PST Summer Class Information
Registration Fee (non-refundable): $120 Students will earn a letter-grade for this intensified condensed semester credit course. This course relies heavily upon PHYSICAL ACTIVITY REQUIRED FOR PARTICIPATION. Students will be required to run every day. Parent and doctor notes excusing participation will not be relied on for earning participation points or credit. Students are expected to find and study material that will be tested. Students with more than three absences will not pass the class if they don’t make up the third absence on the make up day. Only those who have three absences or are missing some testing will be allowed to attend the make-up day. Points will be deducted for every day student is absent. A policy and grading disclosure statement will be provided to students the first day of class.
Purpose: PST credit for 9th grade Students
Objective: All students will be taught the techniques of sports. They will also learn the proper
fundamentals of physical fitness, and understand their own cardiovascular health. During the fitness unit they will learn to be more flexible, understand the importance of flexibility, and be taught the basics of muscular fitness and cardiovascular endurance. The State Core Curriculum is followed.
Student Students are responsible for their own transportation. There will be some activities off
Information: campus and times may vary for those activities. (golf, bowling, tennis courts, hiking.) It should be understood that this class is a fitness oriented class with physical activity and running required. If your student is unable to participate in running and fitness activities, they should take PST at their school where accommodations can be made.
Your student will be given a daily schedule for the course on the first day of class, which will specify locations, times, and dates of activities off campus. Students must be dressed and ready to begin class the first day. Students will earn a letter grade in this class. Points will be taken off for absences, tardies, behavior infractions, and not being dressed appropriately. Appropriate gym clothes are: light colored t-shirts with last name on the front and back in large 2" black letters; shorts or sweats (no jeans or cut offs); and gym shoes that tie. Street clothes are acceptable on golf and bowling days, as long as they meet Jordan School District dress code. A backpack, fanny pack, etc., will be needed on the hike, to carry water and snacks. Students should bring writing materials to class and take notes on test reviews given.
Course: Individual Sports Team Sports Fitness Written Tests
1. Golf 1. Softball 1. 1.5 mile On all sports
2. Bowling 2. Volleyball 2. Curl ups and fitness tests
3. Tennis 3. Basketball 3. Pull ups / Arm hang
4. Walking 4. Sit & Reach