Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 3rd, 2010
By Dave Chapman, Secretary
Call to Order:
The regular Board of Directors Meeting was held on the above date at the Hornbergerresidence. The meeting was called to order by Joe Hornberger, President,at 7:07 p.m.
Attendees (quorum present):
Joe Hornberger
Mike Nielsen
Dave Chapman
John Copeland
Danielle Copeland
Carl Rubino
Lou Smith
Proof of Due Notice:
Board meeting sign posted by Board at front entrance before March 1st
President’s Report –
-Joe Hornberger brought up some bills that will be given to Walt for payment.
-Barricade has been placed by the hole in street by the County. It will be inspected soon.
Vice President’s Report-
-Mike Nielsen mentioned that there are some damaged stop signs in the neighborhood. He found an online vendor that sells metal signs for a reasonable rate. Further discussion is required as to how many to purchase and if/when we should purchase them.
-Question of whose triple-axle boat trailer/catamaran trailer is in the lockup and if it authorized to be there. A motion to send out an email and post a sign at the entrance trying to ascertain the ownership of this trailer was made and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report-communicated through Mike Neilsen from Walter Bodie:
-Walter made available the current Fox Run Financial Statement
-There is only one delinquent HOA dues payment and John H. motioned to table the discussion of any action on that resident until the next meeting.
Secretary’s Report-Dave & Joe set meeting for Sunday to go over the FRHOA Website
Old Business-
-Work on sea wall was done on Friday. Next up on the project is resolving some engineering and permit issues. Dennis will be meeting with the original ramp builder to go over this and the Board approved the lunch expense.
New Business-
-Bruce Kullman mentioned that the number of keys left for the lockup area are dwindling and discussion was had about obtaining keys from people with:
- nothing in the lockup and
- from previous residents who may still have keys.
Further discussion may happen to perhaps alter the by-laws/rules for obtaining keys for the lockup. We need to also check on how we obtained the MEDCO keys the last time around and figure the expense to replenish our supply.
Open Floor:
-Lou Smith mentioned concern that the stop signs were not being taken seriously by some drivers and some discussion/ideas were passed around about enforcement (police enforcement, speed bumps and brighter lines were some ideas).
Next Meeting:
The next meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, 4/7/2010 at 7pm,location TBD
Being no other business brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.