The Privates Lives of Plants: The Birds and The Bees Name______
If one didn’t know any better, it would appear that plants actually have “planned” some very ingenious methods of getting insects and other animals to aid them in their reproductive efforts. Some of these strategies for insuring pollination are nothing short of remarkable. ENJOY!
- Pollen is she from the plant’s ______and is often carried great distances by ______. Pollen grains go to the ______of other plants to insure fertilization.
- Describe the role of flower petals in this pollination dance between plants and animals?
- How does the “Honey eater” bird obtain pollen from the Australian Kangaroo Paw flower?
- Is the bird harmed or hurt in any part of this process? How do you know??
- Birds seem to be drawn to red flowers more than any other. Why is this?
- Would a red flower be aided in bird attraction if it had scent nectaries ?
- As a general rule, do red flowers have a strong scent? Explain why or why not.
- Insects and birds are not the only animals in the pollination assistance business. Mammals and reptiles also play significant roles. Describe the role of the bush mouse in pollinating the South African Protea?
- Also, how are traveler’s palms on Madagascar pollenated and what type of animals are involved?
- The Indian has a “fool proof” method of making sure it gets some pollen on its’ stigmas. What strategy is involved here?
- Describe the role of feeding tubes used by some insects to obtain nectar ?
- One example would be the South African Iris and the Hover Fly. Also, the Hover Fly has a well-marked “target zone” to show where the feeding tube is supposed to go. Describe this “ target zone”. ( is this stuff cool or what?)
- Describe the “perfume” technique important to bees in relationship to the class of South American Orchids.
- The “Tropical fig” reminds me of an incubator of sorts in its relationship with certain wasps. This adaptation borders on the scary. Are these plants actually getting “smart”? Tell me about this interesting relationship?
- In terms of plant pollination strategies, what does “mimicry” mean to you? Please cite an example and describe.
- Why do the pollinators seek out the arum?
- Describe what happens when they are attracted to the arum?
- The ______is the largest flower in the world. What does it smell like??