Senate Minutes

Thursday, October 6th, 2011


University of San Diego, Salomon Hall

The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in all Associated Students Senate Meetings. All meetings are open to the public, and are accessible to those with disabilities. Public participation in all discussions is welcomed, and the public is invited to address the Student Senate on non-Agenda items during the Announcements and Hearing of the Public portion of the Agenda.

  1. Call to Order
  2. The meeting was called to order at 12:22pm.
  3. Roll Call
  4. 1 Absent: Hayden Fox, College of Arts and Sciences Senator
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Reyes-Hernandez moves to add Lily Mariucci CCC to Academics Committee report
  7. Moved and seconded
  8. The Senate unanimously approved to add Lily to the agenda
  9. Reyes-Hernandez moves to approve the agenda
  10. Moved and seconded
  11. The Senate unanimously approved the agenda
  12. Approval of Minutes
  13. Thursday, April 28th, 2011
  14. Nederend motion to approve the minutes
  15. The Senate unanimously approved the minutes from the last meeting
  16. Hearing of the Public (10 minutes per topic)
  17. No report
  18. Reports of Executive Board and Ex Officio Members (1 minute each, unless otherwise noted with agenda items)

At this time, any AS Executive Board Member and any Ex Officio Member may address the body on non-Agenda items.

  1. Anthony Pavlovic, President
  2. Anthony reported on the changes to the University Non-Discrimination Policy regarding Gender Identity
  3. He stated that this amendment was approved by President Lyons
  4. He explained that this change grants protection against gender identity discrimination
  5. Jeremy Whelan, Vice President
  6. Jeremy explained the plan to change the core curriculum
  7. He stated that there are five different plans
  8. Jeremy emphasized that the committee is dedicated to including students’ input
  9. November 29, 12:30pm in UC Forum A there will be an Open Forum for all senators and their constituents
  10. If you have interest in attending a meeting, there is a blog on
  11. Stephanie Atienza, Communication Chair
  12. Stephanie reminded everyone that Research Grants are due tomorrow
  13. Mallory Collins will be taking their pictures today for whoever does not have a picture on the website
  14. Emily Fuller, AS Director of Marketing – Senator Meet and Greets
  15. Emily introduced the Tuesday, October 25th Senate Meet and Greet
  16. Emily explained that there will be 5 different tables for Senators to sit at
  17. Encouraged creativity, bring candy, games, etc.
  18. Each table has $100 budget from the Comm board
  19. Emily asked that the senators email her their plans by next Thursday, October 13
  20. Diana Rodriguez Agiss, Finance Chair
  21. No report
  22. Marc Gonzales, Vice-Chair of Operations, Torero Program Board
  23. Marc stated that Monday, October 10th is the kick off for Hate Crimes Awareness Week, 10/10-10/13
  24. Kickoff is Monday, 11-2pm Love Love Hate Hate
  25. Outside of UC Forums with photobooth
  26. Rebecca Garcia-Rangel, United Front Multicultural Center Rep
  27. Rebecca also included that Hate Crime Awareness Week events are on UFMC website
  28. Sana Ebrahim, RHA Rep
  29. Sana reported that the councils are set for each housing area
  30. Orientation Saturday 3-5pm UC Forums AB
  31. Sana declared that their first events will include CHWP Alcohol Awareness Week, WinterWonderland (pending Dec. 1)
  32. Caroline Brenes, Panhellenic Rep
  33. Caroline invited everyone to the Greek Life Halloween Dance, October 28th
  34. Caroline also explained Panhellenic’s expansion process
  35. 11 chapters have requested to be on campus
  36. Mark Barnett, IFC Rep
  37. Mark announced the arrival of Phi Gamma Delta this Saturday
  38. Representatives will be here for 6 weeks
  39. The first week will be informational
  40. Last 5 weeks will be recruitment
  1. Reports from Chairs of Standing Committees (3 minutes each, unless otherwise noted)
  2. Meghan Czarnecki, Academics Committee
  3. Lily Mariucci – Core Curriculum Committee
  4. Lily spoke of her meeting on September 30th
  5. Setting dynamics of CC, learning outcomes
  6. Trying to define learning outcomes of each major
  7. Next meeting is November 11th
  8. Alex Hermann, Inclusion and Diversity Committee
  9. No report
  10. Alex emphasized senator participation in Hate Crimes Awareness Week
  11. Coral Anderson, Student Life Committee
  12. No report
  13. Katt Manalo, Student Organizations Committee
  14. Approval of Clubs and Organizations
  15. 96 clubs and organizations to approve the clubs
  16. Osland moves to approve the clubs
  17. Moved and seconded
  18. The Senate unanimously approved all 96 clubs
  19. Unfinished Business
  20. No unfinished business
  21. New Business
  22. Camino/Founders Senator – Elections Committee Appeal
  23. Chuck explained that the Elections Committee disqualifiedMelendez Melendez from his election as Camino/Founders Senator
  24. Jason emphasized that the committee made a decision to disqualify him and he has now appealed that decision
  25. We must take this very seriously, as the committee has already taken this situation into consideration
  26. Shanyn Lillard, Director of Elections (5 Minutes)
  27. Shanyn explained that Melendez was disqualified for the report ofthree accounts: one from the Camino/FoundersCommunity Director, one from an RA in his building, one from Public Safety
  28. The Community Director reported that students were tearing down flyers of Melendez’s opponents
  29. The Resident Assistant emailed Shanyn to inform her that people were screaming to “Vote for Melendez!”, but he cannot confirm that Melendez was there
  30. Although we cannot confirm that Melendez was there, the candidates were told at each Elections informational that they will be responsible for the actions of their constituents
  31. Public Safety reported that they had witnessed Melendez holding a torn down sign of another candidate
  32. Melendez Melendez (5 Minutes)
  33. Melendez emphasized he’s worked hard to site new evidence
  34. He explained that when he went for the first meeting, he did not know he was supposed to be appealing
  35. Melendez stated he was handing out candy with his friends
  36. Did not have supporters, did not elect committee to support him
  37. RA wrote letter to Melendez regarding that night apologizing
  38. His RA also wrote a letter on behalf of him, stating that he is a well-qualified candidate
  39. Bains moved Melendez’s time be extended for his witness to speak
  40. Moved and seconded
  41. The Senate unanimously approved that Melendez’s time be extended for his witness to speak
  42. Eliot, Melendez’s friend, stated that he was the one who ripped down the posters the evening Public Safety caught them at the scene
  43. He also emphasized that Melendez was not ripping down posters and that Melendez was telling him to stop
  44. Questions from Senate
  45. Vance asked how many votes Melendez won by
  46. Lillard replied 2 votes
  47. Graduate Assistant, Jacyln Miller, stated that this is irrelevant to this case
  48. Whelan asked who else ripped down the other posters
  49. Eliot has no idea
  50. Eliot stated that a lot of people were ripping down posters
  51. Whelan asked if any of Melendez’s posters were ripped down
  52. Melendez stated that his posters were ripped down
  53. Manalo asked what proactive actions he took to get his position back
  54. Melendezstated that he apologized to Melanie and other candidate
  55. He also has spoken with Sean Horrigan and realized that he should acknowledge what happened
  56. In addition to that, he went and spoke to CD after this meeting
  57. Pera asked what happens to Melanie after this
  58. Cook informed the Senate that if Melendez’s appeal is approved, Melanie will not be a part of Senate
  59. Vance asked why he wasn’t at training
  60. Cook answered that he was not invited to Senate Training
  61. Conway asked if there is a process of reelection
  62. Cook stated that there is not a process of reelection, if Melendez’s appeal is approved, he will sit on Senate
  63. Morgan asked if the email that Shanyn sent out regarding poster ripping was sent before or after this incident
  64. Lillard stated that Melendez’s ripping down happened after
  65. Reyes-Hernandez asked why Melendez wants to be a senator
  66. Melendez stated he wanted to be a part of Senate to be involved
  67. Melendez also brought up issues in Camino that he wants to deal with
  68. Jeremy stated that his aspirations are irrelevant
  69. Pavlovic asked for an in-depth run down of what happened in between the time when Eliot ripped down the poster to Public Safety catching him in the act
  70. Melendez stated that the security guard saw that the posters had been written down and that it went extremely fast
  71. Bains moved to end debate
  72. Moved and seconded
  73. The Senate unanimously approved to end the debate
  74. Reyes-Hernandez moved to vote on the matter
  75. Moved and seconded
  76. The Senate unanimously approved to vote on the matter by ballot
  77. Chuck informed the Senate that they will now be voting by ballot
  78. The vote was 22 to deny the appeal, 5 to approve the appeal, 1 abstention
  79. Melanie joined us at the table
  80. School of Business Administration Senator Opening
  81. Chuck announced the opening of one School of Business Administration Senator
  82. Hopefully, we will have the new representative at the next Senate meeting on October 20
  83. Introduction of ASBC Representatives for Approval
  84. Diana explained that we want to approve 5 new representatives on ASBC, 3 alternate members
  85. Jason asked Diana to explain why there is one from each section
  86. Organizations are split into 5 categories
  87. Bains moved to approve representatives
  88. Moved and seconded
  89. The Senate unanimously approved the 8 new members onto ASBC
  90. Introduction of AS Budget for Approval
  91. Diana presented the new budget explaining the representatives who sit on the Budget Committee
  92. Vance asked what the reserve was for
  93. Diana stated that it is for unforeseen circumstances
  94. He also asked how new initiatives could be funded
  95. Diana stated that whatever doesn’t get spent will go into general fund
  96. Chuck also stated that there is a senate discretionary fund, $5,000 for senator initiatives
  97. Manalo moved to approve the budget
  98. Moved and seconded
  99. The Senate unanimously approved the budget
  100. Introduction of Bylaws for Review
  101. AS Finance Committee
  102. No discusssion, tabled until October 20th
  103. AS Budget Committee
  104. No discussion, tabled until October 20th
  105. Senate
  106. No discussion, tabled until October 20th
  107. Traffic Court
  108. No discussion, tabled until October 20th
  109. Jason stated that it is very important everyone spend time reviewing the bylaws
  110. Final Announcements and Hearing of the Public
  111. Anthony introduced Carmen Vazquez
  112. Carmen congratulated the Senators on their positions
  113. She also thanked TPB for Welcome Week, Homecoming
  114. Carmen also emphasized that she is looking forward to the year
  115. Anthony stated the Team Meeting is October 13th 12:15pm in Salomon Hall
  116. San Diego Film Foundation representative
  117. Invited the Senators to the Asian Film Festival
  118. Jayme-Ross Eva
  119. Announced the FUSO Nooner on Tuesday, October 11th
  120. Anthony Pavlovic
  121. Mentioned the Fire Bake Sale next Thursday during dead hours
  122. All proceeds will go toward the three seniors whose house burned down
  123. Katt Manalo
  124. Invited Senate to the Colleges for Cancer meeting next week to discuss Relay for Life
  125. Sunday October 9that 8:30pm in UC 103
  126. Chase Gertsch
  127. Announced the Beta Theta Pi – Surf as One, benefits Life Rolls on

At this time, any Senators, Ex Officio Members, or member of the public may voice any announcements or concluding comments.

  1. Adjournment
  2. The Senate Meeting was adjourned at1:29pm

Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego

October 4th, 2011