Farm Noise and Hearing Network
March 2004
Contact for this edition of the FNHN Newsletter:
Danika Fromm, Lower North Community Health Service
Ph (08) 8842 6555
Fax (08) 8842 6556
E-mail –
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to the March edition of the Farm Noise Hearing Newsletter, hopefully you will find it very interesting and informative. If you have articles of interest or reports on farm noise events or talks that you have run please forward to Jo Pilgrim on .
Danika Fromm
Show Dates for 2004
A very useful web-site to access to keep up to date regarding shows happening in your area!!
Planned FNH Events for 2004
???? Mt Compass
March Lucindale Field Days
April Karoonda Farm Fair
? August Cleve Field Days
MISSING: (or temporarily misplaced)
Do you have the Presentation Kits???? If so we need to know!!!
There are five kits stored across the state and we need to know who looks after each one so that we can send you any new material that can be added to the kit. The kits include – a suitcase, samples of ear muffs, posters (that were distributed in Feb 03) and the leaflets. If you have a presentation kit please contact Jo Pilgrim at Lower North Community Health Service.
…… count the FNH leaflets/handouts that you have in your organisation so that we have an indication of how many of each have been given out. This is to assist with the fun task of evaluation – and so we know if we need to print some more!!! Please contact either Jo Pilgrim or Danika Fromm on the above contact details or bring the approximate figures to the next FNH Meeting.
As some of you are aware the hearing testing facility, (otherwise known as the caravan) blew its top on the way to the Paskeville Field Days, and is happily now in retirement being cared for by Michael Richards at Minlaton Ag Bureau. If you are interested in taking the van for a short nostalgic run ( as it wont be safe to take it far from its home) you are welcome to give Michael a ring on 0427 547 052 and organise it with him.
When Sarah Puust was still located in the Murray Mallee Community Health Service she applied for a research grant for a part time position to collate all the Farm Noise Hearing data that is currently spread around the state and analyse it for any trends. Sound Interesting?? Well the funding has come through so get your research hat on and contact Emma Noll at Northern Yorke Peninsula Health Service for more details.
Which Team Are You On???
Please contact a team leader if you want to join a portfolio or change to another portfolio, - or dare we say it ……(GULP!)…. want to leave a portfolio, so we can keep you up to date with the latest information and meeting dates.
Websites to Watch For
Emma Noll found an interesting website and resource for all of us to access for interesting facts, figures and information. It is set up by the Australian Centre for Agricultural Health and Safety National Farm Injury Data Centre, who also make up a newsletter that can be down loaded from their web site. So watch for ……
Think you know all there is to know about noise induced hearing loss in the farming profession. Well see if you can answer these correctly. (acknowledgment: J Lankford, J DeLorier & D Meinke Farm Safety Camp: Hearing Loss Prevention NHCA Spectrum, Vol. 17(4), 2000.)
1. How many farmers have a noise induced hearing loss?
a. 20%
b. 50%
c. 80%
d. 100%
2. Which farm animal is the loudest?
a. sheep
b. pig
c. cow
d. dog
3. Which frequency is first affected by noise?
a. 8000 Hz
b. 4000 Hz
c. 2000 Hz
d. 1000Hz
4. What is the most common noise source on the farm?
a. chain saw
b. animals
c. tractor
d. auger
5. Which item produces the loudest sound?
a. tractor
b. auger
c. combine
d. chain saw
How easy was that. Now lets see if you were right. For answers see page 14.
Executive Summary Of The Meeting On The 27th February
As it was the first meeting for 2004 there was opportunity for:
· review the FNH terms of reference
· finalise the opperational plan for the next 3 years
· provide annual reports for each of the portfolios (see below)
Contact person is now: Kate McCormack
(86384693 or )
To reinforce links with the FarmSafe structure
¨ FN&HN representation on FarmSafe SA committee
¨ Representation on national committee auspiced by FarmSafe
Australia to develop the National Noise Injury Prevention Strategy for the Australian Farming Community
¨ Ongoing liaison with FarmSafe SA members re specific
To reinforce links with the farming community at the local level
¨ Ongoing liaison with farming community members re specific
To ensure that the network has adequate resources to operate and achieve it objectives
¨ Discussion with Workcover SA on collaborative projects
(specifically re possible collaborative horticultural industry
¨ Ongoing liaison re extension of sponsorship from Bernafon. (End February 2004, Bernafon indicated that they would not be continuing sponsorship). Planning portfolio to pursue options for new sponsors.
To promote healthy hearing farming issues at a range of appropriate agencies
¨ FN&HN representation with Sensory Options
¨ Sponsorship report sent to a variety of individuals & agencies including Health Promotion SA, Country RGMs, Raelene Burke, Paul Creedon, Office of Hearing Services, Regional Managers of Australian Hearing Services, President of AA, Workcover, SAFF, FarmSafe, Health Promotion rep, TAFE on farm training, Course coordinator of Roseworthy (Adelaide Uni), Bernafon Australia
¨ Facilitated links with Uni SA
¨ Ongoing liaison with DAIS re Network activity
¨ Article for Health Promotion SA storybook submitted, not accepted in 2003 round
¨ Establishment of FN&HN affiliate status
¨ Network Structure – facilitated strategic planning & development of new operational plan
¨ Grievance Policy written & endorsed by network
¨ Facilitated discussion regarding updating manuals.
To ensure that the farming community has equitable access to appropriate hearing services (both diagnostic & management)
¨ Agreement with Hearing Solutions to attend FN&H events in
¨ Discussion with Australian Hearing re attendance at FN&HN
events during 2003
To facilitate delivery of a range of appropriate health promotion activities in rural SA
¨ Discussion paper written regarding a new hearing facility.
(Research & Education portfolio to further pursue avenues
regarding new facility)
¨ Facilitation of liaison re management of current van.
Ownership transferred from DAIS to Minlaton Ag Bureau.
Maintenance and towing still a significant issue.
¨ Negotiated agreement with Geoff Linke for transportation of van in 2003
¨ Agreement with Hearing Solutions to attend events during
¨ Administered mini grant application and allocation of funds
for events in 2003
To demonstrate positive outcomes from FN&H activities
¨ Article in Stock Journal newspaper
¨ Interview on ABC radio
2003 Available funds: $6709 Balance Available to date $800
Education & Research administration allocation / 250 / 250guest speaker expenses / 250 / 250
Promotions administration allocation / 250 / 240
kits, web-site, etc / 1700 / (117)
Planning administration allocation / 250 / 118
Lucindale Field Days / 1000 / 0Chandada Field Day / 50 / 50
Mt Compass Field Day / 475 / 5
Laura Folk Fair / 50 / 50
Kapunda Farm Fair / 475 / 110
Riverland Field Days / 775 / 79
Paskeville Field Days / 1055 / 0
Van Maintenance
/ 129 / (235)TOTALS
/ 6709 / 800PLANNING PORTFOLIO RECOMMENDATION: Distribute unspent monies as follows -
$300 to Research & Education portfolio for Training Day expenses $500 to Promotions portfolio for regional kits,
Note Above funds to be auspiced by an agency nominated by the relevant portfolio, reports provided & accounts audited.
Research and Education Portfolio Meeting
AGM REPORT- Feb 27th 2004
David is central contact for our portfolio; please distribute information to RAH address where he works Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday’s.
Contact details are:
Audiology Dept, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, ADELAIDE
Tel: 8222 4288, Fax: 8222 5944, Mob:0408 898323
Home Clinic: 82989820, Kingston Family Clinic: 8296 5844
Wendy Clark and Emma Noll are also portfolio members.
Not to be distributed as yet. Will be revamped and sent out accordingly to assist with funding applications in June/July-ish.
Following discussions at YP Field Days, Ed and Research Portfolio has met with Uni SA and proposed two research projects that students may complete.
A) Specifications and design solutions for a hearing assessment mobile facility
q Identification of problems encountered with previous mobile testing unit
q Development of key technical specifications
q Literature review on relevant noise control principles, trailer road regulations etc…
q Development of conceptual design solutions
q Costing
q Recommendations
q Final report
q NB: Funding and collaboration with a suitable manufacturing industry partner will determine the best model to continue this project into a phase of design drawing and unit manufacturing.
B) Engineering solutions to minimising noise levels reaching farm machinery operators
Project activities will be split into several stages, including:
Stage 1: Field experiment and data analyses
Survey farmers/professionals to gauge higher risk activities/periods in noise exposure to operators in various industries
Identify context areas for case study(s): define collaborators, objectives, equipment, methodology etc…
Develop instrumentation and organise field programme
In-situ data collection, eg. noise levels, frequency, activity log etc…
Data analysis
Result interpretation and reporting
Stage 2: Engineering recommendation and validation
Literature review on noise control principles
Engineering concept evaluation
Case specific design solutions
Solution implementation
Noise improvement validation
Outcome reporting
Jacky (engineer at uni) has written papers for the projects, we are fully supportive of van design and it is achievable. Funding required for second project is huge and we will require significant partnership with financial source. Currently awaiting the word from Jacky to see if any students have accepted projects.
Budget allocation- requesting some funding to cover cost from Uni SA Collaboration work.
Warwick Williams is running a project- “Barriers to occupational noise exposure reduction”. Looking at individual’s perceptions of noise in the workplace and what they feel they can or cannot do to reduce their noise exposure. Results will be used to develop better and more effective methods for enabling individuals and groups in the workplace to more effectively reduce their noise exposure and hence the incidence of noise injury.
Our involvement will be through linking with SA contacts to distribute his surveys, consent forms etc. David contacted Warwick and informed him that our involvement will be minimal due to current status with van etc.
Proposed date- Thursday 26th August at Royal Adelaide.
Money still available- is anyone interested in this position?? If so, we need to write a letter explaining situation and money will be granted.
Proposed that we look at setting up a database for central stats collection where data is stored for research purposes.
Agreed that this job is not our portfolio alone. Feel that a checklist/ flowchart of organising event would be beneficial. Limited feedback Seeking a small working party who has experience in running events to work on developing a checklist.
CD ROM- What do we want stored on the CD?
Farm Noise and Hearing is a permanent agenda item for ASA meetings.
Promotions Portfolio
Annual Report
Objectives from 1999-2002 Operational Plan
To facilitate delivery of a range of appropriate health promotion activities in rural SA
Strategy – Calendar produced June 2002 – Dec 03.
· This was updated at meetings and through newsletter. This was not found to be a useful and difficult to update and so will not be continued in 2004.
Strategy – Develop a comprehensive range of promotional material, encompassing a wide range of relevant and culturally specific topics.
· Fact sheets were distributed and have been given out at Field Days throughout 2003.
· Resource kits – progress has been well documented throughout the year and is continuing. Tape recorders – 5 were purchased and these were given to Lyn at Paskeville and are to go into the kit. Jo to follow-up with Lyn.
To empower members of the farming community to make informed choices regarding management of their hearing.
Strategy - Distribution of Fact sheets and other promotional material through a range of mechanisms.
· Fact sheets and posters were distributed to 5 regional kits in early 2003. These were distributed to members of the farming community at events throughout 2003. Tallies to be collated by Jo.
· Web-site updated with new fact sheets and Sponsorship report completed and distributed to network members and other relevant agencies by the planning portfolio.
· Collation of information into an article has continued throughout 2003 and will be finalised and distributed through the network to relevant newspapers, newsletters and magazines to reach the Farming population.
To demonstrate positive outcomes from Farm Noise and Hearing activities.
Strategy – nil
· Sponsorship report evaluated 1999-2002 and was completed in 2003. This document highlighted the successes and outcomes of the program and how the operational plan was addressed.
To support the availability of Hearing Access to the farming community.
Strategy – access community educational material about Hearing Access issues.