Minutes of the L Street Running Club Board Meeting, March 5 2014
Attendance:Bernie Alcock, Theresa Cidlevich,Tom Eggers, Shawn McCormack, Brendan Nee, Stan Nyberg,Joe Perdicaro, Bob Pugsley
The meeting was led by President Theresa Cidlevich
Updates from Theresa:
Training Runs: Water stops are full and we can’t really use any more course monitors. Water stops on the last five runs will be opened to anyone who needs to do a water stop to get on busses. People who have not signed up for a water stop yet will not be able to get on the 3/9 Hopkinton bus, but will be able to get onto the Natick and marathon busses if they sign up for a water stop now. Adrian is putting this on the website. Tom Eggers will post this on Facebook. Shawn send out an urgent message reminding people who have paid for the 3/9 bus but can’t get on it that they can get a reimbursement if they ask for it.
We have paid $50 to the VFW post in Natick to use their bathrooms for the training run on 3/9 from Hopkinton to Boston College.
Marathon Day: Theresa will check with the BAA about bringing bags on busses into the secure area in Hopkinton.
Pre-marathon meeting: Theresa will get a proposal for a speaker.
Vice President (Brendan Nee): A nutritionist from Healthy Balance is coming on 3/30.
Secretary (Stan Nyberg): The minutes of the February Board meeting were accepted with corrections.
Treasurer (Joe Perdicaro):
Total funds $ 18,838.98
LSRC Charities 442.61
Jim Kane Sugar Bowl Race 0.00
Available$ 18,396.37
As of 2/8/13 $12,750 was received from membership fees. As of 2/8/14 $13,909 was received.
Apparel (Bob Pugsley): Bob has started taking orders for new shirts. The board vote by email about the club ordering extra shirts. The decision needs to be made by 3/14.
Membership : Female 192, Male 182, Family 65, total 504 (if assume each family equals 2).
Newsletter (Shawn McCormack): General discussion, but nothing to report.
Alternate (Bernie Alcock): Nothing to report.
Website (Tom Eggers): Nothing to report.
New Business
Marathon Day Party: Joe Perdicaro handed out a Marathon Day/Party Schedule (attached).
Semi-Annual Meeting: The Semi-Annual Meeting will be held with the pre-marathon meeting on April 17.
Unfinished Business:
Website redesign
Renegotiate agreement with College Hype
Twitter Account needs to be transferred to a Board member.
Discuss By Laws.
Submitted by Stan Nyberg, Secretary