Department of Machine Design and Mechatronics


The 9th International Conference

on Mechatronics and Precision Engineering

12th – 14th June 2008, IAŞI



Prof. Spiridon CREŢU, PhD. Eng., T.U.Iasi, Romania

Prof. Peter LORENZ, PhD.Eng, Dr.h.c.- HTW Saarbrücken, Germany


Prof. Ion GIURMĂ, PhD. Eng. Rector of the Technical University

“Gh. Asachi” Iaşi, Romania

Prof.Günter SCHULTES, Ph.D. Vice Rector of the University of

Applied Sciences Saarbrücken, Germany

PRESIDENT: Prof. Dumitru OLARU, PhD. Eng., T.U.Iasi, Romania


Prof.Gabriel ABBA, PhD.Eng.,University “Paul Verlaine” Metz, FR

Prof. Dumitriu ADRIAN, PhD.Eng.,University of Brasov, RO

Prof. Ioan ARDELEAN, PhD.Eng. T.U.Cluj – Napoca, RO

Prof. Nicolae ALEXANDRESCU,PhD.Eng. POL. Bucuresti, RO

Prof. Virgil ATANASIU, PhD.Eng. T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof.Radu BALAN, PhD.Eng. T.U.Cluj – Napoca, RO

Prof Mircea Viorel BARA, PhD.Eng. T.U.Cluj – Napoca, RO

Prof. Mihaela BARITZ, PhD.Eng.,University of Brasov, RO

Prof. Guido BELFORTE, PhD.Eng., Politehnica di Torino, IT

Prof. Karsten BERNS, PhD. Eng. T.U.Kaiserslautern, DE

Prof. Manuello BERTETTO – University of Cagliari, IT

Prof. Ion BOSTAN, PhD.Eng, Dr.h.c.T.U.M.Chisinau, MD

Prof.Yvan BAUDOIN, PhD.Eng, Dr.h.c.R.M. Academy Bruxelles, BE

Prof.Cornel BRISAN PhD.Eng. T.U.Cluj – Napoca, RO

Prof. Walter CALLES,PhD.Eng, HTW Saarbrucken, DE

Assoc. Prof. Constantin CHIRIŢĂ, PhD. Eng., T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof. Dorian COJOCARU, PhD. Eng., University of Craiova, RO

Prof. Cristian CONSTANTINESCU, PhD. Eng., T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof. Spiridon CREŢU, PhD. Eng., T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof. Luciana CRISTEA, PhD.Eng.,University of Brasov, RO

Prof. Vencel CSIBI, PhD.Eng., T.U.Cluj – Napoca, RO

Prof. Arjana DAVIDESCU, PhD.Eng., T.U. Timisoara, RO

Prof. Emanuel DIACONESCU, PhD.Eng.mca,Univ.Suceava, RO

Prof. Ilie DIACONU, PhD,Eng., University of Craiova, RO

Prof. Valer DOLGA, PhD.Eng., T.U. Timisoara, RO

Prof. Ioan DOROFTEI, PhD.Eng. T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof. Valeriu DULGHERU, PhD.Eng, T.U.M.Chisinau, MD

Prof. Ioan DUMITRACHE, PhD.Eng, “Politehnica” Bucureşti, RO

Prof. Adrian DUMITRIU, PhD.Eng.,University of Brasov, RO

Prof. Louis FLAMAND, PhD,Eng., Dr.h.c., INSA Lyon, FR

Prof. Ion GHEORGHE, PhD,Eng., INCDMF Bucuresti, RO

Prof. Mircea IVANESCU, PhD,Eng., University of Craiova, RO

Prof. Werner KRAUSE, PhD.Eng, T.U. Dresden, DE

Prof. Dirk LEFEBER, PhD.Eng.,V.U. Brussels, BE

Prof. Peter LORENZ, PhD.Eng, Dr.h.c.- HTW Saarbrücken, DE

Prof.Jaques LOTTIN, PhD.Eng, Universite Savoie, FR

Prof. Inocentiu MANIU, PhD.Eng., T.U. Timisoara, RO

Prof. Vistrian MATIES PhD.Eng. T.U.Cluj – Napoca, RO

Prof. Dan MANDRU PhD.Eng. T.U.Cluj – Napoca, RO

Prof. Fabio MIANI, PhD.Eng, University Udine, IT

Prof. Sevasti MITSI, PhD.Eng, University “Aristotelis” Salonic, GR

Prof. Cornel MUNTEANU, PhD.Eng., T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof. Daniel NELIAS, PhD,Eng., INSA Lyon, FR

Prof. Constantin NITU, PhD.Eng., “Politehnica” Bucureşti, RO

Prof. Dumitru OLARU, PhD.Eng. T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof. Waldemar OLEKSIUK, PhD.Eng., T.U. Varşovia, PL

Prof. Ciprian OLTEANU, PhD.Eng.,University of Brasov, RO

Prof. Cezar OPRISAN, PhD.Eng. T.U.Iaşi, RO

Assoc.Prof. Gheorghe PRISACARU, PhD.Eng. T.U.Iaşi, RO

Prof. Michael REIMANN,PhD.Eng, HTW Saarbrücken, DE

Prof. Cornel RADULESCU, PhD.Eng., T.U. Timisoara, RO

Prof. George SAVII, PhD.Eng., T.U. Timisoara, RO

Prof. Dik SCHIPPER, PhD. Eng., Twente University, NL

Prof. Massimo SORLI, PhD. Eng., “Politehnica” di Torino, IT

Prof. Sorin ZAMFIRA, PhD. Phiz., University of Brasov, RO


President: Assoc. Prof. Gheorghe PRISACARU PhD.Eng.

Prof. Barbu DRAGAN, PhD.Eng.

Prof. Stefan GRIGORAS, Ph.D. Eng.

Prof. Mihai BERCEA, Ph.D. Eng.

Assoc. Prof. Lucian HANGANU, PhD.Eng.

Assoc. Prof. Flavian FARCAS, PhD.Eng.

Lecturer Carmen BUJOREANU, PhD.Eng.

Lecturer Gelu IANUS, PhD.Eng.

Lecturer Viorel PALEU, PhD.Eng.

Lecturer Mario HOMUTESCU, PhD.Eng.

Lecturer Rodica BALAN Eng.

PhD Student Ciprian STAMATE Eng.

PhD Student Marcelin BENCHEA Eng.


Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi,

Department of Machine Elements and Mechatronics

Bld. D. Mangeron, nr. 61,

700050 Iasi,


In collaboration with:

Romanian Society of Mechatronics – SROMECA;

Department of Precision Engineering and Mechatronics, University “Transilvania” of Brasov ;

Department of Precision Engineering and Mechatronics, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest;

Department of Mechanisms, Precision Engineering and Mechatronics, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,

Department of Mechatronics, University “Politehnica” of Timisoara

Department of Mechatronics, University of Craiova

R&D National Institute for Precision Engineering, Bucharest


June 11, 2008 Arrival of the Participants

June 12, 2008

8.00 – 10.00 Conference Registration

10.00 – 10.30 Opening Ceremony

10.30 – 11.50 Plenary Session

11.50 – 12.20 Coffee Break

12.20 – 13.45 Poster viewing and Exhibition viewing

14.00 – 15.30 Lunch

16.00 – 17.30 Sessions

17.30 – 18.00 Coffee Break and Exhibition viewing

18.00 – 19.30 Sessions

20.30 Gala Dinner

June 13, 2008

9.30 – 11.00 Sessions

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break

11.30 – 13.30 Sessions

14.00 – 15.30 Lunch

16.00 – 17.30 Sessions

June 14, 2008

10.00 – 12.30 Social events

June 12, 2008 / 10.30 – 11.50 / Room: Conference hall T1
Plenary Session

1. Intercrystalline Fracture of Al-Mg-Si-Alloys due to Lead Impurities

W. Calles, M. Degand, O. Freitag-Weber

2. Present development stage and directions of mechatronic conception for pneumatic systems with positioning on the work stroke

Nicolae Alexandrescu

3.Mobility and progression in mechatronic occupation
practicalities around realising the objectives of the Lisbon strategy

Vistrian Matieş, Olimpiu Hâncu

4.To be announced

June 12, 2008 / 16.00 – 17.30 / Room: Conference hall T1
Session: Mechatronics, Equipment for Mechatronics, Biomedical
Applications of Mechatronics
Chairmen: Nicolae Alexandrescu, Constantin Niţu

1. About the heat pipe element design for the mobile computer cooling device

Dinu Comănescu, Adriana Comănescu, Alexandru-Bogdan Brătilă, Daniel-Petre Dinescu

2. Some principles of heat pipe cooling for computer devices

Dinu Comănescu, Adriana Comănescu, Alexandru-Bogdan Brătilă, Daniel-Petre Dinescu

3. Measurement of the ground reaction force for othopedics purposes

Constantin Anton Micu, Constantin Bucşan, Lucian Bogatu, Ion Călin Andrei, Sorin Kostrakievici

4. The use of open source software in biomechanical finite elements analysis

Octavian Ciobanu, Manfred Staat, Alireza Rahimi

5. Algorithm for the control of pneutronic positioning units

Mihai Avram, Despina Duminică, Viorel Gheorghe

6. Pneutronic positioning unit

Mihai Avram, Nicolae Alexandrescu, Despina Duminică, Viorel Gheorghe

June 12, 2008 / 16.00 – 17.30 / Room: Textile laboratory
Session: Industrial robots, Microrobots, Mobile Robots
Chairmen: Ion Vela, Ioan Ardelean

1. Modeling of a double staged hexapodal platform

Mihai Mărgăritescu, Roxana Rîcu, Ana Maria Ivan

2. A multimodal interface for command and control of an anthropomorphic gripper

Alexandru-Mihail Itu, Ionel Staretu

3. An integrated approach for mechatronic systems design

Ciprian Lăpuşan, Vistrian Mătieş, Radu Bălan, Sergiu Stan

4. Command and control of a minirobot without embarked sensorial equipment

Horia Panaitopol, Daniel Băcescu, Dan Iaschiu, Silviu Petrache, Cristian Alionte

5. Workspace analysis of 3-dof parallel robots

Sergiu-Dan Stan, Vistrian Mătieş, Radu Bălan, Ciprian Lăpuşan

6. Self-reconfigurind and self-replicating modular robot

Constantin Niţu, Bogdan Grămescu, Smaranda Niţu

June 12, 2008 / 16.00 – 17.30 / Room: CAD laboratory
Session: MEMS. Micro and Nanotechnology. Tribology of micro
Chairmen: Daniel Nélias, Dik Schipper

1. Plasticity in 3d rolling contact

Daniel Nélias, Vincent Boucly

2. Static friction in metal – metal contacts

Radu Popovici, Loredana Deladi, Dik Schipper

3. Adhesion aspects of thin metallic films on polymer substrate

Georgeta Ionaşcu, Nicolae Alexandrescu, Lucian Bogatu, Elena Manea, Raluca Gavrilă, Ileana Cernica

4. Modelling, analysis and simulation of a compliant micro-positioning mechanism

Simona Noveanu, Ion Lungu, Vencel Csibi, Dan Mândru

5. Research regarding the fabrication of microstructures using electroplating

Constantin Anton Micu, Minela Minea, Lucian Bogatu, Georgeta Ionaşcu

6. Influence of macroscopic wear on the stribeck curve for line contacts

Influence of macroscopic wear on the Stribeck curve for line contacts

Ioan Crăcăoanu, Dik Schipper

7. New micro tribometers for sliding and rolling friction. experimental investigations

Dumitru Olaru, Ciprian Stamate, Gheorghe Prisăcaru

June 12, 2008 / 16.00 – 17.30 / Room: Council hall
Session: Metrology – Measuring Instruments and Systems
Chairmen: Mihaela Baritz, Dumitru Olaru

1. Research with regard to the methods used for diagnosing the passenger cars in order to increase the safety and security in rail transport (diagnosis)

Adrian Tănase, Mihai Olariu, Aurel Pădureanu, Liviu Sevastian Bocii

2. Research in creating a new high precision integrated system required for the achievement of computer based specific investigation of the hard composite materials

Adrian Tănase, Mihai Tîrcolea, Justin Onişoru, Mioara Chivu

3. Water alimentation and disposal parameter measuring system for integrated water management

Ecaterina Popescu, Gabriela Ploeşteanu

4. AFM method for roughness determination at nanometric topoghaphy surfaces

Aurelian Ovidius Trufaşu, Virginia Măduţa, Cristina Liliana Trufaşu

5. Optimal thermal regime for polishing nanometric topography surfaces; case study

Aurelian Ovidius Trufaşu, Virginia Măduţă, Cristina Liliana Trufaşu

6. Possibilities to measure the temperatures in a test stand with motor vehicle which has cooling airflow control

Marius Receanu, Dan Dăscălescu, Radu Drosescu, Dan Sachelarie

June 12, 2008 / 16.00 – 17.30 / Room: Mechanical vibration laboratory
Session: Quality Assurance and Management. Ecology
Chairmen: Barbu Drăgan, Constantin Gheorghieş

1. Research with regard to the implementation of a sealed vacuum ecological system of toilets for passenger cars in rail transport (eco-toilet)

Adrian Vlǎdǎşel, Gabriel Bǎlǎnoiu, Aurel Pădureanu, Gheorghe Huţiu

2. The phonoabsorbent and phonoinsulating panels destined for the decrease in phonic pollution caused by the transport means in highly populated areas

Constantin Pascu, Eugeniu Condurăţeanu, Vlad Dumitru

3. Monitoring of lubricant degradation by ftir spectroscopy

Constantin Gheorghieş, Mihaela Avădanei, Constantin Spânu, Alina-Mihaela Cantaragiu

4. Experimental study of the noise emission of personal computer cooling fans

Barbu Drăgan

5. The aided by PC dimensional control process modularisation

Barbu Braun, Ciprian Olteanu, Corneliu Drugă

6. Virtual metrological instrument for the dimensional control accuracy statistics

Barbu Braun, Ciprian Olteanu, Corneliu Drugă

June 12, 2008 / 16.00 – 17.30 / Room: Amphitheatre M1
Session: Mechanical Structures and Elements for Precision
Engineering, Bioengineering and Mechatronics
Chairmen: Vistrian Mătieş, Ilie Muscă

1. New trends in „med” use modulator elements devices

Lucian Dulgheru, Gheorghe Marin, Cristian Gheorghiu, Alexandru Nanu, Raluca Magdalena Niţă

2. Optimized systems for lifting up people with locomotory disabilities

Ioan Lepădatu, Cătălin Dumitrescu, Liliana Dumitrescu, Adrian Vlădăşel, Corneliu Duca

3. Developing of new systems and test methods for biomaterials testing

Stanca Comşa, Adrian Pacioga, Doina Gheorghiu

4. Consideration about inteligent braces displacement measurement

Marius Mateaş, Arjana Davidescu, Carmen Sticlaru

5. The influence of temperature upon stress and strain state of a ball bearing

Arjana Davidescu, Carmen Sticlaru, Marius Mateaş

6. Magnetic radial bearing

Ilie Muscă, Dorel Pintilie

7. Konzeption eines innengreifers

Peter Lorenz, Stefan Lorenz

June 12, 2008 / 18.00 – 19.30 / Room: Conference room T1
Session: Mechatronics, Equipment for Mechatronics, Biomedical
Applications of Mechatronics
Chairmen: Constantin Anton Micu, Karl-Heinz Modler

1. CAD technique application in biomechanical field for orthopedic plate design for fibula’s fractures

Ciprian Radu, Ileana Roşca

2. Determination of dynamic parameters during human normal locomotion

Ciprian Radu, Ileana Roşca

3. Acoustico-mechatronic system for voice training

Dan Necşulescu, William Weiss, Elisha Pruner

4. Intelligent system for controlling the number of passengers in shuttle buses

Cristian Moldovan, Valentin Ciupe, Valer Dolga

5. Mechatronic and ergonomic constrain in medical equipment design

Liana-Maria Dehelean, Valer Dolga

6. Mechatronische schließsysteme in der gebäudeschließtechnik

Alexander Ştefănescu

June 12, 2008 / 18.00 – 19.30 / Room: Textile laboratory
Session: Industrial robots, Microrobots, Mobile Robots
Chairmen: Constantin Bucşan, Olimpiu Tătar

1. Magnetic coupling system for the modules of a self reconfigurable modular robot

Bogdan Grămescu, Constantin Niţu, Smaranda Niţu

2. Original solution for an autonomous mobile robot with vertical displacement

Tudor Cătălin Apostolescu, Nicolae Alexandrescu, Constantin Udrea, Despina Duminică

3. Wheeled mobile robot modeling and control

Mircea Niţulescu

4. Robotic control using gestures

Cristea Pal, Mihai Horia Zaharia, Florin Tiberiu Pal

5. Workspace analysis of 3-dof parallel robots

Sergiu-Dan Stan, Vistrian Mătieş, Radu Bălan, Ciprian Lăpuşan

June 12, 2008 / 18.00 – 19.30 / Room: Council hall
Session: Metrology – Measuring Instruments and Systems
Chairmen: Aurelian Ovidius Trufaşu, Mihaela Baritz

1. Active vibration isolation systems of the suspensions

Dănuţ Receanu, Marius Receanu

2. The time waveform analysis technique for bearing’s diagnosis

Carmen Bujoreanu, Rodica Mihaela Bălan

3. Virtual instrumentation in data acquisition and analysis of ball bearings failure

Carmen Bujoreanu, Alina Anghel

4. Method and program to determine the transversal section dimensions of textile fibres

Cătălin Vîlcu

5. Theoretical and experimental results on high-speed hybrid ball bearings lubricated by kerosene mist

Viorel Paleu, Carmen Bujoreanu, Spiridon Creţu, Daniel Nélias

6. Other techniques regulator for automation and control thermal equipement

Ioan Ardelean

7. Techniques regulator for automation and control thermal equipement

Ioan Ardelean

June 12, 2008 / 18.00 – 19.30 / Room: Mechanical Vibration Laboratory
Session: Quality Assurance and Management. Ecology
Chairmen: Barbu Drăgan, Constantin Gheorghieş

1.New trends in „med” use modulatar elements devices

Lucian Dulgheru, Gheorghe Marin, Cristian Gheorghiu, Alexandru Nanu, Raluca Magdalena Niţă

2. Inter-system control: communication and monitoring

Petru Condrea, Ionel Bostan

3. Audit planning

Petru Condrea, Ionel Bostan

4. Risk management associated with control activities

Ionel Bostan, Petru Condrea

June 12, 2008 / 18.00 – 19.30 / Room: CAD laboratory
Session: CAD
Chairmen: Constantin D. Comeagă, Gheorghe Prisăcaru

1. CAD tool to excavators slewing-rings sizing

Daniel Rezmireş, Vasile Bocăneţ, Alfredo Monfardini, Cezar Racocea

2. 3D object modeling and visualisation software applied in surgery

Paul Nicolae Ancuţa, Constantin Anton Micu

3. Study concerning some aspects of cam design and technology

Dana Rizescu, Georgeta Ionaşcu, Ciprian Ion Rizescu, Lucian Bogatu, Daniel Besnea, Despina Duminică

4. About the design center

Cristina Racocea

5. Low speed scenario of a bumper crash simulation

Part I: mesh morphing

Leonard Ciubotaru

6. Low speed scenario of a bumper crash simulation

Part II: CAD based parameterization (in comparison to mesh morphing)

Leonard Ciubotaru

7. Design of articulated effectors for grasping modules

Daniel Amariei, Ion Vela, Gilbert-Rainer Gillich, Cristian Chioncel

June 12, 2008 / 18.00 – 19.30 / Room: Amphitheatre M1
Session: Mechanical Structures and Elements for Precision
Engineering, Bioengineering and Mechatronics
Chairmen: Nicolae Alexandrescu, Valer Dolga

1. A mechatronic device to teach neuroprosthesis control