Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 21st November 2016
Present: / Cllr Pat Banks (in the Chair); Cllr Sue Connor;Cllr Mike Germain;Cllr Roland Graves; Cllr John Goodban;Cllr Jim Haslem; Cllr Alan White;Cllr Andy Woolway; Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC); Ms Mandy Cason (KCC Community Warden).
1] / Apologies for Absence
Cllr Colin Talboys (VPC); Mr Adam Holloway (MP); Cllr Bryan Sweetland (KCC); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC); Mr Paul Agley (Highview Services).
2] / Declarations of Interest
Cllr Connor declared an interest in the covenant application forHighview and did not enter into discussions regarding this matter
3] / Neighbourhood Plan Report
NPIERS (who provided the short list of potential Examiners for the Neighbourhood Plan) had emailed regarding a replacement examiner.
Gravesham Borough Council were in the process of clarifying that they wouldn’t be charged twice for the service (once by Mr Edge and again by the new examiner). Cllr Haslem had emailed GBC regarding this matter.
An alternative examiner (Mr John Parmiter) had been suggested, Mr Parmiter had confirmed in principle that he was able to undertake the examination, and was waiting for GBC to confirm the appointment.
[Action: ongoing]
4] / Questions from the Press and Public
5] / Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
Cllr Shelbrooke reported that he was aware of the GBC proposal to supply electronic only versions of planning applications, and not to supply paper copies in the future. This was a cost cutting exercise. However, Cllr Shelbrooke appreciated that Vigo Parish Council did not have an A3 printer capable of printing off the plans so that they could be viewed by Council Members, nor did they have a projector so that the electronic versions could be viewed by all Members during a Council meeting. The purchase of an A3 printer, or a projector was not something the Parish Council had budgeted for. Cllr Shelbrooke would speak to Gravesham Borough Council regarding this.
[Action: Cllr Shelbrooke]
Cllr Shelbrooke reported the following:
- During the next five years, Gravesham Borough Council needed to save £1.4 million in order to balance their budget.
- The Overview Scrutiny Agenda for 17th November 2016 was published on the GBC website and gave information on budget cuts etc. Councillors were encouraged to look at this online for further information should they wish.
- Gravesham Members CAN grants had been reduced from £1000 down to £500 per member.
- Towncentric was to move to the new market area in order to save rent. It was noted that many people were not aware of what Towncentric was – Cllr Shelbrooke informed the meeting that it would be made clear that this was the Tourist Information Centre.
6] / Reports from Community Wardens
` / CHARLTON ATHLETIC FOOTBALL TRAINING: The Clerk had not contacted CAFC as yet but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
The Clerk would ensure an article regarding Anti-Social behaviour would go in the next journal. The Clerk would also write to the flat owners encouraging them to phone 101 to report any antisocial behaviour.
It was felt that it sometimes took a long time to get through to 101, and then to log a complaint. The Clerk did not think it was possible to email instead of calling 101. Cllr Banks had been informed that all incidents needed to be logged, with details of the date, what happened etc. This log may then trigger action with the Local Authority. Cllr Banks had information regarding this and would pass it to the Clerk.
Ms Cason had dealt with issues of Anti-social behaviour and spoken to parents regarding this where possible. It was felt that the incidences of this type of behaviour may have reduced somewhat as a result.
[Action: Clerk / Cllr Banks]
The Clerk had spoken to the Youth Workers regarding anti-social behaviour. They felt that it was the younger youths (13 and 14 year olds) who may be causing some of the issues. This group of young people did not attend the youth club (the youth club attendance was mainly older youths).
The Youth Workers felt they needed to engage with the younger group in the village. In the past, this age group had been reached by holding a public meeting, inviting the young people along, asking what they would like to get involved in and encouraging them to engage with the Youth Workers.
The current membership of the Youth Group were those young people who had been reached by this type of meeting a few years previously.
It was suggested that a meeting be held at the end of January, this would be for the young people to attend alongside other residents, the Parish Council, youth workers etc. The last Monday in January was suggested and provisionally agreed.
Henry (Youth Worker) would arrange a poster for the notice board, Ms Cason (Community Warden) would arrange to hire the village hall.
The Clerk suggested that perhaps the Parish could look at providing subsidised day trips in the summer, using a “reward” type scheme to encourage well behaved youths to attend. Council may consider this at some point in the future, although Youth Workers would need to be on board and agree to supervise the trips as Parish Council Members were not qualified to do so.
[Action: Ms Cason / Youth Workers]
Ms Cason reported that she had been busy dealing with the following issues:
- Parking / Anti-Social Behaviour / Fire Safety Talks with the Pop In Group
- Halloween – this had been a difficult evening with fireworks being set off in the underpass. It was noted that Fairseat Nursery had been broken into with all the fireworks stolen.
- Neighbourhood Watch Meetings held, lots of talks given.
- Harvel Road sight line issue – the Clerk informed Ms Cason that this was a matter for Meopham Parish Council to report to Kent Highways.
- Lego Club – Ms Cason would like some more Lego boards for the group. The Clerk would look into the cost for these and report back to the meeting.
[Action: Clerk]
The latest Weekly Rural Policing Update had been received and forwarded onto Council Members.
7] / To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 17th October 2016
Minor typographical errors were noted and corrected. The minutes were read and agreed, then signed by Cllr Banks having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
8] / Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (not covered under Agenda Items)
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: No further update. Cllr Banks would look into this with the Clerk.
[Action: ongoing]
9] / Services (Trees / Grass / Grounds Maintenance)
a) Tree Policy
SURVEY OF TREES LESS THAN 15 METRES FROM PROPERTIES IN VIGO. Cllr White was yet to carry out this task but would do so as soon as possible.[Action: Cllr White]
1 CHESTNUT LANE: The underpinning continued at this property. No further response had been received from Zurich.
[Action: ongoing]
TREES ADJACENT TO VIGO SCHOOL: The Clerk had not spoken to Cherish Tree Surgery regarding professional indemnity insurance but would do so as soon as possible. Once this had been confirmed the Clerk would ask Mr Agley to arrange for Cherish Trees to climb and inspect the Oak tree.
The information from Came & Company regarding hazardous trees would be sent to Cllr Talboys and Mr Agley.
Work had been carried out to the smaller prunus tree. The Clerk would update the school.
[Action: Clerk]
CAMERA TO RECORD TREES AND TREE WORK: As the Clerk had not had time to research purchasing a camera, Cllr Banks would deal with this. Cllr Banks noted that a camera with GPS would cost around £350. It was agreed to get a less expensive basic digital model without GPS for now.
[Action: Cllr Banks]
a) DEAD SWEET CHESTNUT TREE: The Clerk was not aware if this had been pollarded as yet.
b) ASH TREES (near Ash Keys): The planned work to these trees had not yet been carried out. The Clerk would liaise with Mr Agley regarding this and write to the residents / put a laminated note on the trees in advance of any work being carried out.
c) Cllr Talboys would write an article for the journal regarding Chalara.
c) REPLANTING. The Replanting Working Party had not yet met.
[Action: Clerk / Mr Agley / Cllr Talboys]
ADMERS WOOD: This work had now been carried out.
BEECHMAST: The Clerk had been informed there was a small amount of tree debris on Parish Land. The Clerk would look before writing to the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had updated the resident accordingly.
ASH KEYS: Trees on Parish Land to the rear. This work had been carried out; the Clerk had updated Gravesham Borough Council.
[Action: Clerk]
THE COACH DRIVE: The Clerk had updated the resident as agreed. Mr Agley had programmed in the necessary tree work.
HARVEL ROAD / SOUTHFIELD SHAW: The overhanging trees were on the Southfield Shaw side of the road, the Clerk advised GBC that these were not the responsibility of the Parish Council.
HIGHVIEW: Large Ash Trees to the rear. Mr Agley had looked at this area and agreed that some work could be carried out. The Clerk was to look at the land registry map to confirm that the trees were located on Parish Land. If the trees were the responsibility of VPC, the work would be carried out over the winter period. It was estimated it would take one day’s tree surgery to deal with these trees. The Clerk was to update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
CHURCHSIDE: The resident had contacted the Clerk regarding a silver birch tree to the side which he felt was “overhanging and wrecking” his garden. Mr Agley had inspected this and felt there was some very minor tree surgery required to obtain a 2-metre clearance between the tree and the property. Mr Agley would also get the tree surgeons to inspect the tree and look at any suspect joins, carrying out remedial work where required. This would be put on the non-urgent work list. The Clerk was to update the resident.
It was noted that the resident had left a pile of Cherry Tree debris on Parish Land to the side of his property. The Clerk would ask the resident to remove this.
[Action: Clerk]
b) Grounds Maintenance
ADMERS WOOD LAYBY RUTS: Installing bollards in this area would be carried out over the winter period. The Clerk would write to the residents in advance of any work being carried out.
[Action: Clerk]
VANDALISED LITTER BIN IN THE CAR PARK NEAR THE SCHOOL. The Clerk had reported this to GBC but was not sure if the bin had been replaced yet.
[Action: ongoing]
Mr Agley wished to clear the area under the recycling bins. The Clerk had spoken to Berrymans but they had not contacted Mr Agley. The Clerk would ring Berrymans again.
[Action: Clerk]
LITTER LEFT BY PARENTS AT SCHOOL DROP OFF TIME. The Clerk had not yet written to the school. The Clerk would see if this was still an issue before writing.
[Action: Clerk]
c) Grass Cutting
10] / Requests From and Matters Regarding Residents.
HIGHVIEW GARAGE BLOCK: Mr Agley had been asked to remove the rubbish in this area. The Clerk had not yet written to the residents regarding the upkeep of the garages.
[Action: Clerk]
SKIPS IN VIGO: The Clerk had not yet written to the Highview resident but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
56 TIMBERBANK: The Clerk had written to the resident regarding the rubbish to the rear of the property.
[Action: ongoing]
HISTORICAL FLY TIPPING HARVEL ROAD: It was agreed that the Harvel Road boundary verge would be checked for fly tipping during the winter period once the undergrowth had died back. Cllr Banks would look; the Clerk would assist if she could.
[Action: Cllr Banks]
FENCE TO REAR OF CAR PARK ADJACENT TO 250 HIGHVIEW: The fallen fence and debris had been removed from this area.
SOFA CUSHIONS DUMPED AT THE REAR OF THE WATER TOWER. Cllr Germain would look to see if these sofa cushions were still there, if so he would show Mr Agley where they were located so that they could be removed.
[Action: Cllr Germain]
LAND TO THE REAR OF LOW NUMBERS BEECHMAST. This area was now clear with no rubbish or debris on Parish Land.
CHURCHSIDE: Property in a state of disrepair. This matter was ongoing – the Clerk was due to contact the resident at the end of the year if the situation hadn’t been resolved.
[Action: ongoing]
THE COACH DRIVE: No response from Land Registry. The Clerk had not yet resent the letter but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
BEECH MAST: The Clerk was not aware if Mr Agley had cut back the overgrown ivy / other plants adjacent to resident’s garden.
[Action: ongoing]
DOG MESS: The Clerk was to reproduce small leaflet size versions of the dog mess poster, for Ms Cason to deliver to residents as necessary.
[Action: Clerk]
ACCESS TO SCHOOL BUNGALOW: The resident had emailed to state he agreed to all the conditions set down by the Parish Council. However, the Clerk would ask the resident to sign a formal agreement.
[Action: Clerk]
ADMERS WOOD, CARS PARKING FOUR WHEELS ON PAVEMENT: The Clerk had sent photographs to Ms Cason as agreed.
HIGHVIEW: RUBBISH IN ALLEY TO THE REAR. The Clerk would arrange to have this area re-inspected to see if the rubbish was still there.
[Action: Clerk]
GARAGES IN VIGO: A local resident had asked if there was any way he could find out who owned which garage in the village – the Clerk would liaise with Cllr White regarding this as she had been unable to establish the ownership of garages in this area.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: RUBBISH. There was no longer an issue with this rubbish.
HIGHVIEW: There were reports of domestic rubbish and bits of furniture dumped on Parish Land to the front of this property. The Clerk would write to the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: There had been a complaint about rubbish in the car park to the rear of this property. There was little the Parish Council could do regarding this as it was privately owned, however Ms Cason had been liaising with residents regarding this matter. The Clerk would update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
PARKING SPACES: A resident had contacted the Clerk regarding parking spaces, as a neighbour who had recently moved in believed he had the same parking space as the resident who was making the enquiry. No addresses had been given in the email, the Clerk had responded to ask for details and would then look at the maps and respond to the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK: The resident had cleared the vegetation to the side of their property as they had been unable to get into their side gate. The resident asked if the Parish service contractor could now remove the debris. The Clerk had thanked the resident for clearing the area, and informed them that if they contacted the Parish in the future, the area would be cleared by the service contractor. Mr Agley would clear the debris.
[Action: Mr Agley]
A local resident had contacted the Parish Council as they felt the notice board on Waterlow Road was in an inconvenient position, with people driving by unable to read it easily. Council Members were all happy with the noticeboard where it was. Posters were made with large print and few words to make them easy to read. The Clerk was to thank the resident for their input and suggestion.
[Action: Clerk]
11] / Local Authority Planning Applications & Projects / Covenant 3 Applications
COV 3: TIMBERBANK: Formal drawings had been provided by the resident. There were concerns about the application now as it transpired that what was thought to be an “infill extension” was actually a free standing concrete shed which would be situated at the front of the house. Covenant Three approval could not be given for this application – the Clerk was to update the resident accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
GBC 20161071: 14 TIMBERBANK: ERECTION OF A CONCRETE SHED FOR USE AS STORAGE IN THE FRONT GARDEN. After much discussion, it was agreed that VPC would object as follows: