Kings Heath Boys

Careers Education, Information,

Advice and Guidance Policy



At Kings Heath Boys we are committed to providing a rich planned programme of Careers Education for our students in Years 7-11. This is supported by quality Information, Advice and Guidance, presented in an impartial manner. We strive to ensure that every child will leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.

The policy for CEIAG supports and is itself underpinned by a range of key school policies especially those for teaching and learning, assessment, recording and reporting achievement, citizenship, PSHE, equal opportunities,High Attaining and Talented, looked after children and special educational needs and disabilities.


The careers programme is designed to meet the specific needs of the individual student, promote self-awareness and personal development. It will aim to provide students with current and relevant information to ensure ourstudents can make informed decisions about their future.

In particular it aims to help:

  • Inspire, raise aspirations and extend students understanding of opportunities in learning and work, including widening access to advice on options such as apprenticeships, entrepreneurialism and other vocational pathways
  • Empower students to develop their own knowledge when thinking about making choices for the future
  • Develop, enhance and utilise skills needed to review achievements, plan future actions, make decisions, present themselves positively and cope with the transition to new opportunities
  • Develop positive self esteem through activities such as 'Business Dress Day'
  • Assess strengths and weaknesses in order for our students to understand themselves and the influences on them
  • Explore careers through a wide range of resources, including accessing the IAG@KHB enrichment after school, computer software, Cascaid KUDOS(Career Matching and exploration programme) visitingweb sites such as,,, to name a few
  • Provide access to books, leaflet’s, posters and access to other material to give up to date and impartial careers guidance
  • Students will have access to a range of organised activities, visits, employer talks, and careers fairs, motivational speakers including benefiting from support from local colleges, training providers, universities and mentors.
  • Offer high quality work experience to allow students to have valuable insight to the world of work. This should properly reflect the student’s studies and strengths, and support the academic curriculum.
  • Involve parents/carers in decision making for options, work experience and transition options. Individual IAG is available at all events and bookable appointments can be made after school with the Careers and Work related Learning Adviser.


An Assistant Headteacher co-ordinates the careers programme and is responsible to the Headteacher. This area is supported by a link governor. Work experience is planned and implemented by the Year 10 Learning Development Manager.All staff contribute to CEIAG through their roles as tutors and subject teachers.

The CEIAG programme is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Assistant head in consultation with the Careers & Work Related Learning Adviser.

The intended careers learning outcomes for students are based on the National Framework and are assessed using assessment for learning techniques.

Funding is allocated in the annual budget planning round in the context of whole school priorities and particular needs in the CEIAG area. The Assistant Headteacher and Careers & Work Related Learning Adviser are responsible for the effective deployment of resources. Sources of external funding are actively sought.

Staff training needs are identified in conjunction with the Assistant Head in charge of CPD. Funding is provided from school funds. The school will endeavour to meet training needs within a reasonable period of time. A report is submitted to the senior leadership team and governors. Action research evaluation of different aspects of CEIAG is undertaken regularly.


Adopted Nov 2017

Review Nov 2019