The meeting commenced at 7:00pm and concluded at 8:25pm.
Members present:
CouncillorNewell (Chairman)
CouncillorMrs Lavender (Vice-Chairman)
CouncillorsBrooke, Burden, Mrs Dion, Moore, Plummer, White, Miss Wilson and Woodcock.
Diocesan Representative
Mr K Newman
Members of the public present: 0
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs Butt, Mr C Shepperd, Mr P Crouch and Mrs S Murphy.
The following personal Interests were declared:
Councillor Brooke as LEA Governor for Broadstone First School. Also, his daughter was employed at Hillbourne School as a part-time teacher and was a supply teacher and also worked for Adult Education for the Borough of Poole.
Councillor Mrs Dion’s husband is a Governor of Rossmore Community Sports College.
Councillor Mrs Lavender as school helper Year 1 at St Aldhelm’s CE VA Combined School and Governor of Heatherlands First School.
Councillor Newell as LEA Governor for Poole Grammar School and Governor of Broadstone First School; Lecturer at Bournemouth University and his wife is Deputy Headteacher at Haymoor Middle School.
Councillor Woodcock as LEA Governor for Old Town First School and Nursery, Baden Powell and St. Peter’s CE Middle School, Chairman of Connexions Local Management Group and Board Member.
Councillor Miss Wilson as School Governor for Manorside Combined School.
Councillor Burden as Chairman of the Waterloo Youth Club.
Councillor Mrs Moore as LEA Governor for Canford Heath Middle School and Connexions Local Management Group and Board.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th November 2006 be confirmed by the Group and signed by the Chairman as a true record, subject to the following amendment:-
M.9 – Corporate Equality Action Plan – delete the final paragraph in the preamble and insert the following:-
“Councillor Brooke declared a personal interest in the matter because his daughter taught English to adults where English was a second language for Poole Adult Learning.”
Further to M.6, Petitions – (ii) Topcats Play Club – Councillor Mrs Moore informed the Group that the Play Club had relocated to the Canford Heath Community Centre and had received support from the Early Years Team to settle into its new premises.
The Group considered the Report of the Strategic Director (Social Services) on the Poole Partnership’s Draft Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy 2007-2010.
Katharine Watters, Corporate Research – Strategic Planning, explained that the Strategy had been developed by Members of Poole Partnership with clear objectives, direction and actions describing how the problems of alcohol misuse within Poole would be addressed through joint working across agencies. The Draft Strategy was being made available for consultation by a broad range of partners. As part of this process, the Overview Group were invited to provide comments which would be incorporated in the final Strategy to be in place by 1st April 2007.
Members raised the following issues arising from the Report:-
- take-away establishments often deliver alcohol and cigarettes with the take-aways which could result in persons under the legal age for the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol taking advantage of this service. The matter was the subject of a Question to Council previously but there had not been a report from Environmental and Consumer Protection Services on how it was dealing with the matter. The Officers reported that there was a legal loophole which enabled this service to be provided and that the Officers were pursuing possible measures to prevent it occurring.
- the affects alcohol can cause to the body should be raised in schools. A Member suggested a cast of a brain showing the affects alcohol had on the brain and also the damage alcohol caused to the liver should be available for display in schools.
- concern was expressed that at beach parties alcohol was freely available to under 18’s and that the young people were walking home from the beach engaging in anti-social behaviour.
- guidance for parents on how to approach alcohol issues with young people and their own attitude to condoning or supplying alcohol to children was noted as an important part of the Strategy’s Action Plan. The need for support to be given by parents/friends to vulnerable youngsters to make them aware of the risks associated with alcohol was supported.
- the Strategy should be made available to all Schools, Scouts Groups, Boys Brigade etc., to highlight the problem of under-age drinking.
- young people should be made aware of the danger of alco pops because they contain strong alcohol hidden by the soft drink often resulting in young people consuming too many and getting drunk.
AGREED that the comments of the Group referred to above be incorporated in the Strategy where appropriate.
The Group considered the Joint Report of the Head of School Advice and Support Services and the Head of Pupil, Parent and Youth Services on the Disability Equality Policy and Strategy for Schools and Early Years Settings 2006-2009 and recommended it to the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, Education Youth Services for approval.
The Strategy Document set out a policy and strategy to support children and young people in schools over the three year period 2006 to 2009. The Strategy was part of Poole’s Corporate Strategy, Education Achievement Partnership Plan and the 14-19 Strategy and was based on the Council’s vision, values and strategic objectives. There were three main priorities in the Local Authority’s Accessibility Strategy they were:-
- increasing access to the curriculum for disabled pupils;
- making improvements to the physical environment of schools; and
- ensuring that disabled children and young people were able to understand information.
Members requested that in paragraph 1.2 the last bullet point be deleted and replaced by the following words “to be able to live a harassment/bullying free life”.
A Member encouraged Members to attend the annual gymnasium event held at the Rossmore Leisure Centre for disabled persons to show what they can achieve.
Members referred to other minor amendments for inclusion in the Strategy.
AGREED that the Group endorse the Disability Equality Policy and Strategy for Schools and Early Years settings 2006-2009 document and that the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, Education and Youth Services be requested to approve the document on behalf of Cabinet.
The Group considered the Report of the Head of School Advice and Support Services on proposals to combine Turlin Moor Community First School and Turlin Moor Community Middle School with effect from September 2008 and to request Cabinet to authorise commencement of consultation on the Proposal.
The Governing Bodies of both Schools had asked the Local Authority to bring forward proposals to combine the two Schools with effect from September 2008.
The Officers reported that the first stage of the statutory process was to undertake a consultation with all interested parties including parents, on the following options:-
(i)to combine the two Schools from September 2008;
(ii)for the two Schools to remain separate; and
(iii)any other options which may arise during the course of the consultation.
The outcome of the consultation would be considered by the Overview Group on 27th March 2007 and the Group would be requested to make an appropriate recommendation to Cabinet on 3rd April 2007 with a view to Statutory Notices being published on 19th April 2007.
In reply to a question from a Member, Officers reported that the intention was to use the current Middle School as the new Primary School if approved. It was also reported that a feasibility study on the work to be undertaken at the Middle School had commenced and the results of the study would be reported to the next Meeting.
The Strategic Director (Children’s Services) reported that there were a number of education uses that could be made of the redundant First School building. He also reported that there would be capacity in the Combined School to cope with any influx of pupils arising from regeneration in the Hamworthy area.
AGREED to recommend Cabinet to approve the commencement of consultation on combing Turlin Moor Community First School and Turlin Moor Community Middle School with effect from September 2008.
The Chairman, on behalf of the Overview Group, thanked Jane Portman, for the excellent work she had undertaken on behalf of Education in Poole and wished her success in her new post as Executive Director of Children’s Services for Bournemouth Borough Council.
The Group considered the Joint Report of the Head of Pupil, Parent and Youth Services and School Advice and Support Services on the draft Scheme for co-ordinated Admissions, the draft admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for the academic year 2008/9 and the provision of a Choice Advice service.
Further to M.10 from the last Meeting the Officers reported that the new School Admissions Code of Practice was published last week and that the Joint Report included all the changes included in the Code of Practice.
The main change in School Admissions was the way applications were dealt with. The new Code of Practice would not allow a “first preference first” system to operate in any area where there was an element of selection. This meant that the admission process from September 2008 would have to change to an “Equal Preference”.
Members were informed that a parents booklet would be produced to highlight the changes.
Members suggested that an article be included in Poole News explaining the changes.
The Officers reported that 15% of School Admission application forms in 2006 were completed on-line without any publicity and that it was anticipated that this figure would be increased dramatically with publicity for the on-line facility.
It was reported that a meeting was being held with “Parents Voice” next week to explain the changes to the school admissions procedure. Also details of the changes would be available on the Borough of Poole website.
The Strategic Director (Children’s Services) reported that a report on the transport costs arising from the Code of Practice would be considered by the Overview Group at a future meeting.
AGREED that the proposed action on the setting up of Choice Advice Service in Poole and to consultation being carried out on all the proposed admission arrangements in accordance with the statutory requirements be noted and that a further report would be made to the next meeting on the results of the consultation.
The Group noted the following Reports for information:-
(i) Bournemouth And Poole Local Authorities Arts Education Strategy 2004/2006 – Progress on Action Plan
(ii)Play Strategy