Cincinnati, Ohio
Fifth Sunday of Lent
After Masses, Welcoming Sunday, “Café”
8:45-10:15 am – Catechesis, “Parish Office Basement”
12:15 pm – Baptismal Program, “Chapel”
12:30-2:00 pm – Daisy Meeting, “Parish Office Basement”
1:30-5:30 pm – Players, “Café & Music Room”
2:00 pm – Centennial Meeting, “Church”
5:15-6:45 pm – Girl Scouts, “Parish Office Basement”
9:00-10:30 am – Morning Retreat, “Church”
7:00-8:30 pm – Evening Retreat, “Church”
7:00-8:00 pm – 1st Grade Daisy Meeting, “Art Room”
8:30 am – Estate Planning, “Café”
9:00-10:30 am – Morning Retreat, “Church”
6:30-8:00 pm – Market Day Pickup, “Café”
7:00-8:30 pm – Evening Retreat, “Church”
7:00 pm – Math Counts, “Ms. Gruenke’s Room”
7:00 pm – Education Commission,
7:15 am – Centering Prayer, “Chapel”
9:15 & 10:15 am – Music Together, “Parish Office Upstairs”
6:30-9:30 pm – Players, “Café, Music Room & Old Gym”
6:30-7:30 pm – Tiger Cubs, “Parish Office Basement”
9:30-11:00 am – Catechesis, “Parish Office Basement”
10:00 am & 4:00 pm – Music Together, “Parish Office Upstairs”
4:30-6:00 pm – Catechesis, “Parish Office Upstairs & Basement”
7:00 pm – Choir, “Chapel”
7:00 pm – RCIA, “Parish Office Basement”
5:30-7:30 pm – Fish Fry, “Café”
10:00 am – Music Together, “Parish Office Upstairs”
12:30-9:00 pm – Players, “Old Gym, Café & Music Room”
*Please call the Parish Office before scheduling any event
Isaiah 50: 4-7 Philippians 2: 6-11
Matthew 26: 14 – 27: 66
Saturday, April 12, 2014 4:30 PM-Palm Sunday
Lectors: TBA
Servers: Bridget Fuller, Bobby Jennings, Kevin Lake, Quinn Smyjunas
Eucharistic Ministers: Rita Timoney, Erin Murphy, Helen Vollman, (Need Volunteers)
Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:00 AM-Palm Sunday
Lectors: TBA
Servers: Dominic Hagerty, Joey Schmidt, Michael & Abby Spencer
Eucharistic Ministers: Eileen Beckman, Bill Sandman, Sr. Janet, Anne Ramsay, Sarah Law, Dave Morris, Henry & Donna Faulk, Cinder Miller, (Need Volunteers)
Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:00 AM-Palm Sunday
Lectors: TBA
Servers: Calissa Meyers, Ella Mogg, Patrick Muething, Danny Neugebauer
Eucharistic Ministers: Sara Gurney, Kathryn Hook, Shawn Hostiuck, LeAnn Cummins, Pat Dells, Mary Lennard, Lisa Harper, Renee Bock, (Need Volunteers)
You are asked to remember in your prayers those who are housebound and ill: Chuck Andrew, Bill Bach, Stephanie Benhase, Mary Jo Beresford, Dottie Brinker, Patricia Cain, Alberta Carter, Barbara Cottrell, Diana DeRhodes, Kathy Derrick, Marie Donovan, Cynthia Fix, Barry Funk, Jackie Goetz, David Graham, Bob Hatfield, Lisa Hostiuck, Kathy Kelly, Matthew Kenney, Marguerite Kron, Anthony Le, Paul Lereck, Elena Maio, Donna Mann, Molly Matre, Mary & Ruth Oenbrink, Bob & Fran Pielage, Loraine Schimian, Peg Schuckman, Mary Ellen Spaite, Barbara Valentine, Barbara Wernke and Mike Wright.
March 30, 2014
Offerings $8,856.00
Budget 11, 300.00
Over (under) Budget (2,444.00)
Year to Date 445,689.00
Year to Date Budget 455,700.00
Over (under) Budget (10,011.00)
St. Vincent de Paul 649.72
Thank You
Sunday: 9:00 am – Arthur Bennert
Sunday: 11:00 am – Joe Obermeyer
Monday: 8:15 am – Benefactors
Tuesday: 8:15 am – Harold Abner
Wednesday: 8:15 am – For those in nursing homes
Thursday: 8:15 am – For those serving in the military
Friday: 8:15 am – Pat Roth
Saturday: 4:30 pm – Celebrant Intentions
Next Sunday’s Outreach Collection will be going to the Caring Place. Please keep this organization in your prayers.
Morning or Evening Retreat: Day 1: “I Firmly Resolve…to Amend my Life…” so then, why do I commit the same sins over and over? Day 2: The Parable of the Prodigal Son: A story of hope for saints and sinners. The retreats will be conducted by Fr. Len Fecko, on April 7th & 8th, 9-10:30am or 7-8:30 pm, here at Nativity. For more information contact Sr. Janet at (513) 531-3164.
You are invited to help Nativity prepare for its Centennial: With the pro-bono help of George Mongon (Nativity Class of 1963), we are thoughtfully and spiritually developing plans to celebrate Nativity’s upcoming Centennial in 2017. The first step is our centennial planning which includes speaking with our current parishioners and school families to learn how people perceive our parish and school services, in preparation for action to help us grow. To help us with this step, we invite you to attend a meeting today, Sunday, April 6th at 2:00 pm in church. We hope that you can understand how excited we are to prepare for Nativity’s future with this special opportunity. Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration to join us in this very important effort!
The Nativity Players present the Regional Premier of
“A Feast of Snacks” Music and Lyrics by Michael Gordon Shapiro and Book by Michael Gordon Shapiro and Mark Harvey Levine. Be among the first to see this award-winning contemporary musical and watch as the Nativity Players perform it for the first time north of the Mason-Dixon Line. “A Feast of Snacks” is a collection of six short musicals, each 15 minutes long, featuring stories ranging from super heroes to frat boys to pirates. “A Feast of Snacks” is most appropriate for high school age and older. Tickets may be purchased by phone, email or at the door prior to the show. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and students. For tickets, please email or call Jeanne Corwin at (513) 720-3683. Dates are as follows: Thursday, May 1st at 7:30 pm, Friday, May 2nd at 8:00 pm, Saturday, May 3rd at 2:00 pm & 8:00 pm, Thursday, May 8th at 7:30 pm, Friday, May 9th at 8:00 pm, Saturday, May 10th at 2:00 & 8:00 pm.
The following students have achieved honors for the third quarter of high school: St. Ursula Academy: Jessica Badinghaus, Claire Benken, McKenna Brinkman, Marianne Brown, Samantha Eyer, Hayley & Kassandra Graham, Gillian Gurney, Christina & Sharon Krummen, Elena Kyrkos, Jane Michel, Rachel Muething, Phylicia Neal, Meredith Reese, Emily Reyering and Shannon Vesprani; Mt. Notre Dame: Elizabeth Cusick, Elizabeth Deutsch, Michelle Fisk, Emma Garry, Kelly Harper, Katherine Kissel, Jordan Lamb, Anna Morgan, Moira O’Connor, Maria Schmidt and Johannah Ward; Walnut Hills High School: Cara Daley, Patrick Fuller, Brookley & Meggie Garry, Alice & Nick Hagerty, Katie Lawson, Beatrice Newberry, Noah Olberding, Marissa Ruzga and Audrey Stegman; Clark Montessori: Teddy Olberding. Congratulations to each of you for your hard work!
Please support the 21st Annual Kennedy Heights Sap Run, a 5K Fun Run/Walk/Bike through Kennedy Heights on Saturday, April 12th. Register at the start line in the Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church’s parking lot between 8-9:00 am or at From 9-10:00 am you are off for a mini-mini-mini marathon in which you can ride, bike, or walk on the designated routes. Then return to Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church for the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. If you have any questions, please call (513) 686-9396.
This week we see Jesus moved to tears at the suffering of those He loves. What does it mean for us in our own lives…and in our own work with the poor…to know that Christ mourns when His people suffer? As we prepare for Holy Week, Jesus’ passion and death, and the joy of His Resurrection, how will we keep those suffering in our world in our minds and prayers?
Nativity PTA Walk-a-thon Business Sponsors Needed: Our 11th annual walk-a-thon is coming up on Friday, May 2nd. As in past years, we are looking for business sponsors who can make a donation to support the entire school effort. Your name (and/or company name) will appear on the back of the walk-a-thon T-shirt, school newsletter, and church bulletin, giving your business exposure to hundreds of area residents. This is a great way to support Nativity PTA and advertise your business. A $100 donation is suggested, but not required, as we are appreciative of any contribution we receive. Please contact Becca Brunswick at or 253-9614 or Yvette Neirouz at or 295-2633 for more information.
Discover the Magic of Music Together: Music Together is a fun-filled music and movement program for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers…and the adults who love them. The informal setting of singing, dancing, and instrument playing provides a solid foundation for a life-time of musical enjoyment. Classes are held in the Parish Office building. They begin Wednesday, April 9th at 9:15 & 10:15 am, Thursday, April 10th at 9:15, 10:15 am & 4:00 pm, and Saturday, April 12th at 10:00 am. Contact Eliana Corredor at 652-6267, , or Nativity’s website
Sixteenth Annual Flying Pig Marathon Sunday, May 4th Water Stations Volunteers: This is your chance to play a most important role (ask anyone who has helped in past years how much the runners appreciate water at mile 13.5) in one of Cincinnati’s premier athletic events. In addition to helping Nativity raise nearly $1000 you receive a really cool Marathon Volunteer T-shirt and admission to the Marathon Victory party at Sawyer Point. This is a REALLY FUN volunteer opportunity! Contact Bill Hagerty by email for details on how to get registered.
~Please remember Nativity in your will~