Autumn Newsletter 2018

Our Doctors:

  • Dr J. Naik
  • Dr G. Khaira
  • Dr A. Lewis
  • Dr J. Lee
  • Dr A. Long
  • Dr A. Philip
  • Dr K. Gordon
  • Dr S Hussain
  • Dr A McDonagh
  • Dr M Gulamhusein


The shingles vaccine has been offered routinely to people aged 70 and as a catch up to those aged 78. You become eligible for the vaccine on the first day of September 2017 “‘after’” you've turned 70 or 78 and remain so until the last day of August 2018.

In addition, anyone who was eligible for immunisation in the previous three years of the programme but has not yet been vaccinated against shingles remains eligible until their 80th birthday. This includes:

  • people aged 71, 72 and 73 on 1st September 2016
  • people aged 79 on 1st September 2016

To discuss your eligibility further please contact your surgery to make an appointment with one of our nurses.


The pneumococcal vaccination protects against a bug which can cause pneumonia (a serious lung infection), septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis (a brain infection).

Certain people are more susceptible to infection with this bug; they are termed “at risk” and include the following:

  • Individuals aged 65 and over
  • Individuals with a serious long term medical condition (e.g. Heart Disease, Diabetes and COPD)
  • Individuals who may have had their spleen removed.

A practice nurse will be able to advise whether you are eligible for a pneumococcal vaccination.

For more information contact the surgery to discuss your eligibility for the Pneumococcal Vaccination.

A practice nurse will be able to advise whether you are eligible for a pneumococcal vaccination.

For more information contact the surgery to discuss your eligibility for the Pneumococcal Vaccination.


The NHS friends and family test has been designed for patients to provide feedback on the care and treatment that they receive within their GP or Hospital service. It provides an opportunity for you, as a patient, to suggest how we may begin to make improvements within our surgery, in order to improve the quality and care we provide.

The Friends and Family test is accessible via a smart phone, via our website or as paper copies at the reception desk of both surgeries. If for any reason you are not able to access the Friends and Family test, please ask at reception or contact the surgery so we can arrange for a test be sent directly to you.


Autumn Newsletter 2018


(Flu Vaccinations)

Seasonal influenza (or flu) is an infectious viral illness, most commonly seen in the autumn and winter months. Flu symptoms include high fever, cough, sore throat and aching muscles. Since flu is caused by a virus it isn't helped by antibiotics. It is an unpleasant illness, but is not serious and for most healthy people symptoms will settle on their own within a week.

Individuals who are deemed as “at risk” are offered an annual flu vaccination (flu jab) “at risk”. This year we will be using 2 different types of vaccines for our patient groups, these 2 groups are:

  • Individuals over 65
  • Individuals aged 18-65 who suffer with a chronic long-term medical condition (e.g. diabetes, asthma, COPD).
  • Individuals that suffer from Bronchitis.
  • Pregnant women.
  • People with previous medical history of Strokes.
  • Individuals with lowered immunity due to steroid medication or cancer treatment such as Chemotherapy.
  • Chronic Heart, Kidney or Liver Disease.
  • Chronic neurological conditions.
  • Diabetes.
  • Individuals with previous medical history regarding their spleen.
  • Individuals who may have a weakened immune system.


Children between the ages of 2 and 3 years old are offered a child nasal spray to help combat the Flu. Although most children who suffer from influenza recover completely within a week or two, research has shown that they spread the disease among the population more than any other group. The child flu vaccination immunisation will greatly reduce this risk.

If you would like your child to receive this vaccination, please contact the surgery to book an appointment.

Evening and weekend appointments are now available for patients who are registered with this GP practice.

The appointments will take place Oaks Medical Centre, 199 Shady Lane, Great Barr, B44 9ER

Appointments must be booked in advance through the reception team at this surgery and are available with a range of clinicians including GPs and Nurses.

Appointments times are:

Monday- Friday 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Saturday 9.00am- 1.00pm

Sunday 10.00am - 1.00pm

For more information please speak to reception.


Please let us know of any changes to your contact details such as your address, home and mobile telephone numbers and email address.

Repeat Prescriptions

Prescriptions can now only be ordered every 28 days so please make sure you have enough medication for your needs, especially over the holiday periods.

We ask that you allow up to 2 days before collecting your repeat prescriptions from Shady Lane and 3 days from the StreetlySurgery, for more information please see the table below or speak to one of our receptionist.

Day Submitted / Collection Day (Shady) / Streetly
Monday / Wednesday PM / Thursday AM
Tuesday / Thursday PM / Friday AM
Wednesday / Friday PM / Monday AM
Thursday / Monday PM / Tuesday AM
Friday / Tuesday AM / Wednesday AM