Arenac County Commissioners Committee of the Whole Meeting
January 15, 2013
Chair Michael Snyder called the Committee of the Whole into session at 10 AM.
Present: Virginia Zygiel, Robert Luce, Michael Snyder, & Jeffrey Trombley.
Absent: (Excused): David Munson
Public Comments:
JoEllyn Pedota, Standish Township Resident and member of the Public Access Channel Committee for Standish area noted that Mr. Sancimino had been the local representative on the Committee and the Board needed to act upon either reappointing him or replacing him on the Committee. The Board took the matter under advisement.
Tim Bellor, Tim’s Towing & Body Shop, appeared before the Board and introduced himself to the Commissioners and noted that should anyone have a pending issue with him or his business, just to contact him. He noted that he has been operating a business in Bay County for over 35 years and made a “AAA” commitment to Arenac County by request and he is committed to serving Arenac County residents.
Dennis Stawowy, Arenac County Treasurer, appeared to remind County Commissioners that they need to work on certain Annual Resolutions, including: Depository, Fraud, Fund Balance Policy, & Conflict of Interest. He also discussed the possibility of “Conflict of Interest Policy”.
Ann___, 4319 Henderson Road, representing H & R Towing, noted attendance at a recent meeting of towing owners and that there are issues regarding same. She questioned the format of the meeting.
Building and Grounds Committee:
Commissioner Luce: FOC office remodeling matters will be discussed later. He noted that Alex has met regarding same with Mike Friedgen, Friend of the Court and work is tentatively scheduled for January 30-February 4, 2013.
He also is recommending the appointment of Deanna Jacobs and Joseph Sancimino to the Arenac County Parks Commission vacancies. He further noted that they may have a third vacancy, if such should occur, then they will consider the third applicant.
Mrs. Zygiel and Mr. Luce are to meet regarding the County Jail Boiler Replacement & Air Conditioning Units at the Jail.
Commissioner Trombley noted that the Planning Commission will be meeting at 6 PM here this evening.
He also commented about an ice rink at the Children’s Park.
Thursday, at 10 AM, Board representatives will meet with DEQ in reference to Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Enforcement.
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Discussion of EDC Members and Terms, hold till next meeting.
Mr. Trombley discussed the Phragmytes problems on the Saginaw Bay.
Order of the Day:
Court Recorder Position:
Probate Judge Richard E. Vollbach appeared before the Board to discuss needs and Statutory Requirements for secretary/recorder. He also discuss State directed additional requirements for “Judicial Efficiencies” for “Case Flow Management”, Drafting Orders, and other Court related activity.
He discussed the “Proposed Multi Court Employee” and the possible stationing of said employee in the office where Wendy DeMatio currently is assigned. He suggested the title of “Multi-Court Recorder Clerk”.
Commissioners questioned the financial breakdown that Judge Yenior Proposed, and the Cost Recovery for additional expense. The Judge promised to bring a copy of said document from Judge Yenior to the Board.
Guardian Office Operations:
The Judge and the Board discussed the Guardian Office operations and he noted that he feels that the staff is “hard working, capable, and honest” and work is being timely performed. The Judge, however, feels that there is a need for an upgrade to the bookkeeping program and the matter should be a goal to be attempted.
The Chair directed a 5 minute recess at 11:05 AM.
The Chair called the Committee back into order at 11:15 AM.
Friend of the Court Office:
Michael Friedgen, Friend of the Court for the 23rd Circuit Court, appeared to review the office remodeling project and copy machine replacement. He reported on bids received for the ceiling tile replacement and office painting and carpet replacement as well as the quote received and recommended for replacement of the office copy machine so requested by the Board.
He noted that the office will need to be “evacuated/closed” and the staff will be working out of the Board of Commissioners Office during remodeling/carpeting.
It was noted that renovation costs will be paid for Building and Grounds Budgets.
He further reported that he had obtained a quote from Miller Office Machines for a used
copier/fax/scanner/printer in the amount of $3,495.
Chair directed that these items be placed on the agenda for this afternoon’s meeting for further actions.
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Darlene Mikkola, Register of Deeds:
Darlene Mikkola, Register of Deeds appeared before the Board to discuss issues with Trimen, her software provider and she further discussed “remodeling/painting” request for her office and the issue with “Server Noise”.
Order of the Day:
Returned to the Board with information requested earlier and further reported that the “cog wheel printer in District Court has died. The Court is looking for repair or the replacement of said item. It only happened today.
Commissioner Reports:
Chair noted receipt of letter of complaint in reference to “Sheriff Department”. He noted that he has talked to the Sheriff regarding. Clerk noted that said should be filed with Treasurer as well as any necessary incident report as to put the Insurance Company on notice if there is an issue regarding same.
Discussion of Under-Sheriff Position:
Commissioners discussed the position of Under-Sheriff as to how it relates to Personnel Policy or other policies or if there is a separate policy needed regarding the specific position. The Chair noted that after research, he believes that the position is an appointed official, by the Sheriff, Commissioners set compensation, cannot be in the Personnel Policy, and what should be used is perhaps, the Personnel Policy as a guideline for fringe benefits or the Policy/Procedures used for Elected County Officers/Officials.
Mr. Snyder further reported that most counties compensate the Under-Sheriff at 90% of the salary of the County Sheriff and that we are approximately there, about $575 dollars below that comparable figure.
Public Comments:
Mr. Glen Rice, Arenac Township Resident, commented that per the Board Contracted Negotiator, Mr. William P. Borushko, Employment Relations Advisors, the position of Under-Sheriff is a Deputy like many other offices per information gleaned from other Counties and the Michigan Sheriff Association.
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 PM.
Ricky R. Rockwell
County Clerk acting a Secretary to Board in Committee.