Department of the Army
110 FairWay dr.
Grapevine, TEXAS 76051
Grapevine Lake Hunting Program
Dear Hunter:
Congratulations, you have been selected for the lottery DEER HUNT at Grapevine Lake and have been issued a permit with the applicable timeframe you are allowed to hunt. Please take the time to review the information enclosed in this packet and make sure that you understand the rules and regulations that pertain to hunting on federal property at Grapevine Lake. Please keep in mind that the rules listed below represent some but not all of the rules pertaining to federal property. Other rules regarding the use of federal property are outlined in Title 36 – Parks, Forests, and Public Property, Chapter 111 – U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, PART 327 – RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PUBLIC USE OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ADMINISTERED BY THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. As you prepare to hunt please review this letter and the other materials accompanying your permit. Please keep in mind that all rules and regulations set forth by local authorities and Texas Parks and Wildlife that pertain to the hunting of game are applicable on federal land and it is your responsibility to learn and understand their rules before accessing federal hunting areas. A brief summary of the rules and regulations set forth by the Grapevine Lake Hunting Program are as follows:
1) Anyone hunting on federal property must wear clothing with a minimum of 400 square inches of blaze orange and blaze orange headgear. Hunters are allowed to take off their blaze orange gear only when actively hunting at a fixed location.
2) Hunters are only allowed to scout or travel on federally-owned property by foot. No all-terrain vehicles or off road vehicles of any kind will be permitted. Any hunter traveling by means that have the potential to cause high ecological impact is strictly prohibited and enforced.
3) The permit that you have is for your personal use only. The permit is non transferable and may not be used by other individuals.
4) Only the individual named on the permit may access the hunting area during their designated period. However, the permit recipient may be accompanied while in the hunting area by person(s), if weapons are not accessible to anyone in the party while on federal property; this stipulation includes weapons that may be located in vehicle(s) used for the purpose of traveling to federally-owned hunting areas.
5) Your permit is valid only for the time frame indicated on the front. Use of the permit at any other time is prohibited. Please dispose of any outdated permits in a proper manner.
6) Please note the proper use of the permits as follows:
a) The vehicle permit must be displayed on the dash of your vehicle. All hunters must place their permit where the name and date are clearly visible. You are still required to display the vehicle card on the dash when you ride in a friend's automobile to the hunting area.
b) The hunting permit must be carried with you in the field at all times along with your state hunting license, Hunter Education (if required) and driver’s license or other id issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
7) Deer hunting at Grapevine Lake is restricted to the areas marked in green on the hunting maps.
8) Shore-based blinds, deer stands, deer blinds, tripods, or any other aid used is not to be left on Corps property unattended for a period of more than twenty-four hours. Any item that has been left unattended on Corps property may be subject to impoundment and immediate disposal.
9) The active baiting of wildlife or the possession on your person or in your vehicle of grain, salt licks, seed, or any other item used to attract wildlife is strictly prohibited.
10) The possession or use of rifles, pistols, or slugs is prohibited.
Please note that if you or anyone with you is caught in violation of any of the aforementioned rules the violator may be subject to a federal citation and you will be stripped of your hunting permit for that year and may be subject to banishment from further hunting at Grapevine Lake barring the District Commander’s approval. Furthermore, all federal, state, and local laws which regulate hunting are in effect at Grapevine Lake.
If you observe any illegal or unsafe activities please notify this office. Your information will be forwarded to the proper enforcement agency for appropriate action. Finally, I hope that you have a safe hunt and enjoy the beauty that the Grapevine Lake Project’s Wildlife Management Area has to offer. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the project office at 817/865-2600.
Jason Owen
Lake Manager
Grapevine Lake Project