· Control what you can control
Attitude, Effort, and Concentration
· Show up to games and practices on time and ready to play
· Respect coaches, teammates, officials, and opponents at all times
· Be coachable, the coaches are here to help you get better, let them.
· Be careful what you say to each other, remember you are not a coach
· Click but no cliques
You don't have to be best friends, but you do have to have a respectful working relationship with everyone involved. You are a unit and everyone is a valued teammate.
· You are expected to be a GREAT teammate! Remember "good is the enemy of great",
strive for greatness and make others around you better.
keep short accounts, when there are offenses don't let them go on and on and explode.
Don't talk about each other, talk to each other
Leave your teammate encouraged and not discouraged.
NO sarcasm in a competitive environment- it is too risky.
· Make hard work your passion.
· Leave off the field issues at home.
This is softball, not a therapy session or your mood palace.
Subject your emotions to what is in the best interest of the team, do not subject your team to your emotions.
Do not think less of yourself, think of yourself less. Team first!
· We are a class act wherever we go.
Enjoy victory but don't gloat, hate losing but hold your head high.
Act like you have been there before.
Celebrate the great plays of your teammates!
Be polite and well mannered, "please' and "thank you" to wait staff, parents, coaches and officials.
Player Signature Date
Parent Signature Date