The University of Sheffield.
Information School / Insert Title of Project

Include the names, and contact information of the team (i.e., those who will access the data)

Purpose of the research

Clearly state the objective of the research in two to three sentences

Who will be participating?

Indicate who will be participating.

For example “We are inviting adults over 18 who have used Facebook in the past two days.”

What will you be asked to do?

Indicate what you will ask them to do.

For example, “we will ask you to complete a brief demographics questionnaire so that we have a profile of our participant group. Then we will conduct a 15 minute interview about when and how you use Facebook.”

What are the potential risks of participating?

This will often be “The risks of participating are the same as those experienced in everyday life.” For some research, you may need to indicate the risk of anonymity being violated, etc.

What data will we collect?

Be very explicit. Indicate if interviews are audio recorded, if visual observation is used, if participants are being monitored. In short, stay very clearly what is being collected. For example, “We are audio recording the interviews, and recording all of your actions when you use the computer in a computer file.”

What will we do with the data?

Be very explicit. Only state that it is in a locked cabinet if that is indeed correct. If you propose to re-use the data in future, again be very explicit. If the data is to be destroyed then say so.

For example, “We will be analyzing the data for inclusion in my masters dissertation. After that point, the data will be destroyed.”

Will my participation be confidential?

Explain how confidentiality will be handled. In some casse, e.g., focus groups or any form of group activity, anonymity cannot be guaranteed. For example, “We are anonymising the data and coding the computer files with a random number. No identifying information will be retained.” Or “Participation is in a focus group with six other people. Our data will be anonymised, but we cannot guarantee that members of the group will not discuss their participation, although we have requested that they not do so.”

What will happen to the results of the research project?

State what the plans are and how the participant can receive results. For example, “The results of this study will be included in my master’s dissertation which will be publicly available. Please contact the School in six months.” Or “The results of this research will be reported in journal papers; a summary of the results will be posted to [name a website] or by contacting the primary investigator.

I confirm that I have read and understand the description of the research project, and that I have had an opportunity to ask questions about the project.

I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without any negative consequences.

I understand that I may decline to answer any particular question or questions, or to do any of the activities. If I stop participating at all time, all of my data will be purged.

I understand that my responses will be kept strictly confidential, that my name or identity will not be linked to any research materials, and that I will not be identified or identifiable in any report or reports that result from the research.

I give permission for the research team members to have access to my anonymised responses.

I give permission for the research team to re-use my data for future research as specified above.

I agree to take part in the research project as described above.

Participant Name (Please print) / Participant Signature
Researcher Name (Please print) / Researcher Signature
Note: If you have any difficulties with, or wish to voice concern about, any aspect of your participation in this study, please contact Dr Jo Bates, Research Ethics Coordinator, Information School, The University of Sheffield (), or to the University Registrar and Secretary.