Hinsdale Junior and Senior High School

Physical EducationII Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. LeonardPhone: 603-336-5984 EXT7807

Room: Gymnasium (office is in gym lobby)Email:


During this course, students will develop level II skills in Physical Education. This consists of ongoing fitness assessments, application of physical skills, goal setting & analysis, implementation of a FITT plan, and a variety of lifestyle topics that include: evaluating programs, overall wellness, safety & injury prevention, and social issues surrounding physical activity.


  • Physical Activity 50%- Students will be assessed on skills to a variety of activities to ensure that they are capable of participating in activities throughout life. Every student is expected to attend class and be physically active to the best of their ability. Students will be involved with tracking their physical activity with the use of heart rate monitors and/or pedometers. If the student chooses not to participate and does not have a note, there will be an alternative assignment for them to complete throughout the class period. This assignment will count as 65% of their grade for the class. Failure to complete the assignment will result in loss of points in their physical activity grade.
  • Social Behavior 20% – Whether in the locker room, gymnasium or playing fields; students should show respect for their teacher and fellow classmates. Students are expected to be responsible for their behavior and must accept the consequences if they choose not to behave in an acceptable manner. This includes but is not limited to respecting the equipment, helping others, displaying positive sporting behavior, being on task and following directions.
  • Safety/Hygiene 10% - Physical Education class requires the students to show up on-time and wear appropriate clothing. All students must wear sneakers (laced and tied tight); shorts, wind pants, or sweat pants; and a t-shirt (must follow dress code/ no inappropriate slogans). Sweatshirts, wind jackets etc. are acceptable for colder weather. STUDENTS MUST CHANGE FOR CREDIT. The student will get a weekly grade for dress (20 pts per day= 100). If you need assistance in obtaining PE clothes, please see Mrs. Leonard. For safety concerns, do not wear jewelry to PE class. This includes, but is not limited to necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings, earrings and any visible piercings of any kind.


Students will model specific skills either to peers or the teacher through a variety of physical skillassessments to, “demonstrate competency in motor skills and movements patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.” (SHAPE standard #1) There will be weekly assignments that include, but are not limited to worksheets, journals, note card questions, web assignments, and essays. A due date will be given and the assignment will be expected on that date. In Powerschool, all assignment dates are when assignments are DUE. Absences, out of school suspensions, or unavoidable circumstances will be the ONLY reason for not submitting work on time. If a student misses 2 homework assignments, it will result in a detention. Multiple assignments missed will result in an office referral.

FINAL EXAM (10% of overall semester grade)There will be project at the end of the semester to count as the final exam. Details to follow.

Other policies and procedures:


ALL students will participate in fitness testing. The Hinsdale Middle/High School Physical Education department uses guidelines from Fitness Gram. There are standards that your student needs to try to achieve to improve or maintain their fitness (a copy of the standards are attached. One is for females and the other is for males). The fitness test are: the Pacer Test (to measure cardiovascular endurance), the Curl-up test (to measure abdominal strength & endurance), the Push-up test & Flexed Arm Hang (to measure upper-body strength & endurance), the Sit and Reach test (to measure lower back & hamstring flexibility), the Shoulder stretch test (to measure upper body flexibility) and a Body Composition calculation (to determine relative amounts of body fat. We will need to know students’ height and weight). Please know, that all fitness testing results are confidential and at NO TIME are the students asked to share their results with their peers. Students will receive a report of their fitness scores using the Fitness Gram software.


Reasons for detentions include but are not limited to missing homework, inappropriate behavior, locker room misconduct, bullying (which will be reported to the office for further investigation), and damage to PE equipment. Detentions will be served with Mrs. Leonard in the gymnasium or PE office located in the gym lobby, unless the student has extenuating circumstances (Office detentions, family obligations etc.)


Attendance is required and expected of each student each class. The attendance policy that the school follows will be the same as in physical education. IF A STUDENT MISSES CLASS FOR ANY REASON HE/SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MISSED INFORMATION. If a student comes to school but is feeling unwell or is hurt from an injury sustained outside of school a parent/guardian may write a note excusing them from physical education class. This note is acceptable for up to two days. After two days the student MUST receive a note from a doctor to excuse them. This note should include a timeline; how long are they excused for and what types of activities they can participate in etc. Multiple excuse notes used will result in a phone call home.

I, ______(print first & last name) understand and agree to follow the rules of Mrs. Leonard’s Physical Education class and have read the course syllabus and expectations and understand what is expected during the 2016-2017 school year.


Student’s SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian’s SignatureDate