The International Children’s FolkloreFestivalSofia2016 willtake placein Sofia, Bulgariafrom 1sttill5thJune 2016.
The festival aimsto present to the wide audience the children’s cultural heritagefrom different nationsthrough the presentation oftraditionalfolklore dancein an authenticandstylizedform.
The festival programmewill include:
• Concerts on open stages and indoor scenesin Sofiaand the region (depending on theweather conditions);
•Folkloreanimationby childrenfor children inkindergartens andschools;
•Costume road show;
•Folklore art fair;
•Recreation and sport.
Terms of participation
1.The International Children's FolkloreFestivalSofia2016is not of a competitive character.
2.TheChildren’s Ensembles and Groups should meet the participationrequirement- toprepare thematically selected folklore dances which represent traditionalgames,celebrations, rituals, customs and songs from their region.The programme should be suitablefor the age and interpretative abilities of children.
3. The grouphas to beaccompanied by alive orchestra.Performances based on CD recording or electronic instruments areNOT accepted.
4. The age limit of the participants is8 to 14years,with the exceptionof managers andmusicians.
5.The grouphas to prepareperformances lasting respectively30 minutes, 15 minutesand 5 minutes that willbe presented on theconcertsduring the festival. TheEnsemblesshould be readyto presenttheir folklorecostumes, traditions, games and customs from their countryto theBulgarian childrenin English.
6.The grouphas toparticipatein allevents duringthe festival.
7.The festivalwill befilmed bytelevision and recorded on the radio,asparticipantsare not allowed to have anyclaims forcopyrightof the photo, video and audiomaterials.
8.The groupswillbe allowed toselltheir traditionalsouvenirsand other related to the event items.These shouldbepresented for approvalbeforehandto the organizers.
9.All groupsparticipatingin the festivalwill receivegifts anddiplomasfor participation.
10.Transportation costs to and fromBulgaria and in Sofiaduring thefestivalare carried by the groups. It is the group’s responsibility to have their transport available throughout the festival for all festival events.
11.According to the rulesof theInternational Children'sFolklore Festival inSofia,children will beaccommodated in hostingfamilies.Each familywill host one child.
There is a possible option for HOTELaccommodation; in this case eachparticipanthas to paya participation feeof 30euro per day (the festival lasts for 5 days). Confirmation of hotelaccommodation has to be submittedno later than01March 2016. Receipt of hotel accommodation booking fee is due by 31.03.2016.
12. The groupshould notexceed30 people, includingexecutives, musiciansand drivers. For eachperson over the limit there is anadditionalfee of 30euro per day (the festival lasts for 5 days).
13. The organizers provide the guides for the groups - representatives of the Organizer.
14. Ensemble leaders and guardians are responsible for the children’s behaviour and for any damage done to the accommodation occupied by the ensemble or to any property of the organizers during the Festival.
15.Thegroupshave to arrivebefore12:00noonon 1stJune 2016and departuntil11:00 A.M.on 6thJune 2016.The festival does not accept extra expenses for groups arriving earlier or departing later than the announced time.
16.Participants who require an entry visa to Bulgaria, must fulfill the visa requirements by31stMarch 2016. The non-execution of this condition will result in cancellation of their application for participation in the Festival.
16.All participantsof the festivalmust have a validhealth insurancewhich includes a hospital treatment cover.
!!!Deadlinefor applications!!!
The Groupshave to submit untilFebruary1, 2016:
- Correctly and legible completed application form;
- A DVD with recordedperformance,whichwill be presentedat the Festival;
- history of the group;
- advertising materials;
- Photosto beusedin the Festival advertisement - minimum resolution: 10 cm at 300 dpi, size not less than 800 KB.
The application formcan be downloaded from
The selected participants willbe notified in writingbyFebruary 20, 2016. The confirmation of the participation of the ensemble in the Festival is an official written invitation signed by the Director of the Festival.
Only the ensembles with programmes, accepted by the Committee, established by the organizers are allowed to participate in the Festival. The Committee procedure will be carried out on the basis of the video materials sent in by the ensembles.
ORGANIZERAssociation "International Children’s FolkloreFestival Sofia"
Organizing Committeeof the Association:
BorisFilchev - President
Ivaylo Parvanov
Children’s Dance Ensemble"Plamache" / OFFICE OF ORGANIZATION:
BULGARIA, Sofia 1113
GeoMilev,bl.149,ent.3, Apt.28
BULGARIA, Sofia 1113
GeoMilev,bl.149,ent.3, Apt.28
tel: +359888210823, +359 889 927 697
e-mail: , web: