
(Formerly A.P.Foods)
An ISO 22000:2005 Certified Company / IDA, NACHARAM
HYDERABAD – 500 076
Phone: 27152207, 08 & 09
Telefax: 040-27171596


  1. Spillages Wheat (Oil Socked)
  2. Garbage
  3. Offals with roasted sand
  4. Empty Milk Powder HDPE Bags
  5. 50Kg HDPE Bags
  6. Wheat Bran/Husk
  7. Sweeping Sugar
  8. Cardboard Cones
  9. SnackFood Sweepings
  10. Wheat Brokens


The Managing Director,


Nacharam, Hyderabad.


Ref: -TenderNotification No: APF/GG/401/Disposal/Tender/2013-15

Vol II, Dt 24.02.2016

1) I/we______of ______

______here by offer my/our tender in accordance with the conditions of the contract for the Disposal of above mentioned items S.No 1to 6, Spillages Wheat(Oiled wheat), Garbage, Offals with roasted sand, Empty Milk powder HDPE Bags, 50Kg HDPE Bags & Wheat Bran/Huskfor the period from APRIL- 2016 to MARCH-2017 and one time sales for theitems Sl No 7 to 10, Sweeping Sugar, Cardboard Cones, Snack Food Sweepings & Wheat Brokens.




2. (a) I/we enclose herewith a Bank Draft for the sum of Rs.1145/- (Rupees One thousand One hundred and Fourty five only.) bearing No______Dt.______towards the non-refundable cost of tender schedule document in favour of TELANGANA Foods.

(b) I/We enclose herewith Bank Draft for the sum of Rs.------(Rupees ------only) bearing No______Dt.______towards as earnest money deposit for the item ------drawn in favour of TELANGANA Foods to be returned to me /us if this offer is not accepted.

3) I/we furnish the following details for your consideration:

(Here tenderers should give the details pertaining to the experience and also other particulars connected with the business).


4) Sealed tenders i.e. Price Bid should reach the M(HRD)/DyM (D&P), TELANGANA Foods, Nacharam, Hyderabad up to 11.00 AM on 18.03.2016 along with required Demand Drafts payable to TELANGANA Foods, Nacharam, Hyderabad, towards EMD and the cost of tender schedule . (Separate Demand Drafts).

5) The Tenders will be opened in the presence of the tenderers or their authorizedRepresentatives who choose to be presented at 3.00 PM on 18.03.2016. The tenders without cost of tender schedule and EMD will be rejected. Tenders received after stipulated time will not be entertained. Further, the tenderers who were blacklisted shall not be considered to participate in the above bids. The offers without cost of tender schedule and EMD amount for each item will be rejected.




6) I/we shall strictly observe and follow the terms and conditions as stated hereunder:

(a) I/we shall deposit a sum equivalent to 7.5 % of the value of the contract in the form of Demand Draft of Nationalized Bank or Scheduled Bank, (excluding Urban Co-operative Banks, Grameena Banks & Foreign Banks) in favour of TELANGANA Foods, Hyderabad towards Security depositfor the items S.No 1to 6. Itshall be refundable without interest at the end or termination of the contract after deduction of all the amounts due to the TELANGANA Foods. I, further agree and authorize the TELANGANA Foods to forfeit and retain the entire security deposit amount with it if I/we violate any of the terms and conditions as stated in the Tender Notice, Tender application Form and also the Agreement that may be executed acceptance of my/our tender.

(b)If I/we fail to discharge my/our duties, the TELANGANA Foods recovers from me /us suitable amount towards the compensation.

7. I/we shall be bound by the liabilities and responsibilities as laid-down in the central and State Enactments pertaining to the contract. The cost of damaged materials and any other expenses incurred in this connection shall be recoverable from me/us.

8. (a) I/we accept the condition that the Managing Director, TELANGANA Foods Reserves the right to reject any tender or a portion of it or all the tenders without assigning any reason therefore and the right to alter, add, Delete or modify any of the tender/contract conditions stipulated herein Without notice during the subsistence of the contract. Her/his decision in regard to acceptance of tender shall be final and conclusive.

(b) I/We agree that TELANGANA Foods shall have the option to extend the contract on the same terms and Conditions for a further period of three months after its expiry and I/we shall have no right to ask for the same and during the said period the tenderer shall lift the items at the tendered and accepted rate only. No escalation shall be permitted.




(c) Any disputes or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of relating to the conclusion, meaning and operation or effect of this Contract or the breach there of shall be settled by Arbitration in accordance with the Rules of arbitration of the Indian Council of Arbitration and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties.

9. The E.M.D shall be liable to forfeiture if I/we after submission of the Tender back – out from the offer or modify the accepted terms and conditions hereof and the E.M.D. of the successful tenderer will remain with TELANGANA Foods until the satisfactory completion of the Contract.


10. (a) I/we clearly understood all the terms and conditions of the tender etc., and agree to execute the contract at the rate quoted by me/us. My offer is exclusive of taxes and duties and I/we agree to pay taxes and duties as imposed by Govt. from time to time.

(b) I/we shall assure that I/we shall strictly abide by the terms and conditions of the tender and such agreement that may be signed on this Tender being accepted and the instructions issued by the Managing Director, TELANGANA Foods, Nacharam, Hyderabad from time to time.


11. I/we as tenderer shall be responsible to abide by all time in force from time to time and the TELANGANA Foods shall not be responsible for act or omission on my part and or of my employees/our associates for non-observance of any provisions of the law.

12. (a) Other terms and conditions will be as embodied in the form of agreement to be signed on the acceptance of my/our tender. I/we have read and understood the terms and conditions detailed in the tender, Perform agreement and agree to abide by the same on execution.




(b) I/we note I am/we are invited to be present either in person or through my/our authorized representative at the time of opening of tenderers or for negotiations if necessary, but I shall not insist for negotiations. I/we further agree that the TELANGANA Foods shall have the right to conduct negotiations with me/us if necessary before finalizing the contract.

13. In case of any accident to the workers engaged by me while the contract is in force, I shall be responsible for payment of any compensation as per Law and the TELANGANA Foods shall not be responsible for the same.

14. For any claim suit to be instituted in relation to this Tender Notification by the tenderer against the TELANGANA Foods, Courts at HyderabadCity only shall have the jurisdiction.


15. In the event of any breach of agreement at any time on the part of the Tenderer shall be terminable by the TELANGANA Foods without compensation to the tenderer. The contract may also be put to an end at any time by the TELANGANA Foods without assigning any reasons.

16. In any case of breach under any clause or clauses of these conditions, the tenderer shall have rendered himself liable to pay compensation, the TELANGANA Foods shall have power to adopt any of the following courses as may deem best suited to the interest of the TELANGANA Foods.

17. The tenderer hereby agree that if the contract is rescinded or terminated under the sum Provisions of the agreement the contractor shall not be entitled to recover for any work there for actually performed or be paid anyunder this contract unless and until the officer concerned certifies inwriting the performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof and the tenderer shall be only entitle to be paid the value so certified




18 This contract or any part thereof shall not be assigned or sublet without the written permission of the TELANGANA Foods and if the tenderer shall assign or sublet his/their contract or attempts to do so or become insolvent or commences any insolvency proceedings or if any bribe, gratuity, gift., loan, perquisite, reward of above pecuniary or otherwise shall either directly or indirectly be given, promise or offered by the tenderer or any of his/their servants or agents to any officer of the TELANGANA Foods or persons in the employment of this TELANGANA Foods or in any way relating to TELANGANA Foods or if any such officer or persons shall become in any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract, the TELANGANA Foods may thereupon by notice in writing of fifteen days rescind the contract and the security deposit there upon stand forfeited an be absolutely at the disposal of the TELANGANA Foods the same consequences shall ensure as if the contract has been rescinded and in addition the tenderer shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work that has already been performed under this contract.

19. All sums payable by way of compensation under these conditions by the tenderer shall be considered as reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of the said TELANGANA Foods without reference to the actual loss or damage sustained and whether or not any damage shall have been sustained.

20. The decision of the TELANGANA Foods shall be conclusive and binding on all the parties to the contract upon all questions or as to any other question claim, rate, matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of the or relating to this contract, directions, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the contract of execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress this contract or after the completion or the determination thereof the contract.

21. The tenderer shall be responsible for engaging men and material connected with the contracted work at his own cost and risk.

22 (a) I hereby agree that the TELANGANA Foods is not liable or responsible for any type of cases that may be filled by the employees engaged in the contract.




(b) I hereby agree that I am responsible and liable for any profit or loss any other financial commitments and liabilities and the TELANGANA Foods is in no way connected or liable for the same.

23. The TELANGANA Foods can terminate the agreement at any time without assigning any reasons and the tenderer agrees further that he shall not claim any damages or compensation against the TELANGANA Foods on the termination of the contract without assigning any reasons either due to fault i.e., violation of these clauses under his agreement or if terminated by the TELANGANA Foods without assigning any reasons.

24 Any notice to the tenderer shall be deemed to have been sufficiently served it is sent by registered post acknowledgement due whether it is served or not at his usual or last known place of his business.

25. TELANGANA Foods is at complete liberty to modify/reduce the quantities with reference to requirements etc., and to schedule disposals according to factory’s requirement and conveniences.

26. TELANGANA Foods shall forfeit the EMD/Security Deposit as furnished by the tenderer if there is violation of any of the clauses in the agreement and also when the Contract is rescinded or terminated and the tenderer hereby agree that if the EMD/Security Deposit is forfeited he shall not dispute the same under any circumstances.

27. The successful tenderer should enter into an agreement within the stipulated time and date as mentioned in the letter of acceptance. Failure to enter into an agreement within the stipulated period fixed in the letter of communication of acceptance shall lead to forfeiture of EMD and the letter of acceptance to the tenderer as sent shall be deemed to have been cancelled and the TELANGANA Foods shall be free to give the contract to any other party.




28. The Managing Director is at complete liberty and reserves his right to accept any tender or to reject all or any of the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof at any time either before or after finalization of the tenders or at any stage and the tenderer’s cannot challenge the same either for compensation or for damages.

29. Conditional offers will not be accepted.

30. No tenderer should either withdraw him self before the finalization of the tenders of increase/ reduce the rate or seek for change in the rates after finalization or at any time after allotment of contract or during the execution of the contract and if they do so, they shall be disqualified forever for submitting the tenders to TELANGANA Foods and the EMD and Security Deposit shall be forfeited and shall be at the disposal of the TELANGANA Foods.

31. The lowest/highest rates quoted alone shall not be criteria for awarding the contract. It is entirely left to the discretion of the Managing Director in accepting the tender whether it is reasonable or not and whether a particular tender is capable of executing the contract satisfactorily.

32. Other things being equal preference shall be given to the tenderer who has

Experience, Earlier reputation of work in disposal items.

33. That it is responsibility of me/us to safeguard the properties. The TELANGANA Foods is not liable for any theft, damage etc., on whatsoever account.

34. I agree that I shall be responsible for all any acts of my representatives or workers at the premises of the factory and in case of any damage to any property that may be caused by me or the representatives or workers, I shall make good the loss or pay the compensation as fixed by the TELANGANA Foods.

35 The work throughout the stipulated period of the contract be proceed with all the due diligence time being deemed to be essence of the contract and the contractor shall pay as compensation an amount equal to 3% of the value of the un-lifted goods. The contractor/ individual has to pay the value Added Tax, turnover tax or any other as per applicability on the day of lifting as per rules (ACT).




36. I shall not delegate work assigned by TELANGANA Foods in disposals to any other party or allow any party to manage the same.

37. I hereby agree that I shall get the necessary licenses and permissions from the concerned Authorities and the TELANGANA Foods shall in no way concerned or connected with the same.

38 If, I violate any of the terms and conditions set-forth in the deed of agreement then the said deed of agreement shall be deemed to have been cancelled and TELANGANA Foods shall re- enter into possession and no notice shall be served on me and in such case the EMD as well the Security Deposit shall be deemed to have forfeited and shall be at the disposal of the TELANGANA Foods.

39 .The tenders received without the above requirements shall be summarily rejected.

40. Any legal disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Hyderabad Courts only.

41. Security deposit will be returned to party after one month of successful completion of contract

period as per terms of the contract.

42. Material should be lifted as is where is basis by arranging labour by contractor for filling of

material, loading and Transportation. Charges shall be born by the contractor.





(Formerly A.P.Foods)
An ISO 22000:2005 Certified Company / IDA, NACHARAM
HYDERABAD – 500 076
Phone: 27152207, 08 & 09
Telefax: 040-27171596
and one time sale for Sl.No 7 to 10
@ 2.5 %
Rs. / DD/PO/BC
1) Spillages Wheat (Oil Socked) / 46 MTs / 7,000/- / @ 7.5 % on the value of total order in the form of DD as mentioned at clause no.6 of tender schedule after awarding the contract.
2)Garbage / 1200MTs / 1,500/-
3)Offals with roasted sand / 200MTs / 30,000/-
4) Empty Milk Powder HDPE Bags / 135000 / 10,000/-
5) 50Kg HDPE Bags / 2,60,000 Nos / 45,000/-
6) Wheat Bran/Husk / 28 MTs / 5,000/-
7) Sweeping Sugar / About 8.0MTs / 5,000/- / NIL as the stocks are to be lifted immediately.
8) Cardboard Cones / 2 loads
9) Snack Food Sweepings / About 4.0MTs
10) Wheat Brokens / About 2.0MTs