24 October 2018



Dear (name)

Please find enclosed (name)’s term 3 progress report for year 10. Every subject will also indicate a tracking grade, which is effectively what the student is currently working at if they took the exam now and in this instance are closely linked to the mock exam results (Creative Media and Music) and recognition of exam coursework completed or outstanding. The tracking grade is likely to be below the aspirational target grade at present but the gap should close quickly this year if your son/daughter is working hard to be the best they can be by the summer exams next year.

The Learning Coach will make a judgement on your son/daughter’s attitude to learning. This will take into account qualities including commitment, determination, engagement and behaviour, with 5 being outstanding and 1 very poor. Clearly at this point we would expect to see an excellent attitude if they are to do well in the summer.

We value parental involvement and partnership in a student’s learning and you are always welcome to discuss your son/daughter’s progress with the Learning Coaches or their Personal Coach at any time. Please feel free to ring Anne, the Principals PA, who will guide you to the correct member of staff.

I would like to draw your attention to some key dates and deadlines already planned, most of which have been introduced to the students, as you may wish to support your son/daughter in preparing for them.

The Easter Holiday will begin at the end of the day on Thursday 30thMarch and we return to school on Tuesday 18th April. Shortly after this return, your son/daughter will be completing their Performing Arts Moderation on Friday 28th April. In preparation for this exam the students will be showcasing their work on Thursday 27th April which you are invited to attend. We will also be running some Easter revision sessions which I would strongly advise your son/daughter to attend. A timetable for these sessions will be given to the students nearer the time.

On Thursday 2nd March the students will be having their Meningitis Vaccinations. You should have received some information regarding this from the Schools Nursing Team. If you require any further guidance please do not hesitate to contact us. On week commencing 20th March the students will be taking an IT qualification called EDCL. This will be an intensive three day course allowing the students to achieve a level 2 qualification.

Can I also remind you that revision books are available from retailers or on line and we recommend the following:

•CGP AQA Core Science (either Higher or Foundation as guided by Emma) and the workbook

•Revise Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Spec A Higher or Foundation for the Grade 9-1 Course

Revision Workbook.

In addition the revision guide sent previously has some useful websites including GCSE Bite Size and completing past exam papers is one of the best ways to build subject knowledge and improve your exam technique. This simple website allows access to GCSE past papers in all subjects

During the past term we have been reviewing the intervention timetable. Attendance to these sessions is encouraged to ensure students reach their potential and have a personalised education. Below, I have listed the times these sessions are available to (name) :

The Art and Photography exhibition will be held on 23rd June in the evening to which everyone is warmly invited.

On Friday 3rd March, NAME is hoping to perform/film for a flash mob we are completing in Hastings. The choreography for the piece has been completed by a year 12 Performing Arts student Jamie Isteed, who welcomes an audience. There will be no charge for this event , allowing students to be part of another creative experience. The flash mob will be taking place within school time at 10:30am. Students will travel to the event on mini bus and return to school the same way. If you are happy forNAME to attend this event, please complete permissionslip attached.

Finally please find enclosed with this letter a parental contact form which we are asking all parents to complete and return to the school office after the holiday or via email to this is to enable us to set up an email correspondence with parents for newsletters and information about forthcoming events etc.

Yours sincerely

Leah Greenough

Head of Key Stage 4


Student Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………...

I give my permission for my son/daughter to attend the Flash Mob on 3rd March.

Emergency contact number for the day : ……………………………………………………………..

Medical Concerns : …………………………………………………………………………………….…..

Parent/Carer signature : …………………………………………………………… Date : …………….