Latin IIINōmen ______
Unit II
Travel JournalProjectDiēs ______Pd.______
Assignment Overview:As you read the Unit II stories – Lessons X – XVIII, you will create a travel journal for Publius and Furianus as they leave Rome, through their adventures getting to Athens, Greece, and while they are in Athens.
Honors Latin III: You will also create a “Facebook” wall for one of the characters, including nine status updates in Latin.
Everyone’sproject must include:
A first person account of what is happening in each of the Lesson stories – there should be nine total. They should be approximately one to two paragraphs each. They should include pictures (drawn or online images.) They should include four details about each lesson that did not appear in the story, but that you researched on your own or that you learned about in class.
Choose one of the following:
A scrapbook:
Because a scrapbook is usually focused on pictures, instead of one to two paragraphs of writing accompanied by a picture or two, your scrapbook should be multiple pictures with captions for each picture. The captions should be equivalent to one to two paragraphs that explain what is happening in each lesson, and should include the four details that you learned about each topic. The pictures may be either drawn or printed.
A travel journal:
Your travel journal should include 9 entries, with one to two paragraphs each and at least one picture each. Be sure to include the four details that you learned in each lesson. Your journal should be typed; the pictures may be drawn or printed.
A Power Point or Prezi:
All requirements are the same as the travel journal. You should have at least two slides for each lesson (Power Point slides should not have too much information on each slide.)
Honors: You must also create a Facebook wall for either Publius or Furianus in Latin. You will use the template on the collaborative storage teacher post file, fill it in, and print and turn in, submit via the drop-box, or email it to me. You should fill in the friends, personal information, profile picture and write 9 status updates in Latin (one for each lesson.) Each status update should be one sentence (or more), and must incorporate a new grammar element from each stage. For example, Lesson X: include one hortatory subjunctive verb. You will not receive credit for online translator generated sentences or for sentences that are directly copied from the stories.
Project: 135 pointsHonors Latin Facebook page: 65 points
15 points per entry/lesson:5 points per status update – grammar and vocabulary; 10 points for 12 points for entry; other wall additions (friends, profile picture, personal information); 3 points for pictures 10 points creativity