 Yard Decorations. All fountains, wishing wells, arbors, waterfalls or any other decorations requiring construction must be approved before installation. Weather vanes that are not obtrusive or obstructive to neighbors’ view are permitted.

Art 7 Sect. 2 Signs. No signs shall be visible from the street except one sign of not larger that 18 in. by 24 in. advertising the property is for sale or rent. Political signs may also be displayed without approval of the ARB; provided, however, that such signs are placed not more than sixty (60) days before the election date and removed within two (2) days after the election. The ARB reserves the right to require removal of any sign that does not comply with reasonable standards of decorum and good taste as determined by the ARB.

Art. 7 Sect. 3 Animals. Up to 4 dogs (older than 1 year) or a reasonable number of cats, or other household pets are allowed. The Board reserves the right to further limit the number of animals permitted by this Declaration by rule or regulation. Household pets shall not be kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes and shall not be a nuisance to neighbors. Pet owners shall abide by City and County ordinances. Dog runs and housing shall not be visible from the street.

Art. 7 Sect. 5 Noxious Activity or Conditions. No noxious or offensive activity or conditions, or anything that may be an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood shall be permitted.

Art. 7 Sect. 6 Outside Structures. No temporary or permanent structures e.g. tent, shed, garage, barn or other out-building shall be permitted on the Property except upon written agreement and approval of the ARB. An exception is infrequent recreational camping by Lot family members or camping for brief periods necessitated by remodeling or a disaster to the Residence. The exceptions do not need prior ARB approval.

Art. 7 Sect. 8 Window Treatments. No reflective or darkening window treatments shall be permitted. This does not apply to period stained glass applications as approved by the ARB.

Art. 7 Sect. 9 Recreational Facilities. No basketball hoops, sport courts, tree houses, swimming pools or similar recreational facilities visible from the street shall be constructed or installed on any Lot without prior written approval of the ARB.

Art. 7 Sect. 10 Vehicles. No abandoned, disabled, partially dismantled, or unregistered vehicles shall be kept on the street, driveway, or any part of any Lot. Violations shall be reported under the Fairview Nuisance and Traffic Ordinances.

Art. 7 Sect. 11 Aerials and Dishes. No outside television or radio aerials or satellite dishes shall be installed without the prior written approval of the ARB.

Art. 7 Sect 14 Holiday Decorations. Per Fairview Development Code, 19.170.080 holiday lighting and decorations shall be removed no later than fifteen (15) days of the passing holiday to which they pertain.


President: Patricia Alfonso, 503-661-5389

Vice-Pres.: Dana Larson, 503-548-3522

Secretary: OPEN

Treasurer: Leslie Voge-Hays

At-Large: Diane Jacobson

Counting our Pennies

as of 04/30/10

Checking Balance: $14835.86

- Recent Deposits (thru Mar/Apr): $3776.00

- Recent Expenditures (thru Mar/Apr): $2,041.08

- Outstanding Checks: $58.36

- Commitments (attorney/mailboxes/web) $6,061.60

Available Balance $8,774.26

Wall Reserve:** $37,531.79

Contingency Reserve:** $6,730.37

Total Assets: $53,036.42

**Reserve numbers as of March 2010

Website Update


In addition to the schedule of upcoming Board Meetings, list of Board and Committee members, as the Board Minutes are approved they are posted on the website for all homeowners to review. We also have an archive for current and past copies of the newsletter as well as a Photo Gallery.

If you have any problems logging on to the website, registering as a new user or finding information please contact Pat Alfonso at or leave a message at 503-661-5389.

May 10, 2010

Ballot Measure Results

Amendment Number / Yes / No / Total Votes / 75% needed to pass / Final Outcome
One / 41 / 4 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Two / 36 / 9 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Three / 37 / 8 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Four / 36 / 9 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Five* / 36 / 8 / 44 / 33 / PASSED
Six* / 34 / 10 / 44 / 33 / PASSED
Seven* / 35 / 9 / 44 / 33 / PASSED
Eight / 38 / 7 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Nine / 34 / 11 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Ten / 31 / 14 / 45 / 34 / FAILED
Eleven / 30 / 15 / 45 / 34 / FAILED
Twelve / 36 / 9 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Thirteen / 34 / 11 / 45 / 34 / PASSED
Fourteen / 29 / 16 / 45 / 34 / FAILED
Fifteen / 31 / 14 / 45 / 34 / FAILED
Sixteen / 31 / 14 / 45 / 34 / FAILED

* One ballot did not vote on 5,6 and 7