
Course Outline for Astronomy 30, page 1

Fall 2006

ChabotCollegeFall 2006

Course Outline for Astronomy 30


Catalog Description:

30 – Introduction to Astronomy Lab1 unit

Introduction to laboratory principles and techniques in astronomy. Includes telescope operation and measuring stellar magnitudes, spectral lines, motions of the sun, moon and planets. Prerequisite/Corequisite: Astronomy 1, 10, or 20. 3 hours laboratory.

[Typical contact hours: 52.5]

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1.write a laboratory report that identifies the processes of the scientific method applied to course experiments;

2.identify distances and sizes in the solar system;

3.identify and determine the angular diameter of an object;

4.identify ten bright stars and ten constellations visible during the semester;

5.locate, using binoculars and telescopes, at least five celestial objects (such as nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies) not normally visible to the naked eye;

6.describe the difference between, and conditions for, a solar and lunar eclipse;

7.use the concept of parallax to determine the distance to an astronomical object;

8.measure the angular separation of two objects using a sextant or other angular measuring instrument;

9.identify orbital mechanics and the Law of Universal Gravitation;

10.analyze orbital properties of a planet’s moons to determine the mass of the planet;

11.measure and calculate the Earth’s gravitational field, and explain its consequences for every-day objects;

12.explain the Doppler shift and its use in determining periods of rotation of planets;

13.demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of digital and/or analog image processing;

14.measure the wavelength of spectral lines commonly found in stellar spectra;

15.explain how telescopes use lenses and/or mirrors to form images;

16.align a telescope for proper operation;

17.use the method of spectroscopic parallax to determine the distance to remote objects;

18.identify the different types of galaxies by their structure;

19.explain how a CCD camera can image more distant features than a photograph;

20.explain how the Doppler shift may be used to create a Hubble Diagram, and from this to estimate the age of the universe;

21.measure the sun’s altitude using its shadow;

22.determine the azimuth and altitude of the sun, moon and stars;

23.draw a sketch of a star’s position on the celestial sphere when given that star’s azimuth and altitude or its right ascension and declination;

24.plot the path of the sun, moon or planets on a star chart;

25.locate an object on a star chart when given its celestial coordinates.

Course Content:

1.Astronomy as a Science

2.Scaling and the Solar System

3.Naked Eye Observations and Sketches of the Moon and Night Sky

4.Circumpolar and Seasonal Constellations

5.Telescopic Observations of Selected Objects

6.Celestial Coordinate Systems: Right Ascension and Declination, Altitude and Azimuth

7.Angular Diameter, Size and Distance

8.Studying Solar and Lunar Eclipses

9.Exploring Motions of the Heavens Using a Planetarium Program

10.Retrograde and Planetary Motions

11.Parallax and Astronomical Distances

12.Gravitation and Orbital Motion, Detecting Extra-Solar Planets

13.The Moons of Jupiter

14.The HR Diagram

15.Tracking Sunspots

16.Spectroscopy in Astronomy: Emission Spectra

17.Lenses and Telescopes

18.Predicting Solar Eclipses

19.An Introduction to Imaging Astronomical Objects: Surfaces of Solar-System Objects

20.Photoelectric Photometry of Star Clusters

21.Structure of Galaxies

22.Clusters of Galaxies

23.Hubble’s Law and The Expansion of the Universe

Methods of Presentation:

1.Three-hour laboratory session per week

2.Student experimentation

3.Instructor demonstration

4.Student participation in demonstrations

Assignments and Methods Evaluating Student Progress:

1.Typical Assignments:

a.Laboratory Exercise – Measuring star and planet altitudes with an astrolabe and determining their change in position over time. Every measurement in an experiment involves some uncertainty. Some uncertainties are random, resulting from reading a measuring device a bit over or under the actual value, much as you might read someone’s height with a ruler but be a bit uncertain about whether they were exactly 5’11-1/2”. Other errors in measurements are systematic, resulting from a consistently incorrect usage of an instrument, or perhaps a broken or mis-calibrated device. There are numerous statistical techniques scientists use to minimize the impact of measurement uncertainties and random errors on experimental results. One of the easiest techniques is simply to make multiple measurements and use the average; another is to make multiple measurements with different observers or devices. You’ll do both with the astrolabe experiment.

b.Computer Simulation – Astronomy program offer the user almost limitless opportunities to learn about the sky. In this lab, we’ll use a relatively low-priced program for IBM and Macintosh computers called TheSky (Student Edition, packaged with many astronomy textbooks) from Software Bisque ( Use the computer software to: display the sky for any date or time, from any location on earth; display stars of different magnitudes, constellation lines, boundaries, star names, and planets; locate any particular star, planet, or constellation; extract information on azimuth, altitude, Right Ascension (RA), and Declination (Dec) for any celestial object; and explore astronomical phenomena like eclipses, sunrise and sunset positions along the horizon, planetary conjunctions, and noontime angles of the sun around the earth.

c.Observational Activity – Lunar Motion. Begin this observation when the moon’s phase is a waxing crescent, or first quarter. You’ll need at least 4-5 nights of clear weather to spot both the moon and the surrounding background stars. If the weather is “uncooperative” in the middle of your observation period, you’ll need to start again in another month. Choose a particular time between 8 and 10 PM to observe the moon. Use the Moon Observation Sheets to record your observations under the heading “Observational Data.” For each observation, identify the constellations that lie near and if possible, behind themoon. Use your star guide to help identify the stars near the moon and then determine the constellations. Sketch the appearance of the moon and its position relative to the horizon for each observation. Estimate the moon’s approximate altitude and azimuth. After you have completed your observations, use the computer to obtain the precise values for these coordinates, as well as the moon’s position.

d.Field Trip – Observing constellations and planets from a dark sky location. Working with a partner, and using your star locator guide, identify at least 10 key constellations visible in the sky, including at least two zodiacal constellations and two circumpolar constellations. Make a list of the constellations you identified. Depending upon the month and year, one or more planets may be visible. Use the star guide to identify the constellation positions of planets for your observation date, and sketch the position of the observed planets within the constellation.

2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

a.Individual and/or group projects and reports

b.Attendance and participation in laboratory activities

c.Constellation and lab quizzes

d.Final exam

Textbook(s) (Typical):

Practical Astronomy Labs, Hildreth and Smith, Bonneau and Smith Publishers, 2004

Special Student Materials:

Edmund’s Star & Planet Locator


Revised: 10-05-05