Español Elemental—Elementary Spanish

Syllabus and Student Responsibilities

Srta. Baker

Room B-224

Phone: 610-627-6251


Webpage: Penncrest Hompage → eFaculty → Ms. Baker

¡Bienvenidos al Español! All students and parents are required to read this Syllabus. Please sign the given paper indicating that you have read the syllabus.


Elementary Spanish is a continuation of the Advanced Beginner Spanish, or of the two-year sequence at Springton Lake Middle School. This year students will complete the first half of the blue Realidades 2 book. Students will further develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, as well as develop a greater understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world.


The following materials are required for this course, and students should have all of them in class each day:

·  I-Pad (all students must download Pearson EText and Word Reference apps)

·  Notebook or loose leaf paper

·  Folder or section of a binder

·  Pen or pencil


Your final grade for this class will be based on the following:

·  Homework. Homework assignments are your chance to practice what you have learned in class. Homework will be given most nights, and will be checked at the beginning of class each day. Each homework assignment is worth 5 -10 points. Homework will be written on the board every day, and will also be available on my website. All homework is due at the beginning of class –no exceptions. Partial or incomplete homework assignments will not be accepted. Additionally, no credit will be awarded for late homework, except in the case of an excused absence. After an excused absence, homework is due the day you return to school, at the beginning of class. It is the student’s responsibility to show me his/her homework assignment.

·  Quizzes. Students will be quizzed on material about once or twice per week. Most quizzes will be announced, but some may be of the “pop-quiz” variety. Quizzes may be on Vocabulary, Grammar or Speaking

·  Chapter Tests. An evaluation will be given at the end of most chapters, and may include sections on reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

·  Additional Assessments. Several projects will also be assigned. Extra-credit assignments are not routinely given.

·  Midterm and Final Exams. Each of these two exams will count for 10% of your final grade.

Make Up Work:

Upon returning to class after an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to show me his/her homework assignments and to ask what in-class work might have been missed. Students are expected to check their class’ folder for any handouts given while they were absent. Students will have exactly one week from the date of return to school to make up a missed test or quiz. Make-up tests and quizzes will normally be given after school, not during class. Any homework, tests, or quizzes not made up will result in a grade of zero. Under no circumstances can a student make up any work if his/her absence was unexcused. When a student is absent due to a school-related activity, I expect students to let me know ahead of time, to show me their homework and to collect handouts or homework for that night.

A Note About Academic Integrity:

As outlined in the Penncrest High School Student Handbook, students are expected to approach their studies in a diligent and honest manner. Any student caught cheating (or aiding another student to cheat) on a test or quiz, copying homework from another, using a translator or otherwise behaving in a dishonest manner will receive a grade of ZERO for that particular assessment, and the student’s parents and grade-level principal will be notified.

Suggestions for Success:

·  Please ask questions in class – I can guarantee that if you have a question, someone else has the exact same one too.

·  I am available most afternoons for extra help. If you need help, ask and set up a time with me to stay after school.

·  When homework is not given, use the time to review what you have already learned. Use Quizlet vocabulary cards from my website or create your own! Each new chapter will build upon the last one, so just because the chapter is done doesn’t mean you can forget what you have learned!

Respectful and cooperative attitudes will only enhance class time and make our year a positive and enjoyable one. I hope that you will find Spanish an exciting and interesting class. Both students and parents are encouraged to speak with me directly if you have any questions or concerns.

I look forward to having you in class!

Srta. Baker

Please print and sign the last page of this syllabus or sign the orange half sheet given in class and return to Ms. Baker no later than Friday September 9th, 2016


I have read and understood the Elementary Spanish Syllabus and Student Responsibilities, and I agree to abide by the information contained herein.

Student Name______Class Period______

Student signature______

Parent signature______
