Appendix Bibliography
Studies Included in Meta-Analysis
Allison SD, Vitousek PM. 2004. Extracellular enzyme activities and carbon chemistry as
drivers of tropical plant litter decomposition. Biotropica 36: 285-296.
Alvarez-Sanchez J, Becerra Enriquez R. 1996. Leaf decomposition in a Mexican tropical
rain forest. Biotropica 28: 657-667.
Anderson JM, Proctor J, Vallack HW. 1983. Ecological studies in four contrasting lowland rainforests in Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak. Journal of Ecology 71: 503-527.
Attignon SE, Weibel D, Lachat T, Sinsin B, Nagel P, Peveling R. 2004. Leaf litter
breakdown in natural and plantation forests of the Lama forest reserve in Benin.
Applied Soil Ecology 27: 109-124.
Bloomfield J, Vogt KA, Vogt DJ. 1993. Decay rate and substrate quality of fine roots and
foliage of two tropical tree species in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto
Rico. Plant and Soil 150: 233-245.
Burghouts TBA, van Straalen NM, Bruijnzeel LA. 1998. Spatial heterogeneity of element
and litter turnover in a Bornean rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 14: 477-
Byard R, Lewis KC, Montagnini F. 1996. Leaf litter decomposition and mulch
performance from mixed and monospecific plantations of native tree species in
Costa Rica. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 58: 145-155.
Cardelus CL. 2010. Litter decomposition within the canopy and forest floor of three tree
species in a tropical lowland rain forest, Costa Rica. Biotropica 42: 300-308.
Castanho CT, Oliveira AA. 2008. Relative effect of litter quality, forest type and their
interaction on leaf decomposition in south-east Brazilian forests. Journal of
Tropical Ecology 24: 149-156.
Cleveland CC, Reed SC, Townsend AR. 2006. Nutrient regulation of organic matter
decomposition in a tropical rain forest. Ecology 87: 492-503.
Dawoe EK, Isaac ME, Quashie-Sam J. 2010. Litterfall and litter nutrient dynamics under
cocoa ecosystems in lowland humid Ghana. Plant Soil 330: 55-64.
Dent DH, Bagchi R, Robinson D, Majalap-Lee N, Burslem DFRP. 2006. Nutrient fluxes
via litterfall and leaf litter decomposition vary across a gradient of soil nutrient
supply in a lowland tropical rain forest. Plant Soil 288: 197-215.
Ewel J. 1976. Litterfall and leaf decomposition in a tropical forest succession in eastern Guatemala. Journal of Ecology 64: 293-308.
Fonte SJ, Schowalter TD. 2004. Decomposition of greenfall vs. senescent foliage in a
tropical forest ecosystem in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 36: 474-482.
Funk JL. 2005. Hedychium gardnerianum invasion into Hawaiian montane rainforest:
interactions among litter quality, decomposition rate, and soil nitrogen
availability. Biogeochemistry 76: 441-451.
Gholz HL, Wedin DA, Smitherman SM, Harmon ME, Parton WJ. 2000. Long-term
dynamics of pine and hardwood litter in contrasting environments: toward a
global model of decomposition. Global Change Biology 6: 751-765.
Goma-Tchimbakala J, Bernhard-Reversat F. 2006. Comparison of litter dynamics in three
plantations of an indigenous timber-tree species (Terminalia superba) and a
natural tropical forest in Mayombe, Congo. Forest Ecology and Management 229:
Heneghan L, Coleman DC, Zou X, Crossley DA, Haines BL. 1998. Soil microarthropod
community structure and litter decomposition dynamics: a study of tropical and
temperate sites. Applied Soil Ecology 9: 33-38.
Hirobe M, Sabang J, Bhatta BK, Takeda H. 2004. Leaf-litter decomposition of 15 tree
species in a lowland tropical rainforest in Sarawak: decomposition rates and
initial litter chemistry. Journal of Forest Research 9: 341-346.
Hirschel G, Korner C, Arnone JA. 1997. Will rising atmospheric CO2 affect leaf litter
quality and in situ decomposition rates in native plant communities? Oecologia
110: 387-392.
Huang CY, Wang CP, Hou PCL. 2007. Toads (Bufo bankorensis) influence litter
chemistry but not litter invertebrates and litter decomposition rates in a
subtropical forest of Taiwan. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 161-168.
Isaac SR, Nair MA. 2005. Biodegradation of leaf litter in the warm humid tropics of
Kerala, India. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1656-1664.
Kitayama K, Aiba SI. 2002. Ecosystem structure and productivity of tropical rain forests
along altitudinal gradients with contrasting soil phosphorus pools on Mount
Kinabalu, Borneo. Journal of Ecology 90: 37-51.
Kueffer C, Klinger G, Zirfass K, Schumacher E, Edwards PJ, Gusewell S. 2008. Invasive
trees show only weak potential to impact nutrient dynamics in phosphorus-poor
tropical forests in the Seychelles. Functional Ecology 22: 359-366.
Kwabiah AB, Stoskopf NC Voroney RP, Palm CA. 2001. Nitrogen and phosphorus
release from decomposing leaves under sub-humid tropical conditions. Biotropica
33: 229-240.
Lam PSK, Dudgeon D. 1985. Breakdown of Ficus fistulosa (Moraceae) leaves in Hong Kong, with special reference to dynamics of elements and the effects of invertebrate consumers. Journal of Tropical Ecology 1: 249-264.
Loranger G, Ponge JF, Imbert D, Lavelle P. 2002. Leaf decomposition in two semievergreen
tropical forests: influence of litter quality. Biology and Fertility of Soils
35: 247-252.
Lugo AE, Murphy PG. 1986. Nutrient dynamics of a Puerto Rican subtropical dry forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2: 55-72.
Maheswaran J, Gunatilleke IAUN. 1988. Litter decomposition in a lowland rain forest and a deforested area in Sri Lanka. Biotropica 20: 90-99.
McGrath DA, Comerford NB, Duryea ML. 2000. Litter dynamics and monthly
fluctuations in soil phosphorus availability in an Amazonian agroforest. Forest
Ecology and Management 131: 167-181.
Mesquita RCG, Workman SW, Neely CL. 1998. Slow litter decomposition in a
Cecropia-dominated secondary forest of central Amazonia. Soil Biology and
Biochemistry 30: 167-175.
Mo J, Brown S, Xue J, Fang Y, Li Z. 2006. Response of litter decomposition to simulated
N deposition in disturbed, rehabilitated and mature forests in subtropical China.
Plant and Soil 282: 135-151.
Mubarak AR, Elbashir AA, Elamin LA, Daldoum DMA, Steffens D, and Benckiser G.
2008. Decomposition and nutrient release from litter fall in the semi-arid tropics
of Sudan. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 2359-2377.
Nadkarni NM, Matelson TJ. 1992. Biomass and nutrient dynamics of fine litter of
terrestrially rooted material in a neotropical montane forest, Costa Rica.
Biotropica 24: 113-120.
Negrete-Yankelevich S, Fragoso C, Newton AC, Russell G, Heal OW. 2008.
Decomposition and macroinvertebrates in experimental litter along a secondary
chronosequence of tropical montane forest. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44: 853-
Negrete-Yankelevich S, Fragoso C, Newton AC, Russell G, Heal OW. 2008. Speciesspecific
characteristics of trees can determine the litter macroinvertebrate
community and decomposition process below their canopies. Plant and Soil 307:
Ostertag R, Scatena FN, Silver WL. 2003. Forest floor decomposition following
hurricane litter inputs in several Puerto Rican forests. Ecosystems 6: 261-273.
Ostertag R, Marin-Spiotta E, Silver WL, Schulten J. 2008. Litterfall and decomposition
in relation to soil carbon pools along a secondary forest chronosequence in Puerto
Rico. Ecosystems 11: 701-714.
Parsons SA, Congdon RA. 2008. Plant litter decomposition and nutrient cycling in north
Queensland tropical rain-forest communities of differing successional status.
Journal of Tropical Ecology 24: 317-327.
Raich JW, Russell AE, Bedoya-Arrieta R. 2007. Lignin and enhanced litter turnover in
tree plantations of lowland Costa Rica. Forest Ecology and Management 239:
Robertson AI. 1988. Decomposition of mangrove leaf litter in tropical Australia. Journal
of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 116: 235-247.
Rogers HM. 2002. Litterfall, decomposition and nutrient release in a lowland tropical
rain forest, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Tropical Ecology
18: 449-456.
Sandhu J, Sinha M, Ambasht RS. 1990. Nitrogen release from decomposing litter of
Leucaena leucocephala in the dry tropics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 22:
Santiago LS. 2010. Can growth form classification predict litter nutrient dynamics and
decomposition rates in lowland wet forest? Biotropica 42: 72-79.
Scherer-Lorenzen M, Bonilla JS, Potvin C. 2007. Tree species richness affects litter
production and decomposition rates in a tropical biodiversity experiment. Oikos
116: 2108-2124.
Schuur EAG. 2001. The effect of water on decomposition dynamics in mesic to wet
Hawaiian montane forests. Ecosystems 4: 259-273.
Scott DA, Proctor J, Thompson J. 1992. Ecological studies on a lowland evergreen rain
forest on Maracá Island, Roraima, Brazil. II. Litter and nutrient cycling. Journal
of Ecology 80: 705-717.
Scowcroft PG, Turner DR, Vitousek PM. 2000. Decomposition of Metrosideros
polymorpha leaf litter along elevational gradients in Hawaii. Global Change
Biology 6: 73-85.
Smith K, Gholz HL, Oliveira FA. 1998. Litterfall and nitrogen-use efficiency of
plantations and primary forest in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Forest Ecology
and Management 109: 209-220.
Smith CK, Gholz HL, Oliveira FA. 1998. Fine litter chemistry, early-stage decay, and
nitrogen dynamics under plantations and primary forest in lowland Amazonia.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30: 2159-2169.
Songwe NC, Okali DUU, Fasehun FE. 1995. Litter decomposition and nutrient release in
a tropical rainforest, southern Bakundu Forest Reserve, Cameroon. Journal of
Tropical Ecology 11: 333-350.
Sundarapandian SM, Swamy PS. 1999. Litter production and leaf-litter decomposition of
selected tree species in tropical forests at Kodayat in the Western Ghats, India.
Forest Ecology and Management 123: 231-244.
Tang JW, Cao M, Zhang JH, Li MH. 2010. Litterfall production, decomposition and
nutrient use efficiency varies with tropical forest types in Xishuangbanna, SW
China: a 10-year study. Plant and Soil 335: 271-288.
Teklay T, Malmer A. 2004. Decomposition of leaves from two indigenous trees of
contrasting qualities under shaded-coffee and agricultural land-uses during the dry
season at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36: 777-786.
Torreta NK, Takeda H. 1999. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics of decomposing leaf litter in
a tropical hill evergreen forest. European Journal of Soil Biology 35: 57-63.
Vasconcelos SS, Zarin DJ, da Rosa MBS, Oliveira FA, Carvalho CJR. 2007. Leaf
decomposition in a dry season irrigation experiment in eastern Amazonian forest
regrowth. Biotropica 35: 593-600.
Vasconcelos HL, Laurance WF. 2005. Influence of habitat, litter type, and soil
invertebrates on leaf-litter decomposition in a fragmented Amazonian landscape.
Oecologia 144: 456-462.
Villela DM, Proctor J. 2002. Leaf litter decomposition and monodominance in the
Peltogyne forest of Maracá Island, Brazil. Biotropica 34: 334-347.
Wieder WR, Cleveland CC, Townsend AR. 2009. Controls over leaf litter decomposition
in wet tropical forests. Ecology 90: 3333-3341.
Xuluc-Tolosa FJ, Vester HFM, Ramirez-Marcial N, Castellanos-Albores J, Lawrence D.
2003. Leaf litter decomposition of tree species in three successional phases of
tropical dry secondary forest in Campeche, Mexico. Forest Ecology and
Management 174: 401-412.
Yang X, Warren M, Zou X. 2007. Fertilization responses of soil litter fauna and litter
quantity, quality, and turnover in low and high elevation forests of Puerto Rico.
Applied Soil Ecology 37: 63-71.
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decomposition in humid tropical forests, southwestern China. Soil Biology and
Biochemistry 41: 910-918.
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