Student/ Parent Handbook
The Barren CountyBoard of Education and
The Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice
share direction of the Day Treatment Program
Mr. Bo Matthews, Superintendent
Dan Belding, Director
304 College Street
Glasgow, KY42141
Fax 270/629-2267
Signatures indicate the receiving of the Barren County Student/Parent Handbook for the 2011-2012School year.
Parent SignatureDate
Student SignatureDate
SCHEDULE FOR 2011 - 2012
The BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter is in session for 218 instruction days.
An official calendar will be presented upon enrollment.
2012-2013 Academic Calendar
July 23rd – July 27th are Professional Development Days for Staff
*July 31st – August 3rdDay Treatment Extended Days, Students are to attend
August 6th Barren County Schools Opening Day – No Students
August 7thFirst Day forall Barren County Schools Students
September 3rd, Labor Day – School Closed
*October 1st through October 3rd are Day Treatment Extended Days
October 4th-5th, Fall Break – School Closed
November 6th – ElectionDay School Closed
*November 21st – Day Treatment Extended Day
November 22nd and 23rd, Thanksgiving Break – No School
`*December 21st- Day Treatment Extended Day
December 24th– January 1stis Christmas Break – No School
January 21stschool is closed for MLK day
*February 18th is a Day Treatment Extended Day
*February 28th and March 1st are Day Treatment Extended Days
*April 1st through April 3rd are Day Treatment Extended Days
April 4th – 5th is Spring Break and School is closed
May 16th is the last day of school for Barren County Schools
May 17th is the last day for teachers, Day Treatment has no students
*May 20th through May 24th are Day Treatment Extended Days
May 27th school is closed for Memorial Day
May 28th through June 13th are Day Treatment Extended Days
*Extended Days are mandatory for all Barren County Day Treatment Students unless they have completed the program. Busses will not pick up students on extended days.
If Snow days are used the extended days may be changed.
Barren CountyDay Treatment Staff:
Dan Belding, Director
Sandy Crews, Administrative Assistant
Prytha Wilson, TeacherJoan Kessler, TeacherCasey Yates, Teacher
Tony Shirley, TeacherBarbara Burks, TeacherMike Saltsman, Teacher
Angela Button, TeacherCynthia Holland, CounselorJessica Calvert, Counselor
Rachel Hardin, Program AideKerry Nunn, Treatment Aide Regina Hayden, Treatment Aide
Ruth Ann Foxall, Counselor
The Day Treatment program was developed as a community resource, designed to provide a structured, safe learning environment for BarrenCounty youth. The program is operated by the Barren County Public Schools in cooperation with the Department of Juvenile Justice.
The BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter is a specialized treatment and educational program for both male and female youth in grades 7-12. The program is designed to treat thirty (30) youth. The program is designed to create an environment of instruction and support for youth who struggle in the public school system and/or experience long-lasting conflicts within the home or community which create barriers to learning and development. The BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter is further designed to address the needs of youth designated as being at high-risk of delinquent involvement. Appropriately referred youth have mostly been previously involved with the Juvenile Justice System. This includes status and/or public offenders. Primary referralsources include the following: BarrenCounty, Glasgow Independent and Caverna Independent school districts, agencies of the juvenile justice system and Family Services.
The goals of the program center on personal growth and development. The staff works cooperatively with youth and their families to strengthen and develop healthy ways of coping with issues found within the home, school and community. Individual goals may be reached through a variety of services including individualized classroom instruction, feedback on behavioral choices, structured classroom activities, individual, group and family counseling activities. Together these services, along with staff support and student commitment create a positive treatment setting designed to support each youth in his/her growth and development.
To deliver these services in the most efficient manner we ask for all adults involved with a student be involved in the treatment and educational decisions for each student. This would include the day treatment treatment team, family members,family service workers, and any other organizations involved with a student.
We would like to welcome all youth, their families and concerned others to the program. Please read the following information carefully. We hope it will answer some questions as well as raise some new ones as we begin to work TOGETHER!
The primary purpose of our program is to support each youth and their family in the identification and understanding of their strengths and the ways in which they respond to issues at school, in the home and in the community. With a respect for individualized treatment planning, the program strives to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all youth so that the student may excel gain skills needed to become a productive citizen.
The BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter is operated by the BarrenCountyPublicSchool District and as such will not deviate from the established policies of Barren County Public Schools. If any conflict of policy should arise, the BarrenCountySchool's policy will take precedence.
Equal Educational Opportunities
No youth shall be discriminated against because of age, color, disability, parental status, marital status, race, national origin, religion, sex or veteran status.
Student Records/Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
All student records are kept confidential and kept secure. All requests for information will be received and treated under all rules set by Barren County Schools.
Hours of Operation
BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenterschool hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Youth may begin arriving at 7:00 am. We abide by the Barren County Public Schools' calendar with the addition of extended days to assist students in gaining additional credit and ensuring that they receive any additional help in achieving their goals. The School day begins at 8:00a.m. and ends at 3:00 pm.
Visitors to the School
The Barren County Board of Education and the BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter staff invite and encourage you to visit our program. In order to ensure that school personnel are aware of a visitor's presence, all visitors must report to the office immediately upon entering the facility. All visitors must sign in and identify themselves as well as declare the purpose of their visit. All parents and other juvenile custodians are encouraged to be an integral part of the program. All are invited to be part of treatment planning and to participate in continuing treatment team meetings. In such cases that parents might need assistance with transportation in order to visit the center, the FamilyResourceCenter at BarrenCountyHigh School will be utilized in helping make arrangements for transportation. Parents/Guardians must have prior approval from the Director or designee before attending any school activity. Anyone entering the building may be subject to passing through a metal detector.
A high level of security is maintained at the Center. Youth will be scanned with a metal detector each morning when they arrive and again if they leave the Center during the day and return. Students will also be searched to assure the reduction of contraband. This search may include some or all of the following: turning pockets inside out, search of wallets, search of jackets, removal of belt, removal of shoes, pulling up of pants leg to show ankles. If the metal detector detects something and it cannot be explained, the student will be segregated until parent arrives to assist in the search or provide other clothing. Confiscated contraband will be placed in a locked cabinet and returned in the following manner. First confiscated item will be returned to the student at the end of the school day, second item will be returned to the parent and third confiscated item will be kept until the end of the current semester. No weapon, drug paraphernalia, tobacco, lighter or illegal item will be returned. The DayTreatmentCenter follows guidelines set forth by the Department of Juvenile Justice in addition to the BarrenCountySchool District. Due to heightened awareness for security, random searches will be conducted at any given time during any school day. EVERYTHING BROUGHT TO THE PROGRAM WILL BE SUBJECT TO SEARCH.
Search of Youth
Searches are not carried out as harassment techniques, but as a duty when staff suspects that a situation exists or materials are present, which could be injurious to the health, safety and welfare of students and staff. The Director and/or designee are charged with the obligation of orderly program operation. Therefore, staff shall conduct searches of youth when it is felt that the health, safety and welfare of students and staff is threatened. Objects or materials that pose such a threat may be confiscated. Due to the eminent dangers to the rights of a youth in such cases, staff members are to secure individuals and belongings with another staff member present. Youth are instructed to submit to such a search if requested. THERE WILL BE NO STRIP SEARCHES. If he/she refuses to consent to a search by staff the student will not be allowed entryand parents/guardians will be contacted.
Inclement Weather and Holidays
In the event of inclement weather such as snow the BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter will follow the BARRENCOUNTYSCHOOL CLOSING ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announcements will be made on local radio stations, WBKO-TV and Nashville TV stations.
Telephone Usage
The telephones in the building are for business use only. NO student will be allowed to use the phone except in the case of an emergency. The student must be calm and under control before receiving permission to use the telephone. This permission to use the phone must come from the staff member in charge. A staff member must be present while a student is making a phone call. Parents/guardians are welcome to call whenever the need arises to leave messages or change transportation arrangements. Students will not be brought to the phone unless an emergency is evident.
Tobacco Policy
The use of tobacco products is not permitted by the youth at The Barren County Day Treatment Center. Tobacco products and paraphernalia (matches, cigarettes, lighters, etc.) will be confiscated by staff if a youth is observed in possession of these items or if there is reasonable cause to believe that a student is in possession of such.
These rules apply in all situations and in all settings related to the program at The Barren County Day Treatment.
Fire, Tornado, Earthquakes, and Other Emergencies
We will follow established procedures for these and other emergencies. These procedures include building evacuation and will be explained to students upon enrollment. It is important to follow all rules and instructions at the time of evacuation. Designated safe areas are posted in each room. The adult in charge of each room will give specific instructions. Accidental injury to a youth while at The Barren County Day Treatment Center will normally necessitate a preliminary examination by a staff member. At least two staff members of The Barren County Day Treatment Center are trained in Community First Aid/CPR. The parent/guardian will be notified and the Director made aware of the situation. In case of obvious serious injury the youth will be transported immediately to the nearest medical facility. Medical Record/History forms will be taken to the medical facility with the child. ALL attempts will be made to notify the parent/guardian. If no one can be reached, the Director or person in charge will act "in loco parentis” and act in the best interest of the youth
Tardiness and Signing in and out of the program
A student who arrives late, or has permission to leave early, must sign in/out in the book located on the secretary's desk. A note will be required for when students arrive late as well as those planning to leave early. BCDT staff member will phone the youth's parent/guardian to verify all notes. The adult picking up a student for early dismissal must sign the same book. No student is allowed to check out of school without proper authorization. Any student, who leaves the school grounds without permission, shall be reported to the Barren County Sheriff's Office. LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SHALL BE NOTIFIED FIRST. Parents/guardians shall be notified after the sheriff is notified.
Classroom Supplies
All students need to provide pencils (non-mechanical). Most other supplies will be furnished by The Barren County Day Treatment Center. Parents/guardians will be notified if other supplies are needed.
It is the policythe BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCentersupervises youth at all times while they are in the custody of this program. Youth or groups of students will not be allowed to have authority or to assert authority over other youth.
Harassment/discrimination is defined as intimidation by threats of, or actual physical violence; the creation, by whatever means, of a climate of hostility or intimidation, or the use of language conduct or symbols in such a manner as to be commonly understood to convey hatred, contempt, or prejudice or to have the effect of insulting or stigmatizing an individual. Procedures for reporting or investigating harassment/discrimination are located in the Discipline Code Handbook and follow Barren County Schools procedures.
Management of Aggressive Youth
In the management of aggressive youth, all non-offensive intervention techniques, such as verbal de-escalation, shall be exhausted prior to the utilization of more restrictive techniques, such as physical restraint. All physical restraints are performed in accordance with Safe Crisis Management techniques as mandated by the Division of Youth Services. Law enforcement will be notified immediately if a physical restraint is necessary. All staff that have responsibility for the direct care, supervision and treatment of youth shall be required to complete this training.
Corporal or Unusual Punishment
The use of corporal punishment, humiliation, mental abuse and intimidation are prohibited. The BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter does not allow for physical force to be used as punishment. Physical restraints will only be used in instances of self-protection, protection of the juvenile or other, and prevention of property damage. (BCBOE 09.433)(DJJ 322, KRS 15A.063)
Expectations of Youth Enrolled at Day Treatment
Attend school daily by 8:00 a.m.
Complete and turn in acceptable homework daily
Attend classes as scheduled and be prepared for all activities and classes
Remain on-task and be responsible for your own behavior when participating
Conversations and interactions are to be positive and appropriate
Display positive attitude and accept correction appropriately
Follow directions from staff in a positive and timely manner
Be courteous and respectful to peers and staff
Always be in the appropriate place at the appropriate time unless otherwise directed by staff
Students will dress according to the dress code for the program
Contraband, smoking, profanity, fighting and horseplay is not allowed
Students will display appropriate behavior when riding in the bus
Consequences for not meeting Day Treatment expectations may include:
Verbal correction
Loss of points
Loss of breaks
Removal from class, group, recreation or other activities
After School hours
Loss of phase
Filing court petitions
Health History
During intake, parents will be asked to give an overview of medical history information. This history identifies current health status, medical or dental problems, or any concerns that may require medical or dental attention, or services. This information is kept in the client record and updated as new information is received. Details of physician or health clinic that services the youth, medication, parent/guardian information, including emergency notification procedure and authorization for medical services.
Notification of Illness or Emergency
Accidental injury to a youth will normally necessitate preliminary examination and recommendations by staff members. Trained personnel will examine the injury. Concurrently, the Director or designee will consult the medical history form and contact the parent or guardian listed. If serious medical concerns are identified, the youth will be transported immediately to T.J.SamsonHospital. If the parents or emergency contact cannot be located, the director or designee may act in loco parentis and act in the best interest of the child and ensure the necessary treatment. In case of serious illness, surgery, injury, or death, the Director will notify the parent/guardian and Cabinet for Children and Families. Students that complain of illness but show no signs of fever, vomiting or other apparent symptom will not be allowed to call a parent.
First Aid
The DayTreatmentCenter maintains first aid supplies and equipment to meet the needs of youth and staff. First aid supplies and equipment will be stocked and maintained in the workroom. A minimum of two staff at the DayTreatmentCenter will be first aid and CPR certified.
Dispensation of Medication
Parents are responsible for the physical needs of youth and to inform Day Treatment staff of any significant physical or medical problems, chronic illnesses, or concerns, which might affect their child's behavior and performance.
Any medications that are prescribed for youth shall be dispensed by staff according to directions provided by the attending physician. Any youth taking medication shall have their parent bring it to the secretary. Medication must be in the original bottle. The medication shall be stored until needed. When medication is dispensed to youth, staff will log it. Youth are never to keep medicine in their possession.
Employable Youth
It shall be the policy of the BarrenCountyDayTreatmentCenter to provide various forms of employment assistance to students. Staff may also serve as a reference.
Food Service
All youth are served lunch in the dining area of the DayTreatmentCenter unless on probation phase. Food will meet the standard nutritional adequacy stated in the National Academy of Sciences Dietary Allowances. The Director of Food Services from the BarrenCountySchool District prepares menus. All food is prepared and served by the BarrenCountyHigh School cafeteria staff. Students who qualify for free meals will be provided the same service they would receive at their home school. Food is never withheld as a form of punishment. Students on probation phase or in ISS will be served finger food that meets current standards.