Grammar – Unit 7

1Choose the correct answer.

1.If you like this CD, I’ll lend / I would lend it to you.

2.You won’t / wouldn’t get lost if you had a GPS.

3.We’ll discuss it if you come / will come over tonight.

4.If he sends / sent me an e-mail, I’d reply at once.

5.We’ll miss the bus unless we will leave / leave now.

2Choose the correct answer.

1.If you don’t help me with the homework, … .

a.I won’t be able to do it b.I wouldn’t do it

2.John will take pictures of your family … .

a.unless he forgets his camerab.if you would ask him

3.If we saved some money, … .

a.we bought a new computerb.we could buy a laptop

3Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets.

1.You wouldn’t disturb people if you ……………………… (wear) headphones.

2.If she goes online, she ……………………… (find) all the information she needs.

3.Jack can’t travel to America unless he ……………………… (get) a passport.

4.If I ……………………… (have) a Palm Pilot to help me, I wouldn’t be so well organised.

5.Unless the police catch the thief, they ……………………… (find) the jewels.

6.What would you buy if you ……………………… (win) the lottery?

4Choose the correct meaning of each sentence.

1.If the dog hadn’t barked, we wouldn’t have known anyone was there.

a.We didn’t know anyone was there because the dog didn’t bark.

b.We knew someone was there because the dog barked.

2.Janet couldn’t have afforded the shoes if they hadn’t been on sale.

a.Janet was able to buy the shoes because they were on sale.

b.Even though they were on sale, Janet couldn’t afford to buy the shoes.

3.If the car park had been full, they’d have parked near the school.

a.The car park wasn’t full so they parked there.

b.They parked near the school because the car park was full.

5Match A to B to form sentences.


1.If there’s a good film on, ..a.I’d refuse his offer.

2.Dan would fix the TV..b.if he’d practised more.

3.He would have played better..c.they wouldn’t have been late.

4.If I were you, ..d.unless you know English.

5.If the car hadn’t broken down, ..e.I’ll go.

6.You won’t get the job..f.if he were here.

6Complete each sentence according to the meaning of the original sentences. Use the first, second or third conditionals.

1.We didn’t visit the museum because it was closed.

We ……………………………… the museum if ……………………… open.

2.The temperature may reach 0º C tonight and the lake will freeze.

If the temperature ……………………… 0º C tonight, the lake ……………………… .

3.She hasn’t got a laptop so she can’t work when she’s travelling.

If she ……………………… a laptop, she ……………………… when she travels.

4.Hurry or you’ll miss the bus.

You ……………………… the bus unless you ……………………… .

5.Bill had an accident because he was careless.

If Bill ……………………… careless, he ……………………… an accident.

6.Robbie is only nice to Ellie because she lets him borrow her iPod.

Robbie ……………………… so nice to Ellie if she ……………………… her iPod.

7Match A to B to form sentences.


1.If you catch the first train, ..a.he could listen to music.

2.We won’t cancel the picnic..b.if I lost this one.

3.I’d buy a new mobile phone ..c.if they had webcams.

4.She may agree to can get here by seven.

5.If he had an MP4, ..e.unless it rains.

6.They could see each other..f.if you ask her.

8Choose the correct answer.

1.If Fred had the right tools, he … the tap himself.

a.can fixb.fixedc.could fix

2.You might lose the file if you … a copy.

a.don’t makeb.won’t makec.didn’t make

3.If I … you, I wouldn’t order the fish.


4.We’ll borrow some chairs if we … them.

a.neededb.needc.will need

5.You’ll never succeed unless you … .

a.will tryb.don’t tryc.try

6.Ron … my phone number if he doesn’t write it down.

a.forgetsb.may forgetc.would forget

9Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form of the affirmative or negative third conditional.

have • be • die • hear

1.These plants ……………………………… if you had given them water.

2.If she had wanted to, she ……………………………… a model.

3.The boss would have been angry if he ……………………………… us talking.

4.If I ……………………………… a bad cold, I’d have gone to work.

10Choose the correct meaning of each sentence.

1.The team lost the match because they played badly.

a.They could win if they played better.

b.They might have won if they’d played better.

c.If they play better, they can win.

2.Cassie is happy that she passed her driving test.

a.Cassie will be happy if she passes her driving test.

b.If Cassie hadn’t passed her driving test, she wouldn’t be so happy.

c.If Cassie passed her driving test, she’d be very happy.

3.John hopes to finish his homework in time to watch the big game.

a.If John had finished his homework, he would have watched the big game.

b.John couldn’t finish his homework if he watched the big game.

c.John won’t watch the big game unless he finishes his homework.

11Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets.

1.I loved the book. If you ……………………… (recommend) it, I probably ……………………… (read) it.

2.Wake up, Billy. You (miss) breakfast unless you ……………………… (get up) ……………………… now.

3.I’m sorry. Mike isn’t here. If he ……………………… (be) here, he ……………………… (speak) to you.

4.Be careful. If you ……………………… (break) that plate, Mum ……………………… (be) furious.

12Complete each sentence according to the meaning of the original sentence. Use the words in brackets and the first, second or third conditionals.

1.She has to apologise or I won’t speak to her again. (unless)

I ......

2.Shorter hair would make her look more attractive. (had)

If ......

3.We’d better hurry, or the pizza bar will be closed. (open)

The pizza bar ......

4.You aren’t fit because you don’t exercise enough. (more)

Unless ......

5.Joe had to reset the computer because it crashed. (not)

If ......


1Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1.Connect the iron to the electricity.

Plug ……………… the iron.

2.Start the mixer.

Turn ……………… the mixer.

3.Lower the sound.

Turn ……………… the sound.

4.Make the music louder.

Turn ……………… the music.

5.Turn off the computer.

Switch ……………… the computer.

6.Start using the system.

Log ……………… the system.

7.There’s no electricity.

The electricity has been cut ……………… .

2Complete the dialogue in Mrs Lu’s first computer lesson. Use the words below.

crash • websites • insert the disc • user-friendly • computer literate
mouse • virtual reality • click on an icon • virus • go online

Teacher:Are you (1)……………………… ?

Mrs Lu:No. I’ve never used a computer before.

Teacher:OK, let’s first look at the computer. This is the (2)……………………… . Use it to move that arrow on the screen, and (3)……………………… to open a program.

Mrs Lu:That’s easy. What’s next?

Teacher:I’ve got a (4)……………………… program for you to start with. Can you see this opening? That’s where
you (5)……………………… .

Mrs Lu:I’ve seen my grandchildren put in their computer games. They like (6)……………………… games the best.
I don’t think that’s for me. I want to learn to (7)………………………. Everyone uses the Internet and talks about the exciting new (8)……………………… they find.

Teacher:The most important thing to know about the Internet is to be careful. You could download something with a (9)……………………… and before you know it, your whole computer could (10)……………………… .

Mrs Lu:If that happens, I’ll find a new hobby!

3Match A to B to form sentences.


1.To get information from the Internet, you use Google or another

2. To find out what’s on a website, you look at its

3. To transfer material to another computer, you can

4.To mark important information in an article,

5.To transfer material from a book to the computer, you need a


..a.scanner. engine.

..c.highlight parts of the text.

..d.home page.

..e.use a USB flash drive.

4Choose the correct answer.

1.If you like the music, you can log / download it onto a disc.

2.Companies try to protect secret material from browsers / hackers.

3.With a laptop / webcam, you can see who you’re chatting to online.

4.On a journey, a GPS / scanner helps you to find the way.

5.Keep personal information and appointments in your website / Palm Pilot.

5Complete the passage with the words and expressions below.

hackers • user-friendly • virus • memory • make backup copies
access information • software • switch off

Businesses and organisations try to protect material stored in the (1)……………………… of their computers. One thing they do is (2)……………………… of files in case they get lost. Another is to (3)……………………… the computer if they hear about a (4)……………………… that might attack the system. One problem that is hard to deal with is (5)……………………… who can get into secret files, even those belonging to national security organisations. (6)……………………… called IRS (Intruder Retaliation System) makes it easier to catch these intruders. Created by Backfire Security Inc, IRS is a (7) ……………………… program. It easily traces the source address of anyone trying to (8)……………………… without permission. Interestingly, IRS is based on work done for the Chinese Space Programme.