B3 Knowledge Test
- Define Photoperiodism.
- Describe three important roles of photoperiodism in plants.
- Define Circadian Rhythm.
- Describe Louis Pasteurs work in aseptic techniques.
- Name three plant poisons we use as drugs.
- What is a pathogen?
- What effect does plant attack by pests have on the human food supply?
- Draw a bacterial growth curve and label the 4 phases.
- Describe Edward Jenners work on vaccines in 4 bullet points.
- Explain why being infected with cowpox protects against smallpox infection.
- Explain the process of immunisation in three bullet points.
- State one advantage and one disadvantage of immunisation.
- Describe the role of Memory Lymphocytes in the secondary immune response.
- Draw a diagram to show the formation of monoclonal antibodies.
- State three uses of monoclonal antibodies.
- Name three waste products of cell metabolism.
- What is urea formed from?
- Label this diagram of the urinary system:
- State the three treatments for kidney disease.
- State two disadvantages of dialysis.
- On this diagram of the nephron, label the glomerulus, Bowmans capsule, convoluted tubule, collecting duct, loop of Henle
- Now mark where the following processes take place: filtration, selective reabsorption of glucose, reabsorption of water.
- What does the term ultrafiltration mean?
- What does the term osmoregulation mean?
- Where is ADH released?
- What effect will an increase in ADH have on water content of the blood?
- What does negative feedback mean?
- Name the two main hormones in the menstrual cycle
- State the three phases of the menstrual cycle in order
- Explain what happens to the uterus lining if fertilisation occurs.
- High levels of which hormone inhibits LH and FSH?
- Which hormone triggers ovulation?
- Explain three adaptations of the sperm.
- Explain three adaptations of the ovum.
- Give one advantage and one disadvantage of each of the following fertility treatments:
Advantage / Disadvantage
egg donation
use of surrogates
use of hormones
- State the male and female genotype.
- Draw a genetic diagram to show the percentage of male and female offspring two parents would have.
- Use a genetic diagram to show how two people with normal vision could have a child with colourblindness.
- What is the purpose of courtship behaviour?
- Name and animal that mates with several partners in a breeding season. What are the advantages of this?
- What are the two advantages of parental care?
- Explain what is meant by innate behaviour and imprinting. Give an example of each.
- Explain the difference between operant conditioning and classical conditioning.
- State three ways animals communicate.
- Outline the work of Fossey and Goodall.
- Give an example where plants communicate with insects and with other plants.
- Define coevolution.
- What happened to arm length and brain size during human evolution?
- How are stone tools dated?
- What features of mtDNA makes it suitable for providing evidence for human evolution?
- Describe the term biotechnology.
- State the 6 key features of a fermenter and explain why they are needed.
- Describe four advantages of using microbes for food production.
- Describe how mycoprotein is produced in three bullet points
- Describe how yoghurt is produced and state three factors that can affect the rate of yoghurt production.
- Describe the use of the enzyme invertase and chymosin.
- Describe how to genetically modify a bacterium to produce insulin.
- If an enzyme is immobilised, what does this mean?
- What is meant by a 'global food security crisis'?
- Describe what an integrated pest management system is.
- If a plant is produced by conventional methods, describe what his means.
- State two advantages and two disadvantages of the use of biofuels over fossil fuels.
- Explain how Agrobacterium tumefaciens is used as a vector in creating transgenic plants.
- State two advantages of GM for insect resistance in crop plants
- What are the advantages of GM tomato plants to increase the amount of flavonoids.