Carolina Galaxies Gazette
Vol 5/Summer2006
Well, summer is in full swing and car shows and cruise-ins are everywhere! Please pass on any and all info you get on local shows so I can post it on our website and newsletter.
Carolina Galaxies would like to welcome new members Roy Mack Graham of FlorenceSC, Eric and Julie Long of GreensboroNC and Don Nelson of Pleasant GardenNC. Good to have you!
Our next show is the All-Ford Show at the N.C.TransportationMuseum on August 5th from 9 am til 3 pm.This show is FREEand they have set aside plenty of spaces for us to park together so all you have to do is show up and look for us!It is in Spencer, NC just north of Salisbury. From Charlotte traveling north on I-85, you may use Exit 60, 63, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75 or 76, go west over the interstate and follow the road you are on until it intersects US 29/70. Turn right (north) and follow U.S. 29/70 through Salisbury (Main Street). Go two miles from downtown Salisbury into downtown Spencer. The N.C.TransportationMuseum will be on your right.
We have been approved to show as a club at the FallCharlotte Autofair on Sept 16th. We are showing Saturday only and we have 12spaces so register with the enclosed form. Remember, you must register with Carolina Galaxies to show with us so call me if you have any questions.
The 10th Annual Galaxie Nationals will be held in Springfield, Illinois from Sept 22-24 2006.A Route 66 cruise is going to be held in conjunction so there will be lots to see and do. Both the Ride Thru Times Chapter and the Midwest Chapter are working hard on this event so it should be a lot of fun. Let’s make a good showing at this event. Check out the National website for more info.
Mary, Ginger, Thomas and I plan on going and would love to see other CG members there so please let us know if you are going. You don’t need a shiny show car to go to any of these shows… there are plenty of cars at these events that still need work, so hop in your Galaxie or anything that runs and show up at an event!I promise you won’t regret it and the more the merrier!
Please look below your address to check if you owe dues.If it says “Last Issue” then you are OVER a year late on dues and will be moved to the inactive roster. Make sure your dues are payable to Greg Patterson. The dues are as follows: 1 year = $10.00, 3 yrs = $25.00, 5 years = $40.00.
You will hear from me more if you have an email address. Also, PLEASE keep your information updated by calling or emailing me. Again, my home email is:.
Our website is online at: We now have a link on the national website AND I have added all of our past newsletters so take a look and let me know what you think. There is still a lot of space for your photos and ads so send them in and I’ll post them.
We now have ball caps with our logo on it. We are selling them for $12.00 each with all profits going back into the chapter funds. T-shirts are coming soon.
TheCarolina Galaxies schedule for 2006 is:
NC TransportationMuseum All Ford Show in Spencer, NCAug 5th 2006
Fall Charlotte Auto Fair at Lowe’s Motor SpeedwaySept 16 2006
10th Annual Galaxie Nationals in Springfield, ILSept 22-24 2006
I’m still begging all of you to please pass on any ads, articles, show or cruise-in info, etc so I can put it on the website and newsletter. I welcome any assistance any of you can give.
Thanks and I hope to see each of you at a show sometime soon!
Greg Patterson
We had at least 12 members at the Spring Autofair in April! We had prime space on the grass in the infield and everybody had a great time! Take a look at the photos below.